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My number 1 game of all times -
World of Warcraft.
My only PC game on my whole list and pretty much one of the only games I use my PC for when it comes to gaming, ever since the beta of wow I've been wrapped up in it, I can't think of a single other game which has wrapped me up so much in it... well there really can't be heh, WoW takes far too much time for other games to get a chance to shine, Played a hunter in Vanilla but when tbc hit and warriors got the ability to dps I turned druid to tank for my guild and been doing so ever since, I've only ever been in 1 guild in wow... well there was some splits and some joining together of others but it's the same base that I started out with. Outside of the game itself I've travelled across all of Europe over the past few years to meet some of the people we've played with, from UK>Belguim>France>Germany came across all walks of nutters during years playing it. Even found a Rogue in wow who happened to live in the same region as me and now 4 years later is my wife and for that... no other game can shine a light.

its me! :o

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