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also it was well hard for me to make a list of just 50 games so I made my list by writing down all the games I loved then reordering them up and down spots based on which I loved the most so here is the complete list beyond the 50 we posted here :)

1)World of Warcraft (PC)
2)Super Street fighter 4 AE (Xbox360)
3)Secret of Mana (SNES)
4)Super Smash Brothers Melee (gamecube)
5)GTA 3 (ps2)
6)Pokemon Yellow (Game Boy)
7)Lylat Wars (n64/3DS)
8)Rhythm Heaven (nds)
9)Super Mario World 2 : Yoshis Island (SNES)
10)Fallout 3 (Xbox360)
11)Tony Hawks Pro Skater 3 (Gamecube)
12)Mario and Luigi : Superstar Saga (GBA)
13)Halo Combat Evolved (Xbox)
14)Elite Beat Agents (nds)
15)Metroid Prime (Gamecube)
16)Forza 3 (Xbox360)
17)Final Fantasy 7 (psone)
18)Star Wars Rebel Strike (Gamecube)
19)Disgaea afternoon of darkness (psp)
20)Secret of Evermore (SNES)
21)Gran Turismo (psone)
22)Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (SNES)
23)Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2 (GBA)
24)Picross 3d (nds)
25)BioShock (Xbox360)
26)Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (megadrive)
27)Mario 3d land (3DS)
28)Tumblepop (Arcade)
29)MGS the twin snakes (gamecube)
30)Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time (n64)
31)PSO eps 1+2 (gamecube)
32)Populous (SNES)
33)Rhythm Heaven (Wii)
34)Illusions of Time/Gaia (SNES)
35)Every Extend Extra (psp)
36)Child of Eden (Xbox360)
37)Professor Layton and the unwound future (nds)
38)Angry Birds Trilogy (3DS)
39)Beatles: Rock Band (Xbox360)
40)Beautiful Katamari (Xbox360)
41)Portal 2 (Xbox360)
42)Tetris DS (nds)
43)Mario 64 (n64)
44)Pikmin (gamecube)
45)Street fighter EX + alpha (psone)
46)Star Fox (SNES)
47)Golden Axe (megadrive)
48)Donkey Kong Jungle Beat (gamecube)
49)Ivy the Kiwi? (Wii)
50)Lumines 2 (psp)
51)WarioWare Inc. (GBA)
52)Excite Truck (Wii)
53)Dynamite Headdy (megadrive)
54)Super Metriod (SNES)
55)Tony Hawks Pro Skater 4 (gamecube)
56)Pokemon Trading Card game (Game Boy)
57)Gears of War 3 (Xbox360)
58)Super Mario World (SNES)
59)Morrowind (Xbox)
60)GTA4 (Xbox360)
61)Professor Layton and the Curious Village (nds)
62)Sonic The Hedgehog (megadrive)
63)Xmen Vs street fighter (Arcade)
64)Final Fantasy 8 (psone)
65)Too Human (Xbox360)
66)Plants Vs Zombies (Xbox360)
67)Pilotwings 64 (n64)
68)Ikaruga (gamecube)
69)Luigis Mansion (gamecube)
70)Doom (SNES/GBA)
71)WarioWare Smooth Moves (Wii)
72)Madworld (Wii)
73)Sonic The Hedgehog 3 (megadrive)
74)Bubble Bobble (NES)
75)Halo3 (Xbox360)
76)Gran Turismo 4 (ps2)
77)Metriod Zero Mission (GBA)
78)Goldeneye (n64)
79)GTA vice City (ps2)
80)Powerstone (Dreamcast)
81)Kuru Kuru Kururin (GBA)
82)Portal (Xbox360)
83)Rhythm Tengoku (GBA)
84)Transport Tycoon (psone)
85)N+ (nds)
86)Flashback (megadrive)
87)WWE wrestlemania XIX (Gamecube)
88)Baldurs Gate Dark Alliance (ps2)
89)Donkey Konga (gamecube)
90)Fzero X (n64)
91)Metroid Fusion (GBA)
92)New Super Mario Bros (nds)
93)NHL hitz 2002 (gamecube)
94)Pokemon Gold (Game Boy)
95)WarioWare Twisted (GBA)
96)Gears of War 1 (Xbox360)
97)Final Fantasy Crystal chronicles (gamecube)
98)Warioware Touched (nds)
99)Fzero GX (gamecube)
100)MGS2 (ps2)
101)Dead or Alive : Dimensions (3DS)
102)Mega-lo-mania (megadrive)
103)Star Wars Rogue Leader (gamecube)

104)Theatrhythm: Final Fantasy (3DS)
105)Lego RockBand (Xbox360)
106)Pokemon Snap (n64)
107)Super mario galaxy (Wii)
108)Harvest Moon 2 (Game Boy)
109)Super Mario Sunshine (gamecube)
110)Star Wars Clone Wars (gamecube)
111)Time Crisis 2 (ps2)
112)Soleil (megadrive)
113)Pokemon Stadium (n64)
114)Super Mario Land (Game Boy)
115)GTA san andreas (Xbox)
116)Streets of Rage (megadrive)
117)Paper Mario 1000 year door (gamecube)
118)Final Fantasy 9 (psone)
119)Adventure Island (NES)
120)Golden Sun (GBA)
121)Chibi robot park patrol (nds)
122)Aquatic Games (megadrive)
123)Pikmin2 (gamecube)
124)Theme Hospital (psone)
125)Tekken 3 (psone)
126)Killer Instinct (SNES)
127)Sonic Generations (3DS)
128)WarioLand 4 (GBA)
129)PaRappa (psone)
130)Time Hollow (nds)
131)Metriod Prime 2 Echoes (gamecube)
132)Micro Machines 96 (megadrive)
133)Advance Wars (GBA)
134)Theme Park (psone)
135)Azure dreams (Game Boy)
136)Enduro (Atari 2600)
137)Mega Man X (SNES)
138)Halo Reach (Xbox360)
139)Gears of War 2 (Xbox360)
140)Sega Rally Championships (Sega Saturn)
141)Rocket Knight Adventures. (megadrive)
142)Wonder Boy 3 Monsters lair. (megadrive)
143)Mega Man 2 (NES)
144)Burnout 2 (gamecube)
145)Zero Tolerence (megadrive)
146)Rez (Dreamcast)
147)Dirt 2 (Xbox360)
148)Street fighter Alpha 2 (Arcade)
149)Aggressive inline (gamecube)
150)Gran Turismo 3 (ps2)
151)Sonic and Knuckles (megadrive)
152)Nanostray (nds)
153)Dungeons and Dragons Warriors of the eternal Sun. (megadrive)
154)Soul Calibur 2 (gamecube)
155)R type delta (psone)
156)Zone of the enders (ps2)
157)Lemmings (megadrive)
158)Star Wars : Rogue squadron (n64)
159)Nightmare creatures (psone)
160)Dark Cloud (ps2)
161)Simpsons Hit and Run (gamecube)
162)Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES)
163)Final Fight (Arcade)
164)Animal Crossing Wild World (nds)
165)Electroplankton (nds)
166)Gran Turismo 2 (psone)
167)Dance Central (Xbox360)
168)Super Mario Land 2 : 6 golden Coins (Game Boy)
169)Super Street fighter 2 (Arcade)
170)Wipeout 2097 (psone)
171)R-Type Final (ps2)
172)Sonic The Hedgehog episode 4 (Xbox360)
173)Samba de amigo (Wii)
174)Dead or Alive 3 (Xbox)
175)Columns (megadrive)
176)World Heroes (Arcade)
177)James Pond 2 Operation Robocod (megadrive)
178)Ring of Red (ps2)

I love games :D

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