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Forums - General Discussion - "Respected" members on this site acting like fanboys on N4G.

Trust me on this. NOBODY on this site acts like somebody from n4g. But I'm still fairly new here so can't say much.

One more thing to complete my year = senran kagura localization =D

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Really, I have no problem with you revealing who these people are. It's not like we're going to moderate them for things they've said on other sites, or sales2099/GeneralMLD would be permabanned by now

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Not cool to tease our fragile community like this.

You probably made a hen out of a feather.

Okay, I'll tell you all who it is. I CANNOT standby and do nothing when my fellow vgchartzers need my help, so here goes...

The vgchartz users name starts with p and rhymes with...ugh....tezus. Here's some of the threads he's created over there:

"Xbox will end the gen IN LAST PLACE HAHA IM ICELANDIC"

There's more, but I think you get my point.

Chandler said:
But Turkish is really no surprise, right? I mean I have seen him upvote PS games on Metacritic that he couldn't have played yet. Just look up Turkishcritic.

Haha trolling Gears and Halo with 0 scores and even better DoA5 on PS3 gets a 10 while the 360 version gets a 0.

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The Jak3D HD one is the best: Best game ever for the best console ever made. If you don't agree with me then you're not a true gamer but a pathetic fanboy.

...and I've defended Turkish on this site before.

We all know who they are
Spurgeonryan and his accolades ;)

Worry not about what everyone else is doing, but instead worry about what you do.

Gaming the system is something some people excel at.  Sometimes amusingly so, sometimes frustratingly so.  But you can't live your life worrying about whether or not everyone else is conforming to the rules or otherwise you'll lead a very unhappy life. 

Eventually people like that will end up being their own undoing. 

Smack stupidity down with facts, logic, reason, and rationality and take pride in the fact that you're capable of doing that rather than resorting to bullshit. 

By the way, none of the names floated so far to me are respectable in my book. People that treat topics fairly and even handedly, I personally respect. People that resort to rhetoric, hyperbole, and outright lies I don't. But that's me.