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Been a great tournament so far. I hope Rooney doesn't fuck up the dynamics of the England squad. Can't wait for the game tonight!

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The Fury said:
kennyrester said:
The Fury said:

We'd prefer to come First, it's against Italy. But based on Spain last night, maybe not. The tournament is tough, that's how the Euros work, I'm guess Spanish fans are currently not liking the idea of having us or France in the quarters because anyone can still win (remember Netherlands and Russia are out), it's not like Spain walked their group. All teams should be afraid of the winners, Germany. :P

Rooney has to start, that's like Argentina not playing a fit Messi. Walcott is our best right midfield but I'd like to see Chamberlain start on that side being subbed for Walcott later, swap pace for pace. Why no on your Walcott view?

I know we had this discussion about Walcott a few days ago (that was you right?) and he proved me wrong, to an extent, but I think in a game that England only need a draw from he could be too much of a liability. How many times has he started for England and been anonymous? Presumably Hodgson will set the team up to play tightly again and the longer the game remains 0-0, or if England get ahead, the more Ukraine will have to press and I think it's then that space will appear behind the defence for him to exploit. 

Probably me, as I am a fan of him (Saints rules). Anyway, depending on how we play, yes maybe but that'sthe problem with England. Why would we play defensively? Croatia last night were against the best international team in the world and yet they didn't just sit on the goal line. 

He's hardly anonymous. He's one of only 10 players in our 20 outfield players that has ever scored for England, Milner and Downing have never scored and he's still only 23. Downing has been in the squad on off since 2005 apparently, uyet to be honest I can't remember any game when I could say 'wow, downing was great in that'. or 'Downing made a difference.'

That said, I do think Chamerlain should start on the right. Get Young in his left position (hopefully he will play better than the last 2 games now Rooney is back), Chamerblain on his good foot where he played a full season for Saints and then swap him for Walcott later to add pace.

Croatia did play defensively, their plan was obviously to not conceed for as long as possible. It wasn't last ditch Chelsea-Barca stuff but they weren's attacking either. They're a very different team to England with different strengths, particularly their more skillful midfield. Hodgson has obviously set them up as a solid, counter-attacking team. There's no reason or need to change that now. I don't know that they should play defensively but I'm pretty sure they will.


I mean Walcott's often anonymous in specific games, not all the time. He's only scored in 2 of the games he's played for England, and has been shite for them several times. Being better than Downing isn't really something to shout about, particularly since he won't start. I think with him in the team England are more likely to win but also more likely to lose and when a draw will do I  don't think it's a gamble worth taking. 

If they go behind then by all means bring him on though.

kennyrester said:

I mean Walcott's often anonymous in specific games, not all the time. He's only scored in 2 of the games he's played for England, and has been shite for them several times. Being better than Downing isn't really something to shout about, particularly since he won't start. I think with him in the team England are more likely to win but also more likely to lose and when a draw will do I  don't think it's a gamble worth taking. 

If they go behind then by all means bring him on though.

It's a shame we can't look at other stats for these international caps, like assists. In our last major tournament we lost, we scrapped through group stage as favourites of the group and then went out a game later. Walcott wasn't even taken to that tournament. Even Messi wondered why he wasn't taken.

What England doesn't have is the type of player Walcott is. A player willing to get ahead of the opposition defence, use his pace to get down the wings to push forward even if it causes offside calls, at least it's pressure. I do not believe any other player does that, think Hernandez for United (different positions but the same principle).


Hmm, pie.

crissindahouse said:
Player1x3 said:

LOL, how sad. When i get attacked or insulted, I insult back accordingly. The only thing you showed (nice sniffing skills btw) was one side of story. Why didn't you show the comments that i responded to? You know, just to see why i actually posted things i did. But no, fuck that, right?

And west berlin comment, i was only trying to make a sarcastic joke, but whatever makes you feel above anyone in any way lol

i couldn't show what you responded to because i only can see your comments if i won't search for the whole "story" for hours in the video comments.

But you went right on to try to make me look like an idiot, right? If you're gonna call me out on something, at least have the common courtesy and try to figure out why i would might post something like that.

but even if you only responded to "assholes", your posts are still very aggressive.

It's nothing compared to some others i've seen, believe me

and a sarcastic joke? i know you tried to explain turkish as well that you didn't mean it like that but it was pretty obvious what you really meant and that it wasn't a joke. if i would say something like that about people from serbia in germany i bet you wouldn't say "ohh i like your sarcasm"

Lmao, i heard 100 times more hardcore jokes about serbia. feel free to say anything you want about it, i honestly don't care. And couple of pages back Andrew made a joke about irish being ginger drunks and everyone understood it was a joke. He even explained it few posts later. And no one rode his ass for 2 pages about it.Because people here can actually understand when something isn't meant in ill will. Except for you of coursse. I already explained million times already

how can this be a joke?

Because you're obviously the most far politically correct, anti-joke, german guilt, literal, serious, anti humor person in human existence, i thought it would be funny to pretend like you're the exact opposite. Like a bigoted, stereotyping German etilist, hence why i said you think hes ghetto low life which is a stereotype for turks in germany. I really don't know how to explain this more simple to you...

i say something in english about a game or so? not even sure what it was and put one german word behind the text because turkish used an italian word behind his text and then you write:

"i like how you believe he understands german because he has to have a turkish ghetto low life in west belin"

yeah sure, sarcasm...

If i knew you were THIS literal, i never would have said anything...damn, you must be really fun at parties

and now let's stop this...

Fine, than stop calling me out in every thread

Nem said:
Why were you nervous? I dont really get the spanish team. Its really 3 countries in one. Much like the english/scotts/welsh beeing nervous for a United kingdom if that team existed. I dont think they could take it seriously...

I can only assume you're castellan if you're nervous. Doubt the others care for anything but to rub it in on the castellans that it was their players/player that carried everyone.

What are you on about? The problem with Spain is the coach, with a good coach you have unity, just check Spain from 2008. Somehow luck or quality of the previous team was enough to offset Del Bosques suckyness during the WC and he won it, but be clear that he is bad, BAD.

Right now, Del Bosque is playing with imaginary 9s and Real Madrid crap... tremble Spanish fans!

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well done spain and italy,both good teams,croatia unluck as a tough group like the dutch

wasn't that spanish goal offside,i mean the scorer was off when the through ball was made,it doesn't make sense to me,no point playing an offside line,haven't the spanish dealt with the germans the last 2 tournament,germans must be itching for payback

about tonight i would probably play rooney and wellbeck,milner and young even though i said drop young a few days ago,lol,anyway it won't be easy playing the home team,hopefully our lads can deal with it,good luck

                                                                                                                                        Above & Beyond

Read that article was funny. Feel the Ukraine coach is just trying to divert the spotlight off his own team. Apparently, England are expected to play in the final, despite the fact that the level of expectation amongst English fans is lower than in any recent tournament. Then there's the fact that Ukraine are co-hosts, have a following that sees the quarter finals as a minimum, that they need a win to seal qualification and their top striker could miss the match with injury whilst England's is just back from suspension.

And yet, according to the Ukraine boss, all the pressure is on England?

My prediction for tonight. France 2 Sweden 2 and Ukraine 1 England 2.

i mean't carroll not wellbeck to start,him and rooney could really bully a weaker defence but rooney and wellbeck play together,wonder what roy will choose

                                                                                                                                        Above & Beyond



that's all pretty funny if turkish himself wouldn't have been highly offended. but i bet turkish is the most serious, unfunny, liberal, not cool at parties, whatever more human as well and not only me.

Turkish said:
Player1x3 said:
crissindahouse said:

harharhar first of all you can bring the old poll results back and not stealing all our votes just because you didn't like  them verstanden?

I like how you just assume he can speak german just because hes turkish and thus must be some ghetto low-life living in west berlin and is unemployed school dropout ;D

You couldve ended your comment there, I find the 2nd part highly offensive.

and the other guys as well who were "shocked" about your post. isn't it funny what nintendopie thought about you if you read your own signature? i think that is funny.


Zim said:

Wow so basically Player1x3 you just got really racist really fast. Nothing in criss's post implied ANYTHING in your reply. You just brought out your own prejudices. 


NintendoPie said:

You really seem to enjoy any form of bashing that you can type up.

btw i responded in this thread to you because:

Player1x3 said:
lestatdark said:
Player1x3 said:
lestatdark said:
No offense Player, but it's rather pointless to argue with you (as shown on many other threads in the past). People show you examples and rational thoughts behind their logics and you just throw them all away because only you can be right.

Forget about what all analysts and people that actually know about football more than you and me said about the Russian team, with Arshavin, Zirkhov, Kherzakov, Dzagoev, Shirokov, Izmailov, etc. Having high probabilities of advancing to later stages if they played their prime as they showed against the Czech. All those people were naive and silly right?

I love the classic ''lol ur dumb, shut up'' argument. Its alright  tho

Wait, aren't you the one using that argument since the start? Whenever did I say you're dumb? I just said that it's pointless to argue with you, as you have shown time and time again. 

No, you do not understand. I always responded with an argument, i never told anyone they're pointless to argue with. I don't do that. I respect other positions and opinions, i do not attack them

but like someone else said, it doesn't make sense to argue with you. you will always try to find a way to say it wasn't meant like that or you got offended and had to reply or what you wrote about me now...