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crissindahouse said:
Player1x3 said:

LOL, how sad. When i get attacked or insulted, I insult back accordingly. The only thing you showed (nice sniffing skills btw) was one side of story. Why didn't you show the comments that i responded to? You know, just to see why i actually posted things i did. But no, fuck that, right?

And west berlin comment, i was only trying to make a sarcastic joke, but whatever makes you feel above anyone in any way lol

i couldn't show what you responded to because i only can see your comments if i won't search for the whole "story" for hours in the video comments.

But you went right on to try to make me look like an idiot, right? If you're gonna call me out on something, at least have the common courtesy and try to figure out why i would might post something like that.

but even if you only responded to "assholes", your posts are still very aggressive.

It's nothing compared to some others i've seen, believe me

and a sarcastic joke? i know you tried to explain turkish as well that you didn't mean it like that but it was pretty obvious what you really meant and that it wasn't a joke. if i would say something like that about people from serbia in germany i bet you wouldn't say "ohh i like your sarcasm"

Lmao, i heard 100 times more hardcore jokes about serbia. feel free to say anything you want about it, i honestly don't care. And couple of pages back Andrew made a joke about irish being ginger drunks and everyone understood it was a joke. He even explained it few posts later. And no one rode his ass for 2 pages about it.Because people here can actually understand when something isn't meant in ill will. Except for you of coursse. I already explained million times already

how can this be a joke?

Because you're obviously the most far politically correct, anti-joke, german guilt, literal, serious, anti humor person in human existence, i thought it would be funny to pretend like you're the exact opposite. Like a bigoted, stereotyping German etilist, hence why i said you think hes ghetto low life which is a stereotype for turks in germany. I really don't know how to explain this more simple to you...

i say something in english about a game or so? not even sure what it was and put one german word behind the text because turkish used an italian word behind his text and then you write:

"i like how you believe he understands german because he has to have a turkish ghetto low life in west belin"

yeah sure, sarcasm...

If i knew you were THIS literal, i never would have said anything...damn, you must be really fun at parties

and now let's stop this...

Fine, than stop calling me out in every thread