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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Classic Final Fantasy (I-X) fans, come post

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Okay, so I was thinking (and I think this is the perfect place to express my thoughts):

Remember a few years back when Crapcom had a rare genius inspiration to make Megaman 9 and 10 with NES-level graphics and level design and it was a HUGE hit? Has anyone thought maybe they should do that with Final Fantasy? Think about it, production wouldn't be hard, as pixel graphics are much simpler to make than polygons and wireframes. There would be no need for voice acting or FMV's, just a simple Final Fantasy IV-VI styled game.

You could sell it on the PSN, WiiWare, and XBLA for cheap, maybe 10 bucks, and make a fortune on it. All the inspiration is already there in the form of FF1-6, so all you'd need is a good team of writers and some programmers to make the game. Voila, a couple dozen people could make this in a matter of months, it'd be super cheap to make and distribute, and it would sell loads thanks to people like us who love the idea of a classic Final Fantasy game.

It's win-win.

I mean, look at it this way:

1 - Finding good writers isn't that hard, I guarantee there's at least three people in this thread who would be willing and capable of making a story for a Final Fantasy game.

2 - Finding good programmers for the project wouldn't be difficult, my younger brother could probably do it (as an example of how much easier it is to program a sprite-based game, not his skill.)

3 - Like stated above, production and distribution would be so cheap it's funny, and the sales would be through the roof. Imagine a 10 dollar game that lasts you 40 hours....assuming the game doesn't suck, the reviews would also be astronomical.

4 - After how much hate XII and XIII got, there would be an entire generation of gamers ecstatic to return to a classic look and feel for the game. you know, turn based, open world. Take inspiration from the first 6 games and you have a winner.

So what would YOU guys like in a game like this? I know what I Want!

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happydolphin said:
walsufnir said:
TruckOSaurus said:
walsufnir said:
one of the greatest moment for me: beating this damn demon wall in IV! i played the fan-translated japanese version and had to reload an old savegame to grind more to beat this hell of a boss!

Was the Japanese version harder? Because I don't remember struggling against that particular boss in FFIV.

it was - square edited ff4 for the us.

A little less awesome than yours, I found this point by point really revealing. I did find IV DS more difficult and even much more interesting (the augment system and namingway sub-quest) than IV on the SNES, probs because it remains faithful to the original (hardtype). Trucks you might find this helpful:

The DS version is definately a lot harder than the US SNES version. The bosses can kill off your team in a couple of hits, so you either need to grind a lot more or test and try out a lot of different tactics to weaken the bosses faster. The boss that made me realise how much skill was required in the DS version was Cagnazzo, the fake King.

Runa216 said:
Okay, so I was thinking (and I think this is the perfect place to express my thoughts):

Remember a few years back when Crapcom had a rare genius inspiration to make Megaman 9 and 10 with NES-level graphics and level design and it was a HUGE hit? Has anyone thought maybe they should do that with Final Fantasy? Think about it, production wouldn't be hard, as pixel graphics are much simpler to make than polygons and wireframes. There would be no need for voice acting or FMV's, just a simple Final Fantasy IV-VI styled game.

You could sell it on the PSN, WiiWare, and XBLA for cheap, maybe 10 bucks, and make a fortune on it. All the inspiration is already there in the form of FF1-6, so all you'd need is a good team of writers and some programmers to make the game. Voila, a couple dozen people could make this in a matter of months, it'd be super cheap to make and distribute, and it would sell loads thanks to people like us who love the idea of a classic Final Fantasy game.

It's win-win.

I mean, look at it this way:

1 - Finding good writers isn't that hard, I guarantee there's at least three people in this thread who would be willing and capable of making a story for a Final Fantasy game.

2 - Finding good programmers for the project wouldn't be difficult, my younger brother could probably do it (as an example of how much easier it is to program a sprite-based game, not his skill.)

3 - Like stated above, production and distribution would be so cheap it's funny, and the sales would be through the roof. Imagine a 10 dollar game that lasts you 40 hours....assuming the game doesn't suck, the reviews would also be astronomical.

4 - After how much hate XII and XIII got, there would be an entire generation of gamers ecstatic to return to a classic look and feel for the game. you know, turn based, open world. Take inspiration from the first 6 games and you have a winner.

So what would YOU guys like in a game like this? I know what I Want!

I've been hoping for this for a while. I think our best hope is that iOS game Square made. If that does well, they might venture more into the classic style. But I wouldn't mind if a team of people got together and made an unofficel FF game. They could name it something different but similar like Mystwalker did with Last Story. Maybe Ultimate Utopia. Anyway if you could get a team to write a good story, it might be something you could sell on PSN, WiiWare, and XBLA.

WiiBox3 said:

The DS version is definately a lot harder than the US SNES version. The bosses can kill off your team in a couple of hits, so you either need to grind a lot more or test and try out a lot of different tactics to weaken the bosses faster. The boss that made me realise how much skill was required in the DS version was Cagnazzo, the fake King.

I also found that I needed to gring much more than usually and stop and slow were incredibly useful against enemies, and I used it alot in the DS version. But all the enemies just seemed alot harder. One thing that is killing me in the DS version is that to get one of the augments (can't remember which), you need to 100% all maps. I think I might have missed an inch of a screen in the tower of Zot or something :P

@Runa. That's an awesome idea. I think the After Years on smartphones and WiiWare, and now in the complete collection, was a good start. Problem with that one I found was that the sprite art was sub-par and I was not happy with that, but I did get pretty far in it. I'm now going to not care about that and play it again, but if they were to do an MM9/10 for final fantasy, I would like a full-production game, only where full-production is less intensive due to technology advancements that we now have since then. I would like a complete and intricate story, excellent art, and everything I would expect from a classic Final Fantasy, otherwise part of me would prefer it'd never happened. If they do it as well as MM9 was done in faithfulness to the original series, I'll be happy.

Oh yes!! A thread about classic Final Fantasy.
What I miss more about FF is the open world. I played every FFs from VIII (....yes, never played VII.......), and even though XII was not a "real" FF I enjoyed it a lot, thanks to the huge world.
A big problem with XIII was that the game was on rail....well, and it was a bad game overall.

(Just to explain, FFXII is an awesome game, but a bad FF)

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Can you remember how amazing FFIX's soundtrack was?


Edit: I don't know how to embed.

Actually, I kinda wish i had a team of devoted programmers and artists, because the novel I'm writing is being done in such a way that it could be translated into a videogame with ease. Imagine a 50 hour action/adventure game in the vein of Link to the Past..available on PSN on Vita?

Just sayin :P

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PS5, Switch, XSX

PS4, PS3, PS2, PS1, WiiU, Wii, GCN, N64 SNES, XBO, 360

3DS, DS, GBA, Vita, PSP, Android

XIII is my second favourite. Am I banned from this thread?

VII will always be, not only my favourite Final Fantasy, but favourite game. No game is perfect, but VII comes pretty damn close.

brendude13 said:

XIII is my second favourite. Am I banned from this thread?

VII will always be, not only my favourite Final Fantasy, but favourite game. No game is perfect, but VII comes pretty damn close.

Yes, leave and ne'er return. 

My Console Library:

PS5, Switch, XSX

PS4, PS3, PS2, PS1, WiiU, Wii, GCN, N64 SNES, XBO, 360

3DS, DS, GBA, Vita, PSP, Android

benao87 said:

I'll just leave this here.

Few moments are as epic as that one. :'(

Poor FFVIII, I really like that one, but so little love from others.


My complaints with 8 are mostly technical. I loved how they wanted to get the most detail out of the backgrounds, but unfortunately this came at them being able to limit map sizes. In FFVII and IX the detail was limited which meant more could be displayed on the screen at once and vertical / horizontal scrolling was used to move the maps. In VIII all maps were complete squares, so you'd be on one screen for 10 seconds then transition to another with a 3 - 5 second load time between them. There were parts where this didn't happen, a few towns and dungeons were zoomed further out so it took advantage of scrolling, but for the most part that was a consistent problem. I don't have a problem with those maps, but they could have taken a lesson from Resident Evil and used their screen buffering method which allowed for those highly detailed pre-renders with no load times. But as it stands, that really bogged down gameplay which always kept me away from subsequent replays.

That being said IV, VI, and VII were probably my favoirtes, with the Original following closely and then IX.

-- Nothing is nicer than seeing your PS3 on an HDTV through an HDMI cable for the first time.