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benao87 said:

I'll just leave this here.

Few moments are as epic as that one. :'(

Poor FFVIII, I really like that one, but so little love from others.


My complaints with 8 are mostly technical. I loved how they wanted to get the most detail out of the backgrounds, but unfortunately this came at them being able to limit map sizes. In FFVII and IX the detail was limited which meant more could be displayed on the screen at once and vertical / horizontal scrolling was used to move the maps. In VIII all maps were complete squares, so you'd be on one screen for 10 seconds then transition to another with a 3 - 5 second load time between them. There were parts where this didn't happen, a few towns and dungeons were zoomed further out so it took advantage of scrolling, but for the most part that was a consistent problem. I don't have a problem with those maps, but they could have taken a lesson from Resident Evil and used their screen buffering method which allowed for those highly detailed pre-renders with no load times. But as it stands, that really bogged down gameplay which always kept me away from subsequent replays.

That being said IV, VI, and VII were probably my favoirtes, with the Original following closely and then IX.

-- Nothing is nicer than seeing your PS3 on an HDTV through an HDMI cable for the first time.