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Forums - Website Topics - I thought we were suppose to be working to return some quality back here?

Carl2291 said:
VGC used to be brilliant for sales.

We had a top 200. We could view sales by console. We had publisher totals. We had graps and charts, that WE could use. We had a prediction league to add even more interest to the sales.

Looking at what we have now, it's bare in comparison.

Add in the above features again, give us an easier/quicker to navigate chart page (dropbox style for Y/M/D), give us Monthly totals and sales discussion here will grow massively.

yes i miss these things i find it harder to look at sales now... i think they were going to do paid accounts did that ever happen... i find it harder and harder to track whats going on in the current layout, everything is to spread out and separate 

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

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Mirson said:
Jay520 said:
Mirson said:

3. Unrelated to the OP, but the moderation here is terrible. You get banned for the smallest things like calling someone a troll or fanboy despite if it's true or not. Also, posting a negative opinion on a certain game causes a ruckus among the community. Back then, you had no fears about disagreeing with the majority and stating a negative opinion on a popular game. Now, you get reported and possibly even banned for saying something negative about a game even if you have played it. I believe Kyliedog was a victim of this. It's like some users can't handle negative opinions and just want a place where everyone agrees that *insert game/console* is awesome.

Sometimes, wording is very important. For example, calling a game a 'piece of shit' has the same meaning as calling it 'a completely unenjoyable experience' but the former is more likely to get the author moderated. People can criticize popular games without moderation if they're respectful. I've recently created a recent thread stating that Assassin's Creed is a bad game & no one got upset at all. I'm curious about what KylieDog literally said to get him banned. The banned was probably fair.

We both know Kyliedog, and we know he back up his claims no matter how controversial they are. He rarely, if ever, states "this game is a piece of shit 2/10". But then again, it was during the dark times of VGC. When a certain user was a mod last year and would ban a lot of people for saying something negative about Nintendo.

@ryan, most of those threads were created before the subforums were born. Not sure if yours was, but I never seen it before the sub-forums. Apologies if it was created before. Anyways, Zucas' thread isn't really discussing music in general; just what was the recent song you listened to. Kind of like what was the last movie you watched. Arcturus' thread is a leaderboard. The post your mind one...well I actually don't like that one. Most of it looks like spam posts. Anyways, I just think having a general movie discussion thread in a movie forum is kind of redundant. I still vote for the elimination of subforums.

You talking about MaxwellGT?  Worst moderator in human existence. He once banned me twice for same post

pezus said:
Jay520 said:
pezus said:
Jay520 said:
pezus said:
Jay520 said:
spurgeonryan said:
No, I made it Official, he just thought it was a good thread. Everything is turned around with you two. Here I am again in this thread.

Jay! Serious face here. You post a reply to almost every one who posts in your threads. Your real goal is to get popular threads. Do not try to trick us and say other wise.

I may have done that one or two times, but that was just to make the thread more personal. If I wanted to be popular, I'd make more threads and make more controversial threads. None of my recent threads have even had the potential to be huge. I was just saying what was on my mind at the time. Look at my recent threads & tell me if they look like they were created with intention on being popular.

I seem to recall you wanting to increase your posts per thread average just recently.


None. Other than my infallible memory. 

It was around the time when you created the "I'm going to fight a fat guy" thread.

Who knows what I said months ago? I don't even remember. I wouldn't consider that 'recent' anyway if you can't even remember where I said it.

It was on your wall. I remember seeing it in the "Friend Activity"

Sure, Pezus. Whatever helps you sleep at night.

I say we just merge all of Spurge's threads into one.

All forums get to this point at some point specially with as many member we have who have developed close friendships. I do agree to some extent that the forums gets polluted with number of useless, mindless threads but on the other hand we also have a number of great threads. It only seems like we have too many spam threads is because it is the end of the generation with hardly have any games. For the most part, we have come to a point it seems where there are more Nintendo fans, and/or majority shares the same views.
VG Chartz is actually one of the better community out there.

On that note, the Forum Topic on the front page should have an Expandable/Collapsible button (instead of clicking the forum "Hot Topics" link), and Filters as well readily available on the front page.
VG Chartz Buddy should also have the option to view in 15 (As is right now), 30, 50, etc.

Around the Network
noname2200 said:
spurgeonryan said:
Maybe gaming threads and elimiination threads along with nsfw threads should be in a seperaate forum that does not show up on hot topiics. If you want them, then you go there to get them. But many forums have those types of threads.

There's already a convenient way to not see them: unclick their filter boxes. My "Hot Topics" omits nearly half the Discussions. If the spam from these areas are a problem, just block them out. Until this thread, I'd forgotten anyone even talked about MMOs here.

Huh, didn't know about that. Problem is, I unclicked some subforums, but they keep showing up on the frontpage. That's the place I need the filter the most.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

Player1x3 said:

You talking about MaxwellGT?  Worst moderator in human existence. He once banned me twice for same post

In Maxwell's defense that was a really really bad post. Like the worst one I've seen on the site 

WiiBox3 said:
I say we just merge all of Spurge's threads into one.

That's why he made the official Nintendo thread.

The Spurge needs his own sub-section in the Forum Hot Topics called Sir Ryantist's Thoughts with daily updates, non-denominational posts, random thoughts & news, etc (or hourly, I guess). Amen.

Would be nice if there was a mobile version of the site. Or an app for Android/WP7/iOS.