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Carl2291 said:
VGC used to be brilliant for sales.

We had a top 200. We could view sales by console. We had publisher totals. We had graps and charts, that WE could use. We had a prediction league to add even more interest to the sales.

Looking at what we have now, it's bare in comparison.

Add in the above features again, give us an easier/quicker to navigate chart page (dropbox style for Y/M/D), give us Monthly totals and sales discussion here will grow massively.

yes i miss these things i find it harder to look at sales now... i think they were going to do paid accounts did that ever happen... i find it harder and harder to track whats going on in the current layout, everything is to spread out and separate 

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog