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Forums - Sales Discussion - Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale will outsell Smash Bros

Kasz216 said:
enditall727 said:
Kasz216 said:
enditall727 said:
Mnementh said:
enditall727 said:
Mnementh said:
enditall727 said:

Mnementh said:

I'm an active RPG-player, and I don't know Cloud/Sepiroth. I thought, that they must come from some FF-game, but I don't know it. Yes, my post wasn't too serious, but my point is that I REALLY doubt, that an FF-game is most-well-known RPG.

SMFH @ the bolded

and there goes your RPG cred


I played FF X, and it was mediocre. Why should I try another entry of the series, if there exist much better RPGs.



*Throws*---(your RPG Cred)--->*out the window*

Ok, do you really have RPG-cred?

Did you ever played a pen&paper-RPG. That's the stuff the videogame-RPGs are designed after, and yet never a VG-RPG could so far deliver the same experience you have playing a pen&paper.

Did you ver play nethack? It's multiple complex features were a rich source of inspiration for many VG-RPGs. If you played nethack some time for serious, you see all the copied concepts in other games.

Did you ever played a MUD? They are great online-experiences. Good MUDs can have a higher complexity than even nethack. And the interaction with other players is rich. MUDs are the nearest you get so far to the experience of pen&paper.

If you answer these questions with no, you might consider, that you are not a RPG-fan, but a Final-Fantasy-Fan (or fan of Final-Fantasy-alike games). There is nothing bad about that. But don't tell me about RPG-cred, if you only know about one flavour of RPGs.

I play ALL RPG's


i play them ALL!!!


EDIT: people, whatever you do, DON'T listen to Mnementh when it comes to RPG's from here on out..

From that sentence i feel like you probably wouldn't know what a MUD is without using wikipedia.

You sorta missed his point in that the type of RPGS you play videogame wise (well except muds) are EXTREMLY limited as far as the whole RPG genre goes.

If you watch a good pen an paper D&D game going, it's somethine else.

Muds tend to be pretty unique too so i can see why he'd seperate them, much more RP as far as RP goes.

that's not the point though

go back and read what he said about FFX and make sure you read it all very carefully

now think about the logic in what he said

that's like me saying that i wont play another Super Mario RPG because a Final Fantasy game is better than it

or i wont play Dark Cloud because Kingdom Hearts is a better game or vice versa

I played Tales Of Symphonia and loved it but didn't really like Tales Of The Abyss too much(i thought it was mediocre) but i still LOVE the Tales Series


I don't see why, all the final fantasy games are pretty similar.

I can see someone playing one and realizing by the themes he wouldn't like the rest.  Final Fantasy games are pretty narrow in scope.  Espiecally all those after 7, they have a certain way of storytelling that tends to drive a classic RPG pro type crazy.

Most the people i know who played D&D first pretty heavily or any kind of oldschool PC RPG tend to dislike pretty much all the final fantasy games, or at the very least all of them past 6.  Usually consdiering 4 an/or 6  "ok".

Like Yatzhee from Zero Punctuation.

if all the Final Fantasy games are "pretty similar" then basically every other JRPG franchise is "pretty similar"

and is that really a bad thing?

they have a certain way of storytelling that tends to drive a classic RPG pro type crazy

elaborate please

and tell me exactly what it is about the FF's after 7 that would drive a "classic RPG pro type" crazy that isn't done in other JRPGs?


and yeah, the majority of the divided FF fanbase usually puts either FF7 or FF6 at the top(FF7 mostly though)

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Kasz216 said:

I don't see why, all the final fantasy games are pretty similar.

I can see someone playing one and realizing by the themes he wouldn't like the rest.  Final Fantasy games are pretty narrow in scope.  Espiecally all those after 7, they have a certain way of storytelling that tends to drive a classic RPG pro type crazy.

Most the people i know who played D&D first pretty heavily or any kind of oldschool PC RPG tend to dislike pretty much all the final fantasy games, or at the very least all of them past 6.  Usually consdiering 4 an/or 6  "ok".

Like Yatzhee from Zero Punctuation.

Not exactly. FF has changed quite a bit over it's iterations.

Food for thought: Shove an apple in your brain

Gilgamesh said:
TeddostheFireKing said:
hmm, its possible for it to outsell SSB, but I think your prediction of it getting over 3 million by the end of the year is very unlikely :/

and I'm agree with Sal, a big part of this games success will be if Sephiroth is there

Like I said if it launches early in the holidays, October/November 3 to 4 million will be easy.

Just like Uncharted 3 :)

Without bundling then I could see it selling 3-4 million lifetime. If it gets some big 3rd party characters like Cloud, Ezio, Sora, or Old Snake then it has a chance of getting to 5 million.

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

not sure if this was posted yet in another thread or even here:

sry can't post the picture here no clue why

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I don't think so, but that's not to say that it won't sell well.

2.5 million I say.

Proud member of the SONIC SUPPORT SQUAD

Tag "Sorry man. Someone pissed in my Wheaties."

"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger

Taking the track record of PS3 exclusives into account, I would say that the game will struggle to break 1 million in sales.

I think a lot of it comes down to the tone of the game. If Sony tries to make it more "adult" then I could see it doing well as it would offer something different from Smash Bros. If it is just Sony's version of SSB with Sony characters in place of Nintendo ones, however, then I think this will be a flop.

I reckon the game could be a hit or a miss.
I'd say there's a slim chance that it could actually kick arse, and it's probably not going to be very good. (Mainly judging on how ambitious the project is.)

I'm just hoping it's not a train wreck at this point.

here are some numbers for you, therefor facts. The only games on ps3 to ever outsell SSBB (I'm counting sales on ps3 alone) are CoD:MW3 and CoD:BO *spits on ground*. This means that between ALL of your ps3 exclusive that I'm sure you loooove sooooo much, NONE of them outsold SSBB, not GoW, not Uncharted, not Killzone, not GT, NOTHING outsold it other than the last 2 CoDs.

Now, for ps3 games that outsold SSBM, you add to that list CoD:MW2 *spits on ground*, GTA4 and GT5.So now, the only games that outsold SSBM are 3 CoDs, a GTA (making this 4 3rd party game) and GT5 the only 1st party game to outsell SSBM. Meaning if you hope to outsell SSBM you need to be a game from 3 of the biggest crazy successful franchises. With GT5 being the only 1st party game and it barely outsold it (outsold it by 400k), knowing that every other Ps3 first party game failed to outsell SSBM, what make you think that a poorly named and unproved new IP will?

Finally, for the original SSB, you add to the list CoD:4, FIFA12, MGS4, and Uncharted 2. Again an other CoD and a other hugely popular franchise (FIFA is ridiculously huge in europe but for some reasons this year's title is selling awfully more than usual and I have no idea why... lol) and MGS4, making it the 2nd PS3 exclusive BUT it had the ENTIRE PS3 lifespan to sell units and despite that it ONLY outsold SSB by 60k units. So if you honestly think that PASBR will be as successful as MGS4 which IMO was the biggest system seller on the system for a while, it would still need 4 years to reach SSB and I doubt the PS3 even have 4 years left. Same result for UC2, if it gets as popular as UC2 (which I srsly doubt), consider the fact that UC2 has been on the market for 3 years, won countless of GoTY awards (something that PASBR wont) and according to today's numbers it only outsold SSB by 20k. So plz answer me this question... Do you srsly think that PASBR will be as popular and will win as many GoTY award as UC2? If your answer is ''yes'' than according to that logic it would still take 3 years (not sure if the ps3 have 3 more years to go) and I think it would also have to be bundled cause I think UC2 was bundled at some point I'm not sure. Than in 3 years, if the PS4 is still not out, after PASBR won all the GoTYs in the industry and after everyone hyped the game as being a unique experience (wont happen cause UC2 was unique at the time with its movie like action, while PASBR is just a clone) than ONLY if all these conditions applied, it would have outsold SSB by a small 20k. (I know its a rly flawed logic, but I still think its a valid way to look at things).

In conclusion, on the entire Ps3 lifespan, only 4 CoDs, 1 GTA, 1 GT, MGS4(after being on the market for 4years) and 1 UC game(by a miserable 20k after being on the market for 3years) outsold the original SSB. And I don't see why or how PASBR could be able to do what no GoW, Killzone, Final Fantasy, LittleBig Planet, Assasin's Creed, Madden, Guitar Hero, Resident Evil or even Uncharted(except for the 2nd) could.

Personaly, I think it will sell between 1.5mil and 2.5mil but I think closer to 1.5. MAYBE 3mil if its bundled. I think the name sounds like a shovelware title, and footages I've seen so far also looked like from a shovelware title (I think it lacked a certain charm and production value that SSB games have but granted they havent revealed much). Their is still a market for it cause obviously alot of Sony fans wanted a game like this for a while, but other than those guys I dont see alot of ppl who would be super interested in buying it. Maybe it will do well in europe cause it seems for some reasons that europeans are huge sony fanboys.

Also, Wii U will be launching around the same time, offcaurse SSB won't be a launch title but KI:U went gold like 6months ago, whitch means that by E3 the next SSB will already be in production  for 6months, MAYBE we will see a small teaser trailer (I doubt it but still possible) or maybe some screens and info. If it happens that would take alot of hype from the PASBR.


What?! I can't hear you over all this awsome! - Pyrrhon (Kid Icarus:Uprising)

Final Ultimate Legendary Earth Power Super Max Justice Future Miracle Dream Beautiful Galaxy Big Bang Little Bang Sunrise Starlight Infinite Fabulous Totally Final Wonderful Arrow...FIRE! - Wonder-Red (The Wonderful101)


Final-Fan said:
Just because "VG RPGs" grew out of pen-and-paper RPGs doesn't mean that they are automatically inferior now that they've gone in their own direction; they're different. And just because MUDs have diverged less from the common ancestor likewise doesn't make them superior.

Really, if you have been around RPGs as long as you seem to be saying you have, and you don't know about Cloud/Sephiroth being from FF7, it's because you were ignorant of that genre when it was making its huge worldwide splash.

I didn't say the RPG-videogames are inferior to pen&paper. But pen&paper defines the area, in which the videogame-genre lives. All RPG-videogames use elements from pen&paper-RPGs, but they may use different elements. And no videogame so far captured the whole experience.

And people calm down. I didn't say I dislike JRPGs (I don't) or I hated FF X. I did not like FF X enough to buy another game from the series. That's not ignorant, there are simply to much RPG-offerings to choose from. If you all say: 'OMG, FF VII is so much superior to FF X' - I might give it a try.

But FF VII doesn't define the genre or is even a unmissable milestone. If you say, what else is a must play? Every Black Isle-game? A entry of the Pokemon-series? Or one of the Monster Hunters? Not to forget Dragon Quest? A Wizardry-title? A MUD? A rogue-like? An Atlus-game? A Fire Emblem or Battle for Wesnoth? A Ultima-game? WOW? Phantasy Star Online? Mass Effect? Jagged Alliance? Gothic? Diablo? I surely missed something important. You can say for all of these, that they define the variety that makes the RPG-genre. So a real player of RPGs should know them all. But nobody does. Nobody really played all these games. So a player with real RPG-cred does not exist, if you define it that way. But as a player of pen&paper-RPGs does no game of these list really surprise me in the basic mechanics. I can see where it comes from. So if you like FF VII very much, that doesn't make it a defining game.


enditall727 said:

I play ALL RPG's


i play them ALL!!!

So you didn't played a MUD, a SRPG, a rogue-like? And you say you played them all?

enditall727 said:

if you are a serious RPG player then you should've owned a PS1 and PS2

you are just a noob to the game(playing RPGs) at this point if you just started playing RPG's this generation

if you owned a ps1 and ps2 while being a serious RPG player then there is no excuse to not know who Cloud and Sephiroth are ESPECIALLY given FF7's status in the RPG world

Yeah, sure I'm a noob toRPGs. I played them before the PS-series existed, but if you didn't play on the PS1 and PS2 you started only this generation, because no RPG did exist before these consoles, no RPG did exist on platforms beside the PS-series. Sure....

I see you are only started with the Playstations to play RPGs and it seems you only touched a little the newer RPGs on the PC. I would recommend every gamer of RPGs to play at least once a pen&paper, but it's not that easy. You need friends who want to try it too, you need a good GM, that the game-session does not suck and you need much time and preparations. But what everyone can do is play nethack - it is free and available for nearly every digital device in the world. Also you should try a MUD. They are basically available for every computer that can connect to the internet and they are free too. I can not recommend a good one to you, as I played mostly german RPGs. You will have to choose one from the list. You may not like them. Hell, if FF is the best in the RPG-world for you, you may hate this. But it will widen your horizon on what a RPG can be.



3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

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