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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Crysis 3 not coming to the Wii U

Well, I guess that means I definitely won`t be buying it. Next generation I am only supporting games released on Nintendo consoles.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

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Barozi said:
UltimateUnknown said:

Exactly how much effort does it take to port a game over to another console? The Wii U architecture couldn't be that different from current gen consoles.

The 360 version of the Witcher 2 took 11 months with a staff of around 100 people:

And PC and 360 architecture is rather similar.

The XBox 360 are no more similar to a PC than the Wii U is.

Realistically, you would (probably) be able to port the game code and scripts for (most) games over to a platform like the XBox 360 or Wii U with a handful of developers in 3 months. Work beyond that would be required if you had to significantly rework the graphical assets ...


On the OP, while it would be unfair to say that Crysis to flopped it had pretty mediocre sales on 2 established platforms and I could see why they would resist releasing the sequel to an unproven unestablished platform. With that said I think it is a huge mistake for them not to port it if they could port it. The additional sales will (probably) easily cover the porting costs and, if it is one of the better FPS on the Wii U, it could easily outsell other versions of the game due to weaker competition in the genre.

^Not to mention that it would create a market on the Wii U, essentially breaking ground for further Crytek business on the platform. Great post.

Why should they develop Crysis 3 to Wii U if they would have to optimize engine for the platform and do many other things which would eat money and time. After all, how many Wii U's will on the market in the spring of 2013 and how many of its owners would care about something like Crysis 3? It's just won't be profitable. I remember they praised Wii U hardware as well as PS Vita. But of course it doesn't mean they will make any games for these platforms.


Bummer to hear that, Wii U definitely needs strong third part support if they don't want to end up in the same software predicament that the Wii suffered from, not sure why Crytek is not doing it, perhaps not enough man power to handle 3 platforms and one platform that isn't out yet?

Obviously if they haven't already it would also take extra time to get their engine up and running on the Wii U so that may be a contributing factor.

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wodanaz20 said:
Carl2291 said:
Silly decision.

Could be the best console version, could use the U-Pad in cool ways, could have the benefit of "high profile launch game" sales.

Some developers really are silly.

i doesnt have the power the same problem was thought when cyrsis 1 was realease like 6 years ago  it was a pc exclusive and it was well recieved also being that the hardware for pc varies and can only be done by the high end wii u just doesnt have the power of the current gen  or at least not enough for crysis

Bullshit. The Wii U's easily powerful enough to run this if PS360 can.


Cold Light said:
Why should they develop Crysis 3 to Wii U if they would have to optimize engine for the platform and do many other things which would eat money and time. After all, how many Wii U's will on the market in the spring of 2013 and how many of its owners would care about something like Crysis 3? It's just won't be profitable. I remember they praised Wii U hardware as well as PS Vita. But of course it doesn't mean they will make any games for these platforms.

They have aleady ported CryEngine 3 to the Wii U.

They have also praised the hardware a few times in the past.

I suspect this is Crytek or EA wanting to wait for the Wii U to build a larger install base and avoid what looks to be a pretty crowded first 6 months.  Could also be that they are putting their resources to work for TimeSplitters 4 for Wii U instead which would probably seem like a better fitting IP anyway.

The rEVOLution is not being televised

Totaldemon said:

lololololol Crysis didn't appear last year behind Riccitiello during his onstage speech at Nintendo's presser

any 1 noticed this before?

or min 59:20

Yes, but what are the real chances of Mass Effect or Dragon Age, either?

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

wodanaz20 said:
Bossman112 said:
is he using a double negative with the Phrase "Not A Fat Chance" ?

its the same as saying slim to none the man who said it is a bit foriegn so his youthinisms arent like completly on the level he ment it like nooo, way

LOL @ "youthinisms".  I think the word you were looking for is euthanasia.

i wish it wasnt coming to consoles, but they have to make money.