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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - New Nintendo Direct - 21/04 - What do you expect?

RolStoppable said:
And the super special surprise will be Nintendo publishing Etrian Odyssey IV in Europe later this year. Hell yeah!

I really hope for that. And Fire Emblem.

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Well the US Nintendo Direct is at 8:30pm, so it starts almost as soon as the Japanese one ends.

I'll watch it but I'm not expecting anything new to be shown. They'll probably just show a bunch of trailers for upcoming games.

Yeah I'm not expecting much in terms of Wii U news they will probably save it for the investor meeting next week. They usually use these to introduce games that will be released in the next few months. There are quit a few titles that land in japan in the next few months that could be showen like B&W2. And maybe titles  that we don't know about. The US will probally be Pandora's Tower and some of the upcoming 3DS games.

Set your hopes on low, there won't be much coming from this.




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Link for the "conference"

Starts in 7 minutes! Go Iwata!

Level1Death said:
Set your hopes on low, there won't be much coming from this.

I'm hoping for a release date or two. If I get that, I'll be happy.

I expect at least 1 game announcement, no matter how big or small the game is.

The only thing that could substitute that is Animal Crossing release date.

It's on like Donkey Kong!®

I forgot, no subtitles. -_-