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Fargo 8.5/10

One of those movies that you can't turn off when you happen to catch it on tv. This time I watched the blu-ray. A very decent upgrade in picture quality, yet the sound benefits most this time. I like these Coen blu-rays, they boot straight to the menu screen. I wish all blu-rays were like that. Minor point, the extras are a straight port from the dvd, in 480p. Still fun to watch as I had not watched them before. The actors describe the Coen brothers as a bunch of stoners that got a million dollars and a camera and decided to shoot a movie. Actually $7 million according to imdb, pretty amazing what they can do with that.

Great characters and acting, it all looks so natural and relaxed. Love how the local cop doesn't show up till halfway through the movie then sorta casually strolls in the right direction, as if a triple homicide including a police officer is an every day occurrence.

I see there is a tv series now based on Fargo, called Fargo... Has anyone seen that?

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I just watched the first episode of Fargo and its really good it has snow and a bit of dark humor they pretty much nailed it..I did not know this was based on a true story so is the movie I guess..I will probably continue watching.

under the skin

sci fi thriller with scarlett she is a black widow or something and you can see her comepletely naked in one scene but you have to adjust gamma and brightness a little bit it was actually funny to watch because I didnt understand one single word those scots are saying and its dark and quit original.


thx 1138

by goerge lucas


Tsubasa Ozora

Keiner kann ihn bremsen, keiner macht ihm was vor. Immer der richtige Schuss, immer zur richtigen Zeit. Superfussball, Fairer Fussball. Er ist unser Torschützenkönig und Held.

Watched The Grey and Prisoners today both are pretty good. I would give The Grey a 7/10 and Prisoners 8/10. Also watched Date Night not so long ago it wasn't that good I give it a 6/10 and Forgetting Sarah Marshal which was slightly better I give it a 6.5/10.

Fargo opens with "This is based on a true story" but in the extras the Coen brothers admit they made it all up. It's just a movie and they wanted to test how far they could go with suspension of disbelief by putting that up front.

The urban legend of Takako Konishi was also discredited in the extras, a Japanese office worker allegedly froze to death looking for the buried money from Fargo in Minesota. (She did go to Minesota, but commited suicide there in a place she had visited before)
The Zellner brothers turned the urban legend into a movie Kumiko, the treasure hunter.

I had just started university when I saw THX 1138, I can't remember much of it, other than I found it quite boring at the time. I might look at it differently nowadays. I can't have seen the director's cut anyway, that didn't come out until 2004.

They grey sounds interesting, my ears perked up when I read the reference quality lossless soundtrack recommendation on

kumiko is on my watch list for months cant find it anywhere..

the wind rises is up japanese audio with subs great !

Tsubasa Ozora

Keiner kann ihn bremsen, keiner macht ihm was vor. Immer der richtige Schuss, immer zur richtigen Zeit. Superfussball, Fairer Fussball. Er ist unser Torschützenkönig und Held.

Around the Network

Still no listing here for the wind rises. UK gets it September 29. The Japanese version is available for import, $82, I'll wait.

Insomnia (Christopher Nolan version) 8/10.
It's a remake, but I can't compare it since I've never seen the original. ($30 for the DVD, too much) It's a great movie regardless. Good story, great interaction between Al Pacino and Robin Williams.
Nolan does a good job simulating the effects of fatigue without making me fall asleep, all pretty recognizable. You can see it's a newer movie (2002) as it looks stunning on blu-ray, great color and sharp visuals as if you can walk right into the screen.

Useless piece of trivia from the extras: They used styrofoam rocks from Star trek TOS to enhance the fog chase scene. Plus they flew in the materials to build the cabin by helicopter, 40-60 trips.

The big Lebowski 8/10.

Another great upgrade in audio and visuals with the blu-ray version, looks better than I remember from my first time watching it in the cinema. The music makes the movie and sounds wonderful in lossless 5.1
Still fun to watch as always, great set of characters, yet I would put Fargo slightly ahead of The big Lebowski nowadays. Maybe 54 Yahs are easier on the ears nowadays than 260 fucks (not a record by any means, according to Wikipedia The wolf of Wall street stands at 569) or it's that I have seen The big Lebowski more often.

Kinda expected this to be in the extras.

Ugh sounds so bad nowadays.

No Country for old men 7.5/10

One of my earlier blu-rays, pre dts-hd ma, linear pcm 5.1 instead and commercials advertising blu-ray at the start. (about as useful as getting your show interrupted with a commercial about the show you're watching...) It looks great, especially the chase at dawn going from darkness into early morning light.
I couldn't remember how it ended exactly, now I know why, the ending is pretty meh. The suspense and characters in the first 90 minutes are excellent however.

SvennoJ said:

Fargo opens with "This is based on a true story" but in the extras the Coen brothers admit they made it all up. It's just a movie and they wanted to test how far they could go with suspension of disbelief by putting that up front.

The urban legend of Takako Konishi was also discredited in the extras, a Japanese office worker allegedly froze to death looking for the buried money from Fargo in Minesota. (She did go to Minesota, but commited suicide there in a place she had visited before)
The Zellner brothers turned the urban legend into a movie Kumiko, the treasure hunter.

I had just started university when I saw THX 1138, I can't remember much of it, other than I found it quite boring at the time. I might look at it differently nowadays. I can't have seen the director's cut anyway, that didn't come out until 2004.

They grey sounds interesting, my ears perked up when I read the reference quality lossless soundtrack recommendation on

Watched a digital HD version so not sure what type of audio it had.  Almost watched it on a projector also but my friends bulb is close to being dead so we watched it on his 50 inch LG instead. 

Chris Hu said:
SvennoJ said:

They grey sounds interesting, my ears perked up when I read the reference quality lossless soundtrack recommendation on

Watched a digital HD version so not sure what type of audio it had.  Almost watched it on a projector also but my friends bulb is close to being dead so we watched it on his 50 inch LG instead. 

I doubt it will be lossless, but praises it for surround sound pressence which should work fine with lossy compression, as long as it's 5.1. I'm pissed at psn rentals, those default to stereo with digital HD movies. I'm cursing the flat crappy sound only to find out you have to manually switch it to 5.1 every time...

Projector bulbs seem to be quite random. My last one died after less than 500 hours. So I put in an older one back in that already had 2000 hours on it (max lamp life according to the projector) That has been going for another 800 hours so far. Maybe I should use up my other old lamps first. They warn they can explode, but the one that died after 500 hours just went really dim. Shouldn't lamps implode anyway...