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tablets could "kill" dedicated home consoles in the future,but only if they are connectable to TVs (optimally wireless) and to controllers (ofc wireless), so that at home they actually can serve as home consoles

Marks said:
No they won't. Why would I want to play a shitty $2 with just touch controls on an 8 inch screen when I could play a great game like GTAV on a 50+ inch screen with a proper controller in 1080p?

Tablets will not kill home consoles, and cell phones will not kill dedicated handheld consoles.

As for the OP, it's too late at night so TL; I didn't see the reasoning for your prediction.

Not to defend iPads however they do have an hdmi output. IMO shouldn't be to long before we get a dedicated "gaming controller " to go along with that hdmi output.

Pack to the op

Now what I would like to know is when has it been acceptable to produce a new device yearly, charge 600$ with no push back? I mean let's be honest ps3@600$ is crazy but it's been what 6 years now?  Now with wii u about to release let's just say @399$ it can do virtually anything an iPad can do, plus give a deep rich library of games, all while receiving every iPad port because of the unique controller, at 200$ less. Not to mention what the other two console makers bring out. This is all based solely at the home. A few massive other hurdles apple needs to overcome would be yearly upgrades, system space even at 64 gigs that's horribly tiny for a device with no sd card slot. 700$ for 64 gig is ludicrous . I couldn't imagine a 256/512 model at 1500$ 

So to be honest no. Just not this generation. Next gen maybe, but they would need to make some serious changes. Changes I just don't see apple making. Sure iPad is a great device.for my family it's a great laptop replacement. However I do see the wii u changing that for me. Maybe to compete in the handheld sector, to bring on a vacation, just not as a dedicated console. 

I rather game on a 92" screen with a 1080p projector with surround sound then on a small tablet. And as I said before:

So I'll need to pay $600 for the latest iPad
Buy a wireless HDMI adapter for the tv. (extra lag?)
Buy a wireless toss link or AC3 adapter for the amplifier
Buy a wireless controller for buttons
Buy a separate network drive for storage
Buy a more expensive internet subscription or pay $1 extra for every Gb over 60 to download new games.
(Buy a separate blu-ray player)

Although might as well go with cables since it will probably need to be hooked to a power adapter when playing a demanding game for hours at a time.

Sounds a lot more convenient then a $300/$400 console...

Even if tablets can easily be connected to future tv's that accept wireless HDMI (still lag?) a tablet with a high-res screen and flat form factor will never be more affordable then a dedicated box with a power cord.

Infinity Blade is shit. Oh hey, it's retarded Epic Games again and we have to show off our shitty decade old engine. We can cram it onto an iPhone and iPad now. Big fucking deal.

Infinity Blade is not good. It just isn't. It's more pointless and boring than Punch-Out!! on the Wii.


EDIT: Yeah, fuck tablets. Fuck iPods and fuck iPhones. I stand by what I said before and hold my head up fucking high.

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SvennoJ said:

Even if tablets can easily be connected to future tv's that accept wireless HDMI (still lag?) a tablet with a high-res screen and flat form factor will never be more affordable then a dedicated box with a power cord.

but somehow people are way more inclined to shell out money for a stylish tablet than for a dedicated box

SvennoJ said:

I rather game on a 92" screen with a 1080p projector with surround sound then on a small tablet. And as I said before:

So I'll need to pay $600 for the latest iPad
Buy a wireless HDMI adapter for the tv. (extra lag?)
Buy a wireless toss link or AC3 adapter for the amplifier
Buy a wireless controller for buttons
Buy a separate network drive for storage
Buy a more expensive internet subscription or pay $1 extra for every Gb over 60 to download new games.
(Buy a separate blu-ray player)

Although might as well go with cables since it will probably need to be hooked to a power adapter when playing a demanding game for hours at a time.

Sounds a lot more convenient then a $300/$400 console...

Even if tablets can easily be connected to future tv's that accept wireless HDMI (still lag?) a tablet with a high-res screen and flat form factor will never be more affordable then a dedicated box with a power cord.

This, great post. 

spurgeonryan said:
archbrix said:
Wow, Moreno. I think you are 100% correct. I can't believe this hasn't dawned on everyone by now. I've read similar opinions in the mainstream media and just disregarded them as rubbish, but when you step back, look at the big picture, and actually take the time to read between the lines, you make a lot of sense.

Are you serious? You think that the Wii U is going to bomb and that the 3DS has decent support gamewise (.co) it's first 6-8 months?

Of course I'm serious, Spurge.  Nintendo is finished for one simple reason:  Pachter says so... and he's certainly smarter than anyone in that company.  And the huge number of downloads for the new Angry Birds Space are proof positive that people just don't care about Mario anymore.

Tablets will be the death of home consoles, just like Moreno said.  They do so much more than just games and buttons are overrated.  People don't want to play dedicated game systems anymore just as people don't bother reading OPs in threads anymore before posting.  Moreno is just ahead of his time with his reasoning.  About 5 days ahead...

I wholeheartedly disagree with the OP.

Lafiel said:
SvennoJ said:

Even if tablets can easily be connected to future tv's that accept wireless HDMI (still lag?) a tablet with a high-res screen and flat form factor will never be more affordable then a dedicated box with a power cord.

but somehow people are way more inclined to shell out money for a stylish tablet than for a dedicated box

They do the same for stylish laptops, but those have never replaced consoles before. Tablets are more likely to replace laptops.