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spurgeonryan said:
archbrix said:
Wow, Moreno. I think you are 100% correct. I can't believe this hasn't dawned on everyone by now. I've read similar opinions in the mainstream media and just disregarded them as rubbish, but when you step back, look at the big picture, and actually take the time to read between the lines, you make a lot of sense.

Are you serious? You think that the Wii U is going to bomb and that the 3DS has decent support gamewise (.co) it's first 6-8 months?

Of course I'm serious, Spurge.  Nintendo is finished for one simple reason:  Pachter says so... and he's certainly smarter than anyone in that company.  And the huge number of downloads for the new Angry Birds Space are proof positive that people just don't care about Mario anymore.

Tablets will be the death of home consoles, just like Moreno said.  They do so much more than just games and buttons are overrated.  People don't want to play dedicated game systems anymore just as people don't bother reading OPs in threads anymore before posting.  Moreno is just ahead of his time with his reasoning.  About 5 days ahead...