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Forums - General Discussion - What do foreigners think of the United States of America?

Knowing some USAians, I know that many stereotypes are not true but also knowing a British citizen living in the US, I know much is true.

First, many of your Republicans (candidates) scare me. They pander to the fears of the masses not how to make your country better.

I do not like the US foreign policies, they are dictator like. Even simple ones like the extradition deal between UK and US is screwed in US favour. US government think they matter in the rest of the world and your generals think they can lead everyone's troops.

Fox News is a disgrace.

Bible belt nutters worry me as much as Islamic Fundamentalists.

Your views on Climate Change are outdated, the fact you call it 'Global Warming' (the term now used by sceptics) is enough to show this, your scientists agree with it, your media doesn't.

Outdated views on gay rights and many rights which contradict the Bible's teachings, you have 'God' as part of your government, yet Jesus taught separation of church and state.

These are only a few really but what makes me like the US is the people. Ignoring the gun crime, violence and plain arrogance. I believe most people in the US to be good people. Living life and protecting their family and lives as best they can. The basic people are just and honourable.

Hmm, pie.

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While I know this doesn't account for all of the US, there are large numbers who fit the bill on the Internet, and who go vacationing in Europe:

* Very loud
* Talk very slowly
* Low education
* Racism ingrained into their psyche:
* Perversed versions of religion; the general take in US Christianity is much more like the strict orthodox Judaism that Christians were originally rebeling against - and throw in some crazy apocalypse theories with Mayans and Y2K.
* Warlike, invade many third world countries - and will lie about reasons (like with Iraq).
* Wasteful (if the world lived like the US, we wouldn't have much time left).
* Very rude manners (will spit in front of you during a conversation and not think anything strange about it).
* Throw garbage on the ground, and even when visiting other countries.
* Think it is incredibly rude to make fun of fat people, but perfectly acceptable to make fun of skinny people and people with mental illness.
* Hate sex in the media, but find violence perfectly normal.
* Spend more time watching TV every day than normal people watch in 2 weeks - and their news media is insane.
* Have an irrational fear of most Asian countries; particularly China and the Middle East. Americans think that China is their enemy.... Which is about as stupid as a country like Germany thinking that Brazil is their enemy.
* Very backwards and counter-productive view of the direction civilization should be taking - economically and culturally - irrational fear of socialism.
* Don't care about your own people, South Central Los Angeles was left to poverty and near destruction for decades; then there was New Orleans.


I do like American music though =P
The US is a big country, so obviously there are pockets of goodness there. I just wish you good people would rise up and dominate over the large bulk of bad ones. There is a lot that the US has to be proud of, but the vast majority of Americans spit all over it on a daily basis.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

Referring to the rest of the world as "Foreigners" in the tread title already says a lot on how people from the USA perceive the world

“It appeared that there had even been demonstrations to thank Big Brother for raising the chocolate ration to twenty grams a week. And only yesterday, he reflected, it had been announced that the ration was to be reduced to twenty grams a week. Was it possible that they could swallow that, after only twenty-four hours? Yes, they swallowed it.”

- George Orwell, ‘1984’

RolStoppable said:
1) Generally low education which visualizes in elections.
2) The average American is not fat, but obese.
3) The basic premise of everything is that bigger is better, hence why people aim to become overweight.
4) Americans think that whatever they do is the best way to do something. Imperial system, my ass.
5) They fail to make basic thought processes which is why they call a sport that is played by carrying an egg in your hands football.
6) Unhealthy level of patriotism, hence why the Xbox 360 sells much more in the USA than anywhere else.
7) Americans know nothing about the world outside of the USA and if they were asked to name a country that starts with a U, they would answer Yugoslavia.
8) Whenever Americans do learn about a country outside of the USA, they decide to declare war on it.
9) Guns, guns, guns. The average American owns as many weapons as the army of Liechtenstein.
10) Public decapitation is more acceptable than showing a nipple.

With the exception of "6", this would summarize my thoughts about the USA, which I am well aware are not always true.

mrstickball said:
RavenXtra said:

In a town of about 10,000 we have around 6 churches. Maybe I'm crazy but that just seems excessive to me xD

In my town of 13,000, we have about 25 churches..

Ooh... Austria tops that easily... >1500 in the whole region, 5 churches in the 'city'... which has about 900 inhabitants... in my village there are 63 inhabitants and we have our own church... damn that devils thing... jk...

on topic:

My opinion of the USA is not very high, so I don't really think much of the people there... in non-urban territories there are the armed nationalists that are worse than Austrias worst Austrian nationalist (not German - though the worst German nationalist was Austrian ;P) ever was, and in the urban territories (New York)... well this pic pretty much summarises it:

Other than that... well prudes, narrowminded folks... ya' know... all those people who live in their neighborhood and think thats the whole world... oh yeah... and look at them wrong and you get threatened to be nuked... or rifled ;P

Like I said, not a very high opinion I have ;P

Oh and what porcupine said... they think the we are the foreigners... but it's like they are from a totally different planet...

Argh... I could stay here the whole day and complain... but yeah, I have nothing good to say so maybe I should leave...

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NintendoPie said:
miz1q2w3e said:
Play4Fun said:
Inferior to Canadians.

No, seriously. Canada is a much better country.

hear, hear!! XP

Seriously, Canada's awesome, it's kinda like the US but without all the religious nuts, obesity, hating others...etc

US, Y U make fun of Canada all the time?? D:

Is it necessary to always say this? It's really generalising Religion. I'm religious but I'm not a huge nut about it. :P I don't think Pokemon are demons or anything. I also don't think that evolution isn't real, :/ is it possible to not say "religious nuts"?

I wouldn't take offense, I don't think it was quite meant as a generalisation. You are not a religious nut, you're just a normal religious person, like most people in the USA.

But for every 10,000 normal religious people like you there is one very vocal 'nut' like Kent Hovind or Fred Phelps who just want to impose their extreme beliefs on everyone they meet. A lot of these people live in the USA and have high visibility because of their views and it is these few that I believe he was talking about, not every religious person.

benao87 said:

With some exceptions (also applies to cities/states) that country is filled with assholes.

Yeah yeah, you can pull the New York ain't Houston, but some traits apply to a big chunk of the population: dumb patriotism, hatred of the French, and the really really annoying conception that if it weren't for them the world, the world! would speak German, which I actually like more than English, pity I quit learning.

Hatred of all things that appears to be communist, crappy film taste supported by Hollywood, and the lack of general knowledge of foreign affairs, are also present, but I think those are not that widely spread.

Now, as I think that mod rules may be slightly softer in this kind of threads, ....I think this is relevant to the disscussion ;)



Awesome!  I live in the Sorry States of America!

Proud member of the SONIC SUPPORT SQUAD

Tag "Sorry man. Someone pissed in my Wheaties."

"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger

For a "First World Country"(this term is shitty and ignorant) their education is really low, most even don't know what the hell is going on outside their neighbourhood let alone their country, thus always going by the stupid stereotypes like "All asians are yellow" "asian = japan" "Europe = Britain" , and when others don't know what is going on in the US of some american pop culture they'd be like "Lol do you live in a cave or something? everyone knows about [something on american tv]" Well excuuuuuuuuseee me princess!


Ignorance , in every sense of the word.

Self centered. People are never responsible of their own action. Difficulty to draw a line between personal liberty and actions that cost too much to others and the environment. Sadly its happening in many other countries, its not just the states anymore. Canada here.