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Knowing some USAians, I know that many stereotypes are not true but also knowing a British citizen living in the US, I know much is true.

First, many of your Republicans (candidates) scare me. They pander to the fears of the masses not how to make your country better.

I do not like the US foreign policies, they are dictator like. Even simple ones like the extradition deal between UK and US is screwed in US favour. US government think they matter in the rest of the world and your generals think they can lead everyone's troops.

Fox News is a disgrace.

Bible belt nutters worry me as much as Islamic Fundamentalists.

Your views on Climate Change are outdated, the fact you call it 'Global Warming' (the term now used by sceptics) is enough to show this, your scientists agree with it, your media doesn't.

Outdated views on gay rights and many rights which contradict the Bible's teachings, you have 'God' as part of your government, yet Jesus taught separation of church and state.

These are only a few really but what makes me like the US is the people. Ignoring the gun crime, violence and plain arrogance. I believe most people in the US to be good people. Living life and protecting their family and lives as best they can. The basic people are just and honourable.

Hmm, pie.