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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Team Meat: “Kinect Is a f***ing joke”

i'm pretty sure everyone who says its useless , didn't even try it.
its fun, Kinect Sports is fun for everyone, thats what it's designed to do, and thats what is doing, so its useful.

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PullusPardus said:
i'm pretty sure everyone who says its useless , didn't even try it.
its fun, Kinect Sports is fun for everyone, thats what it's designed to do, and thats what is doing, so its useful.


It does the same thing the Wii does, only worse.

vlad321 said:
nightsurge said:
vlad321 said:

A rose by any other name.....

Ironic... coming from you.

You either completely missed what I was saying, or you have no damn clue what irony is.

I meant what I said :)

Xen said:
PullusPardus said:
i'm pretty sure everyone who says its useless , didn't even try it.
its fun, Kinect Sports is fun for everyone, thats what it's designed to do, and thats what is doing, so its useful.


It does the same thing the Wii does, only worse.


Seems to me that tracking up to 48 points on a person's body is better than just 2.

Dance Central > Just Dance for example

nightsurge said:
Xen said:
PullusPardus said:
i'm pretty sure everyone who says its useless , didn't even try it.
its fun, Kinect Sports is fun for everyone, thats what it's designed to do, and thats what is doing, so its useful.


It does the same thing the Wii does, only worse.


Seems to me that tracking up to 48 points on a person's body is better than just 2.

Dance Central > Just Dance for example

It loses out with lag.

And your example, I think, is the only one that holds up. Everything else the Wii is more natural in. Wii Sports, for example.

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team meat is a bunch of a$$holes, plain and simple. the reason they think kinect is a joke, is because they arent good enough devs too make a game for it, so they bash it too make them feel better. also wii has quite a few good motion control games that werent dev by nintendo , so once again they are full of shit.





I could care less what some Indy developer says. I will continue to support kinect as long as MS continue to support it with software, which they are.

I agree that they are dickheads, but at least they are being honest about it instead of kissing Microsoft's ass. *Cough*EPIC*Cough*

RolStoppable said:
d21lewis said:
I thought motion controls made Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition a lot more fun......

Depends. It could be argued that the controls were too good and thus made the game too easy, because it was originally designed to be played with inferior controls.

True, the target pratice mini-game was laughably easy in Wii Edition.

Signature goes here!

IamAwsome said:
I agree that they are dickheads, but at least they are being honest about it instead of kissing Microsoft's ass. *Cough*EPIC*Cough*

We can't take your opinion seriously with an avatar like that.

And I hate EPIC too, especially Cliff.