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Rate Microsoft E3

10 29 4.22%
9 21 3.06%
8 62 9.02%
7 58 8.44%
6 83 12.08%
5 100 14.56%
4 86 12.52%
3 84 12.23%
2 40 5.82%
1 124 18.05%
Michael-5 said:
CDiablo said:
2 Of 10 cause I cant give a 1 unless I hated everything about it.
+Gears 3 (game I already knew about)
-Almost everything else

I have been boycotting everything Sony since the OtherOS debacle. As my only HD system MS has underwhelmed me in a huge way. Right now I wanna sell my 2 xboxes and save money for a Cafe for my HD fix(Im not doing that).

What about Halo 1 and 4? Forza 4?

Both MS and Sony fail me this E3...

Not a racer fan, and I do my FPSing on PC's(though I would play 4 if it were available on PC).

Getting an XBOX One for me is like being in a bad relationship but staying together because we have kids. XBone we have 20000+ achievement points, 2+ years of XBL Gold and 20000+ MS points. I think its best we stay together if only for the MS points.

Nintendo Treehouse is what happens when a publisher is confident and proud of its games and doesn't need to show CGI lies for five minutes.

-Jim Sterling

Around the Network

I enjoyed MS conference because it appealed to everyone and covered all areas. There were controller only based games like Halo remake, Gears 3, Halo 4, Mw3, and Tomb Raider. There were hybrid games like forza 4, Ghost recon, Me3, etc. Games that you could use Kinect or controller like Minecraft, Ryse(Just confirmed you can use a controller).There were core kinect only games like Fable Journey and Star wars. They talked about XBL. Then casual games like Kinect sports 2, DC2, Disney Universe, Sesame street, etc.

It wasn't a bad conference at all imo. I could understand if you don't own a Kinect it you may be a little disappointed, but the whole point of the conference was to get people wanting Kinect, core and casual.

smroadkill15 said:
I enjoyed MS conference because it appealed to everyone and covered all areas. There were controller only based games like Halo remake, Gears 3, Halo 4, Mw3, and Tomb Raider. There were hybrid games like forza 4, Ghost recon, Me3, etc. Games that you could use Kinect or controller like Minecraft, Ryse(Just confirmed you can use a controller).There were core kinect only games like Fable Journey and Star wars. They talked about XBL. Then casual games like Kinect sports 2, DC2, Disney Universe, Sesame street, etc.

It wasn't a bad conference at all imo. I could understand if you don't own a Kinect it you may be a little disappointed, but the whole point of the conference was to get people wanting Kinect, core and casual.

Seriously? That would be awesome. Do you have a link?

To me... The MW3 gameplay was BORING. nly liked Mass Effect 3 and Tomb Raider and I still will be buying them for PS3. Too much Kinect with crappy titles like Star Wars, Same mistake as Sony. Too much Move. but Vita rocked hard! and that Uncharteed 3 gameplay was awesome!

I really liked it, though I didn't go in expecting the word.

I watched the trailer for the new tomb raider a few days ago and got bored but I really liked what they showed today. I really hope they tone down her voice and the press x not to get raped was a little dodgy but the camera work was just so amazing. You have cinematic games and then you have that which is just a massive step above. The camera work in that went just so far above and beyond. I wasn't paying attention to the game before today but now it's definitely on my list.

All the better with kinect games blew me away. I don't even like the Tom Clancy games but now I want to play the new one. Th mass effect conversation stuff didn't interest me much but the squad commands look golden, I hope they do more.

The new stuff they're doing with the dashboard lo amazing. I don't like MMA crap, but I have to admit it did look cool. As for the rest, yes please! I can't wait to hear the prices for their tv service. Please MS, give me an excuse to get rid of my cable!

A lot of the kinect only stuff didn't do much for me (except Star Wars ). Dance Central of course looks awesome but I don't have much need for the other games and kinect sports underwhelmed me. What did blow me away was the kinect fun labs. I can't wait unti I get a good chance to play with that. That picture thing with the 3d picture drawing and finger tracking blew me away.

My lowest point was probably the Fable game. I dont have a problem with an on-rails Fable game, it just didn't look fun. Maybe it looked fun for a few minutes, but it just didn't look like a game for me (which is sad because I love the Fable series). At least Molyneaux didn't promise the world so I'll give them that.

Overall, my favorite part had to just be the better with Kinect stuff.

Around the Network

Voted 5, was considering 6 but decided against it

Some good (well I personally don't care for them, but lots of people do) games announced

Kinect games resemble 3rd party efforts in the first 18 months of the Wii. Lots of it was tacked on and unpolished.
No surprises

It was an average showing in every sense of the word. No surprises, no ah-ha moments, few cringe worthy moments, but the most disappointing aspect for me was the sameness compared to last year's showing.

2010: Start out with Black Ops
2011: Start out with Modern Warfare 3 (looked like something outta the Transformers 3 trailer. )

2010: Gears 3 demo
2011: Gears 3 demo (with Ice-T!)

2010: Dance Central
2011: Dance Central 2

2010: Fable III
2011: Fable: The Journey

2010: Halo: Reach
2011: Halo: CE Anniversary and Halo 4 teaser

2010: Forza 4 teaser
2011: Forza 4 teaser

2010: Kinect Sports
2011: Kinect Sports 2

2010: Project Kingdoms teaser
2011: Ryse teaser

Anywho, I just felt like I was watching Microsoft's 2010 conference all over again, and while that's not exactly a bad thing... I just felt like there's was very little to get excited about.

Still, there were some pros:

+Ubisoft's gunsmith was really cool. I thought that that's a great direction for Kinect as far as core game integration goes.
+Yeah yeah... I'm a Disneyland fanatic, so I totally dug the Kinect Disneyland game. I must say though, I would rather just walk around the park then play those "rides". Get the coins! Woo! >_>

And there were some cons:

+The Kinect Sports football demonstration was pretty bad. Scratch that, it was lame-tastic.
+In fact, the whole "actors playing Kinect" thing was bad. "Fist bump!" "We missed the coins, we'll get them next time!" "SEEEET HIIIIIIIIKE!"

But yeah, no high highs, no low lows. It was just... there.


yo_john117 said:
Michael-5 said:
yo_john117 said:
Michael-5 said:
yo_john117 said:
blkfish92 said:
yo_john117 said:
blkfish92 said:
yo_john117 said:

Ummm are you even serious? They don't have to announce a ton of new things to make it a good conference...Sony didn't announce a ton of new games but they still had a hella good lineup.



Halo 4

Halo Remake

Fable: The Journey

Dance Central 2

Gears 3

Forza 4

Kinect Sports 2



Resistance 3

Uncharted 3





And those are just the big ones i'm not even counting the vast amount of other possibly great games.


The thing you NEED to realize is that it all boils down to what you like...and for me both conferences were very solid.

That's ridiculous and "hella's" not a word, onwards you should be ashamed to call yourself a gamer to think microsofts conference was anything but mediocre and generic.

Well this ends our conversation, I'm done here enjoy your mediocracy.

Christ dude thats just so sad.

I seriously can't even comprehend your way of thinking.

Open your mind dude and stop thinking your opinion = fact cause thats just bogus.

blkfish92 - I agree with you. MS announced quite a few games, people are just hating because except for Halo, all the newly announced games require Kinect.

MS made a good press conference, nothing great or special, but it was good. The PS3 portion of Sony's press conference was bad. Not 1 new AAA title, and they didn't even show footage for previously announced PS3 titles (The Last Guardian, Twisted Metal, etc).

People mock MS for having a Kinect focused lineup, and mock Sesame Street and Disneyland, but then what does Sony do? It pulls out Sly... Ryse, is cool, Fable is cool, and so are Dust and Starhawk. MS simply has more, and unlike Sony they announced 2 AAA titles. Both Halo, but still, damn.

I may be wrong but your post looks like you do not agree with him.

IMO BOTH Sony's PS3 and MS's press conferences sucked. However because MS still anounced 2 major AAA Halo titles, it was....okay. Sony however announced nothing interesting.

I was most disappointed by the fact that a lot of games on both HD consoles were ignored. The Last Guardian, XCOM, Project Dragon, Twisted Metal, Agent, Steel Batallion, Rise of Nightmares, and MechWarrior to name a few. I was excepting both developers to talk about more games, instead MS went on about Live TV and Kinect, and Sony went on about 3D TV's and why PSN was down.

Ah ok I see you half agree with him cause he thought Sony's was pretty good as far as I could tell.

I myself thought both of them were solid because they both showed me most of the stuff I wanted to see.

I'm saying that the Microsoft conference wasn't too bad, they had a better showcasing for 360 then Sony had for PS3. However Sony had PS Vita, which I wasn't overall impressed with. So both were bad, you can't say one was better then the other, but 360 and PS Vita themselves specifically were decent.

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So now that all three have had presentations, suddenly MS doesn't look so bad. To me the worst was nintendo, if you are launching a console try not fall flat on your face and sadly nintendo did just that. Sony was boring and they didn't show much for the PS3. MS was too much kinect but atleast the presentation was actually good comprared to the other two.

I chose a 3, let me tell you why in a fabricated statement that Microsoft pretty much gave with their conference:

"Hey casuals, please do come in and play. We really like you and want to bite into your tasty slice of pie. To our core fans who made us what we are today in the gaming space, listen, we don't really have much time for you, and we don't have the internal creative talent, energy, or patience to come up with any other legitimate IP, so here's a couple of Halos so you can shut the fuck up and get off our backs. Soooo casuals, where were we...?"

And the sad part is, most 360 fans will have their tongues wagging at the possibility of more Halo. Because they can be as 1-dimensional as that franchise. Only the minority will realize they are getting shafted. It literally down to Gears of War or Halo now. Anything else that is exclusive is for Kinect, and many 360 fans dont give a shit about Kinect. Microsoft has turned Halo into a COD initiative, with Halo 4 being the 5th Halo in the franchise (including Halo: Wars) to be released on 360.

So seriously, dear 360 owners, are you satisfied with this? Is Halo enough for you? Don't get me wrong, I am not discounting the third party support you have which is extensive but equal to the PS3. And I know Gears of War 3 will rock your planet. But that's all I see from a gaming perspective that makes the 360 more appealing than other systems. So, from a gaming perspective, what is Microsoft offering you to keep you enticed? I don't even have a 360 and I am pissed at Microsoft. You guys made them what they are today, it is such bullshit that you get regurgitated game assets in return. I consider it a low blow, but different people have different standards, which is why I am asking you the question. Are you satisfied with the outlook of your system?