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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Official 2011 E3 Microsoft Thread

deskpro2k3 said:
Where can I see the videos of conference? i missed the microsoft one

I'll be honest, you should just watch trailers, it will save you time for this one. Or look for the Spoiler Free E3 thread, and find a link. 


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So I'm like one of three people who liked the conference?

Kinect was awesome, and I love how committed Microsoft are to it. The improvements compared to last year are immense. 

Voice commands looked awesome in ME3 and Ghost Recon Future Soldier, and the Gunsmith looked really awesome, though I hope they tune that aiming. It's sweet that it isn't on rails though!

Ryse looked awesome! I loved Red Steel 2, and this looks right down my alley!

Fable: The Journey looked a bit cheesy, but all the spells actually looked fun to play with.

Not to mention all the entertainment stuff! I really hope they start bringing some good entertainment to Denmark through Xbox Live, that interface was really sweet!

All in all, I'd say 8/10 from me.

MS conference is kinda lame TBH, sorry. I am really disappointed. There are few instances that is interesting like the Ghost Recon ( kinect), Mass effect 3 ( kinect), Halo 4 but overall it's pretty bad. Honestly, got bored watching it.

Rainbird said:

So I'm like one of three people who liked the conference?

Kinect was awesome, and I love how committed Microsoft are to it. The improvements compared to last year are immense. 

Voice commands looked awesome in ME3 and Ghost Recon Future Soldier, and the Gunsmith looked really awesome, though I hope they tune that aiming. It's sweet that it isn't on rails though!

Ryse looked awesome! I loved Red Steel 2, and this looks right down my alley!

Fable: The Journey looked a bit cheesy, but all the spells actually looked fun to play with.

Not to mention all the entertainment stuff! I really hope they start bringing some good entertainment to Denmark through Xbox Live, that interface was really sweet!

All in all, I'd say 8/10 from me.

What you have has a name......brain tumor.

Kidding. But oh, that leaked list was right.

And I though it was awful. But hey I understand it is the best choice for MS commercially.

It gets worse the more I think about it...

Well, actually, it wasn't catered for me. The content looked good for the audience. I'm not that audience, obviously. But I wish whoever gets these games that they'll enjoy them, I'm sure they will

Still would've been nice to have more playtests though...


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

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Well, at least the Zune dashboard looks good.

CPU: Ryzen 7950X
Motherboard: MSI MEG X670E GODLIKE
SSD: Kingston FURY Renegade 4TB
Gaming Console: PLAYSTATION 5
Rainbird said:

So I'm like one of three people who liked the conference?

Well, if you included me in that I have to add, that I probably would be more critical of the conference ,if it had been about my console of choice, as there was not much that really catered to my tastes there.

P.S. My definition of exclusive:
Only available on ONE platform (PC IS COUNTED AS A PLATFORM >_>):

Microsofts 2011 exclusive line up (Not counting Kinect only games..):
Gears 3 (Not yet out)
Forza 3 (Not yet out)

Sonys 2011 exclusive line up (Not counting Move only games..):
Killzone 3
Motorstorm Apocalypse
Infamous 2 (Not yet out)
Twisted Metal (Not yet out)
Resistance 3 (Not yet out)
Uncharted 3 (Not yet out)

Why is it like this? What the fuck? We even got The Last Guardian delayed xD.
Next year..

Halo 4
Halo 1 remake.. (or was this 2011? Should I even count it?)

The Last Guardian
ICO & SOTC Collection (Im counting Halo 1 aren't I? Although Halo 1 is remade and this is just remastered in HD I believe. Whatever wont make no difference regardless :p)
^And that is with no Killzone 4, God of War 4, Gran Turismo 6 at sight.

Sony just has to show 4-5 trailers of their upcoming games, and they got this in the bag. Can they possibly even talk as much about PS Move and 3D like freaking MS did with Kinect? Highly doubt it. Although yeah the NGP will most likely cover it. They still got enough games lmao.

Aldro said:

Microsofts 2011 exclusive line up (Not counting Kinect only games..):
Forza 3 (Not yet out)

I thought Forza 3 came out in 2009? That's when I bought it. ;-p

Anyway, for people interested in the Halo Remake, you'll be able to switch between the new graphics and the classic graphics on the fly.!/DavidEllis/statuses/77806803802529792

David Ellis
And yes, you can switch between classic & new graphics in real time in Halo: Anniversary.

starcraft: "I and every PS3 fanboy alive are waiting for Versus more than FFXIII.
Me since the games were revealed, the fanboys since E3."

Skeeuk: "playstation 3 is the ultimate in gaming acceleration"

smbu2000 said:
Aldro said:

Microsofts 2011 exclusive line up (Not counting Kinect only games..):
Forza 3 (Not yet out)

I thought Forza 3 came out in 2009? That's when I bought it. ;-p

Anyway, for people interested in the Halo Remake, you'll be able to switch between the new graphics and the classic graphics on the fly.!/DavidEllis/statuses/77806803802529792

David Ellis
And yes, you can switch between classic & new graphics in real time in Halo: Anniversary.

That's pretty cool, didn't know you could do that.