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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Official 2011 E3 Microsoft Thread

yo_john117 said:
Rainbird said:
yo_john117 said:
Rainbird said:
yo_john117 said:

Haha I meant do you usually like what the majority of people like in video games....cause I think thats the key most gamers on this site like niche games so of course they won't be pleased with what happened here but if your a mainstream gamer (aka like Halo, Fable, Dance game, COD, and other big awesome titles) then this show wouldn't disspoint.

I like lots of different games really, niche and mainstream. The Mass Effects, Fables, Uncharteds, Batmans and many others are awesome, but so is Flower, Valkyria Chronicles, Mirror's Edge, Heavy Rain and so on.

Ah so your like me and is ok with virtually every type of game as long as it has quality?

Absolutely. If a game is good quality, there's a good chance I'll like it. Not all supposed quality games are to my tastes, but generally, I don't care what kind of game it is, quality is quality.

Exactly, I wish more people would see it this way.

I see it that way, but the bigger issue with their conference is that most of the game did not look good at all. Outside of Dance Central 2 and the Disneyland game,  I can't see any of the Kinect games shown to be worth spending any time on.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
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yo_john117 said:
Rainbird said:
yo_john117 said:
Rainbird said:
yo_john117 said:

Haha I meant do you usually like what the majority of people like in video games....cause I think thats the key most gamers on this site like niche games so of course they won't be pleased with what happened here but if your a mainstream gamer (aka like Halo, Fable, Dance game, COD, and other big awesome titles) then this show wouldn't disspoint.

I like lots of different games really, niche and mainstream. The Mass Effects, Fables, Uncharteds, Batmans and many others are awesome, but so is Flower, Valkyria Chronicles, Mirror's Edge, Heavy Rain and so on.

Ah so your like me and is ok with virtually every type of game as long as it has quality?

Absolutely. If a game is good quality, there's a good chance I'll like it. Not all supposed quality games are to my tastes, but generally, I don't care what kind of game it is, quality is quality.

Exactly, I wish more people would see it this way.

That would be nice indeed.

outlawauron said:
yo_john117 said:
Rainbird said:
yo_john117 said:
Rainbird said:
yo_john117 said:

Haha I meant do you usually like what the majority of people like in video games....cause I think thats the key most gamers on this site like niche games so of course they won't be pleased with what happened here but if your a mainstream gamer (aka like Halo, Fable, Dance game, COD, and other big awesome titles) then this show wouldn't disspoint.

I like lots of different games really, niche and mainstream. The Mass Effects, Fables, Uncharteds, Batmans and many others are awesome, but so is Flower, Valkyria Chronicles, Mirror's Edge, Heavy Rain and so on.

Ah so your like me and is ok with virtually every type of game as long as it has quality?

Absolutely. If a game is good quality, there's a good chance I'll like it. Not all supposed quality games are to my tastes, but generally, I don't care what kind of game it is, quality is quality.

Exactly, I wish more people would see it this way.

I see it that way, but the bigger issue with their conference is that most of the game did not look good at all. Outside of Dance Central 2 and the Disneyland game,  I can't see any of the Kinect games shown to be worth spending any time on.

Really? I thought the majority of the games looked great...and even if not for me I could see the appeal for different age groups.

I'm gonna come of as a hater- but that was awful. Not even trying to troll. Just really awful- no games having awful.

ǝןdɯıs ʇı dǝǝʞ oʇ ǝʞıן ı ʍouʞ noʎ 

Ask me about being an elitist jerk

Time for hype

twesterm said:
M.U.G.E.N said:
fml the leaked list was BETTER than this! very disappointed and I sincerely apologize if I come off as a hater here. that was just horrible..not a SINGLE surprise...

kingdoms was a friggin fail! wth!?
at least for the fans they have Halo 4 which should be awesome...but DAMN! I think this was worse than last years...way worse

best parts of the show
Halo 4 teaser
to a certain extent TR: heavily influenced by Uncharted it seems but at least it looks interesting..


You do know Uncharted was heavily influenced by Tomb Raider, right?  :-p

I disagree. I would say that Uncharted is heavily influenced by Indiana Jones as opposed to Tomb Raider.

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Even when I think that Microsoft doesn't have what it takes to beat Sony, I think that this weak E3 for Microsoft is a reflection of the secret efforts that the company is already making in building up the release of its next console.

Nintendo is selling their IPs to Microsoft and this is true because:

i thought it was a solid event. it didnt do much for me personally, but thats no reason to hate on it.

"I like my steaks how i like my women.  Bloody and all over my face"

"Its like sex, but with a winner!"

MrBubbles Review Threads: Bill Gates, Jak II, Kingdom Hearts II, The Strangers, Sly 2, Crackdown, Zohan, Quarantine, Klungo Sssavesss Teh World, MS@E3'08, WATCHMEN(movie), Shadow of the Colossus, The Saboteur

was good. Liked it a LOT more than last years ..

The Disney kinect game gave me super monkey ball and nights vibes.. and I can't wait for the forza 4 event tomorrow..

patapon said:
twesterm said:
M.U.G.E.N said:
fml the leaked list was BETTER than this! very disappointed and I sincerely apologize if I come off as a hater here. that was just horrible..not a SINGLE surprise...

kingdoms was a friggin fail! wth!?
at least for the fans they have Halo 4 which should be awesome...but DAMN! I think this was worse than last years...way worse

best parts of the show
Halo 4 teaser
to a certain extent TR: heavily influenced by Uncharted it seems but at least it looks interesting..


You do know Uncharted was heavily influenced by Tomb Raider, right?  :-p

I disagree. I would say that Uncharted is heavily influenced by Indiana Jones as opposed to Tomb Raider.

word to word exactly what I was about to type

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Halo at $40/(£30?) and able to switch between Reach and Classic Graphics is such a good idea!! Should do above 5 mill.

Tomb Raide impressed me the most, would never have thought that .......