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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Official 2011 E3 Microsoft Thread

Guys, RATE the conference here

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Was ok at best imo.
2 new halos and minecraft exclusivity is great, but considering that was basically it...
Also, I like that they are finally implementing Kinect in Core games, but was saddened to see they didn't actually make anywhere you can play the full game using kinect exclusively without it being an on rails game(Ryse, New Fable, and Star Wars Kinect)
Also, is Halo officially a yearly series now lol?

"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." -My good friend Mark Aurelius

The only Kinect stuff I liked was the bing voice search (that actually looks like it can save time), and the possibility of finger tracking. But I'm not impressed that no actual game used the finger tracking, which makes me think it it doesn't work very well...

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

Halo CE and Halo 4 equals WINNING! :D

Didn`t see the whole show, but from the stuff presented, i think that the Disney will be a winner for MS, aswell as Live TV and voice control for Kinect.

Overall, it didn`t seem to be a very impressive show. Strong, no doubt, but not really impressive.

To me Halo 4 stole the MS show!

Didn't get to watch it, but followed the live chat. Nothing to surprising, but sequels to most (all?) their hit games should
put them in good position through 2012.

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yo_john117 said:
M.U.G.E.N said:
fml the leaked list was BETTER than this! very disappointed and I sincerely apologize if I come off as a hater here. that was just horrible..not a SINGLE surprise...

kingdoms was a friggin fail! wth!?
at least for the fans they have Halo 4 which should be awesome...but DAMN! I think this was worse than last years...way worse

best parts of the show
Halo 4 teaser
to a certain extent TR: heavily influenced by Uncharted it seems but at least it looks interesting..


How can you say that? 0_o Kingdoms looked soooo badass.

I couldn't look at kingdoms, can you explain what they showed? How the graphics were?

Aldro said:

Worst conference I have ever seen. NO NEW GAMES ANNOUNCED that are EXCLUSIVES aside from Halo 4 thats due to next year.

You are dead to me Microsoft.

Weren't they always dead to you

yo_john117 said:
Well to sum up that was their best conference since 2008

Disappointments are no new core games but Halo remake, Halo 4, Kingdoms, the new dashboard, Minecraft, Forza 4, Fable all looked hella good.

And damn at some of those graphics in those games!

IMO, 2009>2008>2010>2011

It's one the worst conferences that i ever saw.

I think that for the first time, we will see a Publisher's Conference better than a Console Producer Conference.

For those interested, on gametrailers they will show skyrim next:

Thats what they said anyway

yo_john117 said:
M.U.G.E.N said:
fml the leaked list was BETTER than this! very disappointed and I sincerely apologize if I come off as a hater here. that was just horrible..not a SINGLE surprise...

kingdoms was a friggin fail! wth!?
at least for the fans they have Halo 4 which should be awesome...but DAMN! I think this was worse than last years...way worse

best parts of the show
Halo 4 teaser
to a certain extent TR: heavily influenced by Uncharted it seems but at least it looks interesting..


How can you say that? 0_o Kingdoms looked soooo badass.

wait for real? how? why? where? when? cheese burger? thai fried rice!? (I'm hungry lol)

but no really? badass? what was so badass about that? the CG part was cool and I kid you not I increased the volume and leaned into the screen even thinking it would be something special...but it's a first person melee kinect game! 0_o  and I would like to seemore gameplay of it for sure but that was just beyond disapointing..after seeing the leaked artwork last year I thought it might be an action RPG or action adventure or even a hack and slash or something for the core gamers.

or am I mistaken here? is it not a kinect game? if it's not then there's still hope for it..if not I'm sorry but for me personally it's a huge let down

and I disagree mate, I think last years was better than this E3

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