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Forums - General Discussion - VGChartz! I need your ADVICE on WOMEN!

1.....Get rope

2.....Tie her up with rope

3.....Tie her to railroadd tracks

4.....Get a McRib and go home

5.....What is this about again?

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It is done. Ticket purchased, though i'm not entirely certain it's in the exact same theatre as hers (she actually extended me the offer long before i really had any kind of feelings for her). Figure something could be done to alleviate that matter later on, or not.

by "exact same theatre" i mean the same room. I definitely have the right address. I figured better to go than not. Worst case scenario i see a midnight screening (which i've never done before anyway) of a good movie with zero romantic gains


I'm getting conflicting messages from my roommates, too. One of them brushed off the fact that her friends will be there like it was nothing, but another cringed as if i had kidney-punched him when i informed him of that fact.

The sunk cost fallacy shall be my ally, now. I've sunk $12 into this so far, might as well go a bit deeper sucks, btw. I tend to turn my nose up at any site that isn't Firefox compatible.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

two words for women: f@#~ them :P but OT ,ask her out and make sure you pay 

"They will know heghan belongs to the helghast"

"England expects that everyman will do his duty"

"we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender"


Actually, a movie is a bad choice for a first date, cause you don't really talk, but watch the movie.

Anyway, if you're out with her, check our for signs, like Darth said:

Does she touch her hair when you're around her?
Does she touch her shirt, or scrach a lot?
Can she keep eye contact with you?

etc etc

Bet with Dr.A.Peter.Nintendo that Super Mario Galaxy 2 won't sell 15 million copies up to six months after it's release, the winner will get Avatar control for a week and signature control for a month.

Mr Khan said:

The sunk cost fallacy shall be my ally, now. I've sunk $12 into this so far, might as well go a bit deeper

Please keep us updated. I'm enjoying this thread a lot.

(BTW how old are you Khan?)

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You should just ask her out, directly and with obvious intent. Worse case scenario is that she says no, which may seem bad but is pretty meaningless overall. And if you ask her out with good poise and confidence (or charmingly nervous) the odds of her saying no are pretty much zero. 

The direct way is usually the best

ǝןdɯıs ʇı dǝǝʞ oʇ ǝʞıן ı ʍouʞ noʎ 

Ask me about being an elitist jerk

Time for hype

Mr Khan said:

It is done. Ticket purchased, though i'm not entirely certain it's in the exact same theatre as hers (she actually extended me the offer long before i really had any kind of feelings for her). Figure something could be done to alleviate that matter later on, or not.

by "exact same theatre" i mean the same room. I definitely have the right address. I figured better to go than not. Worst case scenario i see a midnight screening (which i've never done before anyway) of a good movie with zero romantic gains


I'm getting conflicting messages from my roommates, too. One of them brushed off the fact that her friends will be there like it was nothing, but another cringed as if i had kidney-punched him when i informed him of that fact.

The sunk cost fallacy shall be my ally, now. I've sunk $12 into this so far, might as well go a bit deeper sucks, btw. I tend to turn my nose up at any site that isn't Firefox compatible.

Wait... are you saying that now it's a "hey! what a coincidence that you here" kinda thingy? -_-"

and some girls always have backup the first few dates.. nothing strange about it.. don't act they aren't there.. talk to them.. get them to like you.. and get information from them.. if they talk about their friend on how great a girl she is you are on the right way..

12 bucks? ... xD

you have much to learn but we are here for you.... :)


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

Tell her your awsome and that is a fact.  Buy her some pop corn and don't worry so much about paying for women, it will never end.  Get more confident and hit that sh-t.

P.S. clean out the pipes before you go out, calm your arse down a bit and you will perform better if needed.

 GOOD LUCK. there is some good advice in here, make sure to look for the signs. I usually notice the twinkle in there eyes and I know I'm in there. I joke a lot, seems to work.



Here are a few ideas you can consider:

  • "Dates" with other friends present are great. It almost completely prevents any awkward silent moments.
  • Be sure to give her the most attention, but also be sure to talk with her friends. If they like you, it helps a great deal.
  • Remember not to think of this as a job interview to be her boy friend. This is your chance to learn more about her and decide if you think SHE would make a good girl friend.
  • Many women like to take things slow and let feelings build up over time. So do not shift from 1st gear to 4th suddenly with any "is this a date?" comments. If you continue to go out a few more times it will become obvious if they are dates or not.
  • If you have a good time, make sure you tell her you had a good time and that you would like to do something with her again.

Good luck!

In the absence of evidence to the contrary, always assume you have the upper hand.

NNID = RangerOne

Switch = SW-2393-3671-6907

Also mention that you dig giant robots.

I hear chicks dig giant robots.