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It is done. Ticket purchased, though i'm not entirely certain it's in the exact same theatre as hers (she actually extended me the offer long before i really had any kind of feelings for her). Figure something could be done to alleviate that matter later on, or not.

by "exact same theatre" i mean the same room. I definitely have the right address. I figured better to go than not. Worst case scenario i see a midnight screening (which i've never done before anyway) of a good movie with zero romantic gains


I'm getting conflicting messages from my roommates, too. One of them brushed off the fact that her friends will be there like it was nothing, but another cringed as if i had kidney-punched him when i informed him of that fact.

The sunk cost fallacy shall be my ally, now. I've sunk $12 into this so far, might as well go a bit deeper sucks, btw. I tend to turn my nose up at any site that isn't Firefox compatible.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.