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Here are a few ideas you can consider:

  • "Dates" with other friends present are great. It almost completely prevents any awkward silent moments.
  • Be sure to give her the most attention, but also be sure to talk with her friends. If they like you, it helps a great deal.
  • Remember not to think of this as a job interview to be her boy friend. This is your chance to learn more about her and decide if you think SHE would make a good girl friend.
  • Many women like to take things slow and let feelings build up over time. So do not shift from 1st gear to 4th suddenly with any "is this a date?" comments. If you continue to go out a few more times it will become obvious if they are dates or not.
  • If you have a good time, make sure you tell her you had a good time and that you would like to do something with her again.

Good luck!

In the absence of evidence to the contrary, always assume you have the upper hand.

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