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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Morgan Webb rants about Super Mario Galaxy 2, hilariously bad reasons

Lets look at it this way. If Tom Brokaw was reporting on a story one night. About some war the US was about to get involved in. He decides to state his opinion on how can't stand by the decision made by our president. He has a right to his opinion. Now what if you found out that years ago. He was totally behind another president who made the same decision. Yet that time he felt the decision was correct. Even though the circumstance are exactly the same. Wouldn't you want to know why the all of sudden change of heart? Wouldn't you question his opinion. Maybe he doesn't like the new president. Either way it would  make anyone question his credibilty.

That sad thing is these people are our peers. They represent  the world of gaming and gamers. When she can total enjoy games that have childish behavior as in Ratchet and Clanks fart and burp gun. Starring characters straight from a kids Saturday Morning cartoon show. A robot and Kat thing. Yet she can't get with a game that has bright colors and star babies. Ya that's some one I want to represent my hobby to the world. Some one I want to be on TV and talk about gaming issues on Oprah. If we can just finally realize that video game journalism is a joke. A made up job that video games fanboys created to make them selves look important. We be better off. Things like this is another reason why Mainstream media doesn't see video games as art.

Here is another retarded comment. I can't play games like GTA 4 and Red Dead due to their volience, but I love me some Madworld.

Ya retarded just like her opinion.


Just because someone is saying something different. Doesn't mean their point of view is right!

Member Of The Wii Squad: Warriors of Light!

One of the 4 Yonkou of Youtube aka Wii Warlords. Other Members include ThaBlackBaron, Shokio, and Cardy.

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axumblade said:
Metallicube said:

It's funny how Galaxy 2, for being such a great game, gets so much hate from multiple camps.. On the one end of the spectrum, you got the snobby "hardcore" gamers knocking the game for being too "kidde" or snot complex enough or whatever, then on the other end of the spectrum you have the non gamers/old school gamers like Malstrom who knock the game for diverging too much from the classic 2D Mario games or being TOO complex..

No matter what you do with your game you're bound to piss someone off.

That's not just mario. That's everything in life. There is always something that someone will disagree with you on.

Guess ya got me there :/

See I'm actually the opposite stance from Morgan in that the colorful cartooniness is actually part of the appeal of Galaxy 2 to me. Gritty grey and brown games like Gears and Fallout 3 are fine once and awhile (and are actually a couple of my favorite games this gen), but the industry nowadays is just littered with so many of those style of games, that a colorful game like Galaxy 2 is refreshing to me. I think if anything, we need MORE of these "cartoony" games and less of the gritty brown and grey dark games.

axumblade said:
Metallicube said:


@ axumblade: Sure she's entitled to her opinion, and I'm also entitled to my opinion. And my opinion is that her opinion is retarded.

Yeah Morgan, God forbid we should have a cartoony game, because we sure don't have enough realistic, gritty looking, dark games...

The thing is, you guys keep acting like she wants blood and guts. IIRC her favorite game from last year was Ratchet & Clank: A Crack In Time....And I'm entitled to think it's retarded to get offended because 1 person doesn't like a game. This is about as stupid as the "Boycott EA" bullshit that happens whenever EA do something stupid.

I didn't think the original SMG was "ZOMG BEST GAME EVER!" material like people claimed until this one came out and I highly doubt this one will change my opinion on the matter, either.

Also, what's wrong with cartoony? She's saying it's not her thing. Big fucking deal. Kirby is cartoony and I absolutely love Kirby games. Is that wrong? No. It's just not her thing. She did go a little far in the description and that's the worst I can say about what she said.

The fact that is her favorite game is amusingly the biggest refutation of her opinion in this thread.

With the rest mostly just being personal insults... which... eh.  Even if true just makes you look bad.

I've really got no opinion.  Don't watch G4.

Anyone who claims there should be more mature themes in a Mario game needs to get their head checked.  Next they'll be asking for Wind in the Willows to be sexed up.  It's just plain ridiculous.

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hsrob said:

Anyone who claims there should be more mature themes in a Mario game needs to get their head checked.  Next they'll be asking for Wind in the Willows to be sexed up.  It's just plain ridiculous.

she never really said she wanted mature themes just a change in the formula.

axumblade said:
Sempuukyaku said:
axumblade said:

She's entitled to her own opinion. Flaming her for not liking a video game is stupid because it's her opinion, and she never said "Everybody thinks this." In fact, she said that she can see why people love the game, she's just not one of them.

Yeah, and it would even be better if she gave real, NON TROLLING reasons as to why she doesn't like the game. Not just "itz not hardcorrrrrrrez enuff!!"


At least Adam gave legitimate criticisms (camera angles sometimes, and his complaint about the analog stick on the nunchuck). She is not qualified to be working in gaming media if this is how she's going to critique games. That was an A in unprofessionalism and tackiness. 

I do agree that it was unprofessional. But that's about it. 

She's entitled to her opinion (even if as Metallicube says it's "retarded." And I don't see what the big deal is with people even caring that they were hating on a Wii game (even if they did announce it got a 5/5 at the end of the video.)

Well then I think we're in agreement.


She definitely is entitled to her opinion. I'm just saying that the way in which it was expressed makes her come across as flighty, unintelligent, and anti-critical. When Adam asked her about what she thought about the GAMEPLAY MECHANICS, she had absolutely no response.


You have to admit, that in of itself is pretty pathetic. 

axumblade said:
Metallicube said:
axumblade said:
Metallicube said:


@ axumblade: Sure she's entitled to her opinion, and I'm also entitled to my opinion. And my opinion is that her opinion is retarded.

Yeah Morgan, God forbid we should have a cartoony game, because we sure don't have enough realistic, gritty looking, dark games...

The thing is, you guys keep acting like she wants blood and guts. IIRC her favorite game from last year was Ratchet & Clank: A Crack In Time....And I'm entitled to think it's retarded to get offended because 1 person doesn't like a game. This is about as stupid as the "Boycott EA" bullshit that happens whenever EA do something stupid.

I didn't think the original SMG was "ZOMG BEST GAME EVER!" material like people claimed until this one came out and I highly doubt this one will change my opinion on the matter, either.

Also, what's wrong with cartoony? She's saying it's not her thing. Big fucking deal. Kirby is cartoony and I absolutely love Kirby games. Is that wrong? No. It's just not her thing. She did go a little far in the description and that's the worst I can say about what she said.

Ok, so you basically tell me to respect her opinion, while knocking me for having an opinon on her opinion? I believe it's a free country, and I can voice my opinion just like she can voice hers. It's not like I'm saying "she can't say that!!1" Nor am I hating her for having that opinion.. I'm simply saying her opinion is shallow and stupid..

Knocking Galaxy 2 based on the fact that it's too "cartoony" to me is retarded, because well.. it's a Mario game! What exactly did she expect?

I dunno, to me it seems like she's inventing reasons to hate on Galaxy 2. At least Malstrom had a couple decent arguments against the game. Hers are just shallow crap like "ZMOG kiddie!!1" 

I'm just wondering why you're wasting your time complaining about a persons opinion of a game. It's kind of dumb imo to even bother giving this the time of day, much less a thread on gamrConnect.

She stated it's "too cartoony" which means she didn't like the "style" of the game. Same reason she wasn't a huge fan the first one I believe as well. She also said she wanted more diversity in the game which was said in even worse terms. She has a valid point on why she doesn't like the game, it's just poorly articulated.

Well one, I didn't make the thread. And two, isn't that what message boards are about? Voicing your opinion?

I don't know where she gets the diversity thing. There is TONS of diversity in the game. I can however, see the argument they said about how it's in many ways very similar to the 1st Galaxy. Though that's not really a bad thing to me..

Mad55 said:
hsrob said:

Anyone who claims there should be more mature themes in a Mario game needs to get their head checked.  Next they'll be asking for Wind in the Willows to be sexed up.  It's just plain ridiculous.

she never really said she wanted mature themes just a change in the formula.

Mature theme or appearance (which is implied by the claim that it's 'too cartoony') amounts to the same thing.  Furthermore, if Mario hasn't changed formula over the years then I don't know what game has.  

There is nothing stopping Nintendo creating another platforming franchise with a significantly different formula to Mario, but they don't want to mess with Mario too much. There is no point in them changing the formula beyond recognition, it just doesn't make business sense to potentially alienate a ridiculously large fan base.  Stating it should change makes as much sense as saying Mickey Mouse is too cartoony and should change.  No it shouldn't!  If a particular individual feels they have outgrown Mickey Mouse, they should just watch something else.

axumblade said:
Sempuukyaku said:
axumblade said:
Sempuukyaku said:
axumblade said:

She's entitled to her own opinion. Flaming her for not liking a video game is stupid because it's her opinion, and she never said "Everybody thinks this." In fact, she said that she can see why people love the game, she's just not one of them.

Yeah, and it would even be better if she gave real, NON TROLLING reasons as to why she doesn't like the game. Not just "itz not hardcorrrrrrrez enuff!!"


At least Adam gave legitimate criticisms (camera angles sometimes, and his complaint about the analog stick on the nunchuck). She is not qualified to be working in gaming media if this is how she's going to critique games. That was an A in unprofessionalism and tackiness. 

I do agree that it was unprofessional. But that's about it. 

She's entitled to her opinion (even if as Metallicube says it's "retarded." And I don't see what the big deal is with people even caring that they were hating on a Wii game (even if they did announce it got a 5/5 at the end of the video.)

Well then I think we're in agreement.


She definitely is entitled to her opinion. I'm just saying that the way in which it was expressed makes her come across as flighty, unintelligent, and anti-critical. When Adam asked her about what she thought about the GAMEPLAY MECHANICS, she had absolutely no response.


You have to admit, that in of itself is pretty pathetic. 

I agree to an extent. As I said, she has a valid opinion of the game but as you said, she chose to state it in the "flighty, unintelligent" way instead of addressing it in a  well thought out manner. Of course, no offense to anyone in here but I'm sure that even if she said it in the most intelligent way possible, people would still flame her for disliking certain aspects that make the game appealing to them.

Agreed 100%.