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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Morgan Webb rants about Super Mario Galaxy 2, hilariously bad reasons

Well I was pretty shocked at Morgan's obvious bias. I mean seriously if she loves platformers then how can she think Mario is too cartoony? I don't think I've ever heard of or played a photorealistic platformer, unless you'd consider LOZ:TP a platformer it does have some platforming elements but honestly come on its a platformer.

She is sort of right that its all been done before. It is an add on essentially. Their is very little new except maybe the few new power suits.

But what I took from it near the end where Adam Sessler said they gave the game five out of five. That is why I still watch G4. They may have a personally vendetta out for Nintendo and its gamers but they still give those very titles they hate good ratings as they deserve.

Of course I haven't watched X-Play in ages as it has been diluted over the years from a games rating show to previews, hardware reviews. Recently I turned it on and saw a small portion talking about movies.

G4 to me is only good for Reviews on the Run and ElectricPlayground!


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whoops, excuse the double post


@ axumblade: Sure she's entitled to her opinion, and I'm also entitled to my opinion. And my opinion is that her opinion is retarded.

Yeah Morgan, God forbid we should have a cartoony game, because we sure don't have enough realistic, gritty looking, dark games...

Rpruett said:

It is an opinion ya know...

Maybe she is just sick of the same old. (Which is what Mario Galaxy 2 is).   Alot of people I would wager feel the same way.  Perhaps by cartoony she meant...Unchanged....practically identical to every Mario iteration since Mario 64.  On that sense I would totally agree.

It's actually my biggest gripe of Nintendo in general with a good amount of their games.  They run them stale into the ground for years until they finally do something that people wished they had done years prior.  (Metroid for Gamecube was a wonderful welcomed edition....but it only took them how long?).  Games like Super Smash Brothers are practically the same damn game as the one for Gamecube.  Mario hasn't really looked different since Mario  64.  Zelda, I suppose they did have the Windwaker which was a deviation but then back to the same old, same old with Twilight Princess. 

I mean don't get me wrong, still quality games but it does get rather stale, IMHO.

Uh huh, so are you going to apply that same criticism to:






Gears of War


Tomb Raider

Call of Duty

Guitar Hero



Of course you won't. 

SaviorX said:

Oh Lord.

While watching this video all I can do is shake my head. The Wii Bingo board was reeling like a slot machine in my head. Rolling 7s on the trolling...

Like oh my God, like , it was like yea, like , im a fan, but like, i needed more 3D, and like, old giant SD TV, and like im too old and like, its a cartoon like omigosh like, like, the story get rid of it like, yea like ugh, like omg, like know what i mean like yea.

Put a sock in it bitch.

Seriously, it's sad how so called "hardcore" gamers  nowadays seem to go on about everything but that actual GAMEPLAY.. blah blah blah HD TV blah blah story blah blah realistic graphics blah blah mature blah blah story...

Bunch of posers...

I laughed out loud when Morgan said she wanted more "adult" themes in a Mario game.

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axumblade said:

She's entitled to her own opinion. Flaming her for not liking a video game is stupid because it's her opinion, and she never said "Everybody thinks this." In fact, she said that she can see why people love the game, she's just not one of them.

Yeah, and it would even be better if she gave real, NON TROLLING reasons as to why she doesn't like the game. Not just "itz not hardcorrrrrrrez enuff!!"


At least Adam gave legitimate criticisms (camera angles sometimes, and his complaint about the analog stick on the nunchuck). She is not qualified to be working in gaming media if this is how she's going to critique games. That was an A in unprofessionalism and tackiness. 

It's funny how Galaxy 2, for being such a great game, gets so much hate from multiple camps.. On the one end of the spectrum, you got the snobby "hardcore" gamers knocking the game for being too "kidde" or not complex enough or whatever, then on the other end of the spectrum you have the non gamers/old school gamers like Malstrom who knock the game for diverging too much from the classic 2D Mario games or being TOO complex..

No matter what you do with your game you're bound to piss someone off.

axumblade said:
Metallicube said:


@ axumblade: Sure she's entitled to her opinion, and I'm also entitled to my opinion. And my opinion is that her opinion is retarded.

Yeah Morgan, God forbid we should have a cartoony game, because we sure don't have enough realistic, gritty looking, dark games...

The thing is, you guys keep acting like she wants blood and guts. IIRC her favorite game from last year was Ratchet & Clank: A Crack In Time....And I'm entitled to think it's retarded to get offended because 1 person doesn't like a game. This is about as stupid as the "Boycott EA" bullshit that happens whenever EA do something stupid.

I didn't think the original SMG was "ZOMG BEST GAME EVER!" material like people claimed until this one came out and I highly doubt this one will change my opinion on the matter, either.

Also, what's wrong with cartoony? She's saying it's not her thing. Big fucking deal. Kirby is cartoony and I absolutely love Kirby games. Is that wrong? No. It's just not her thing. She did go a little far in the description and that's the worst I can say about what she said.

Ok, so you basically tell me to respect her opinion, while knocking me for having an opinon on her opinion? I believe it's a free country, and I can voice my opinion just like she can voice hers. It's not like I'm saying "she can't say that!!1" Nor am I hating her for having that opinion.. I'm simply saying her opinion is shallow and stupid..

Knocking Galaxy 2 based on the fact that it's too "cartoony" to me is retarded, because well.. it's a Mario game! What exactly did she expect?

I dunno, to me it seems like she's inventing reasons to hate on Galaxy 2. At least Malstrom had a couple decent arguments against the game. Hers are just shallow crap like "ZMOG kiddie!!1" 

I can actually see why someone would find the game too "cartoony" because personally the design (excluding mechanical level design) and colours are not to my liking either (but they do fit a Mario game and it is a Mario game...)

She never makes it quite clear what cartoony aspect she considers irritating though, because if it's the 2D non-realistic aspect altogether, that'd make liking platformers rather difficult.
Then there is also the crap about how this works for her on the DS but not on a home console and by then it's pretty clear that it's not even the style that bothers her. The same old "want a little more from the graphics"... and no, I don't know what she means by wanting "a little more adult". Oh, maybe the wrinkles on that 3D Mario image.

i agree with axumblade its her opinion and she shouldnt be hated on for it.