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Well I was pretty shocked at Morgan's obvious bias. I mean seriously if she loves platformers then how can she think Mario is too cartoony? I don't think I've ever heard of or played a photorealistic platformer, unless you'd consider LOZ:TP a platformer it does have some platforming elements but honestly come on its a platformer.

She is sort of right that its all been done before. It is an add on essentially. Their is very little new except maybe the few new power suits.

But what I took from it near the end where Adam Sessler said they gave the game five out of five. That is why I still watch G4. They may have a personally vendetta out for Nintendo and its gamers but they still give those very titles they hate good ratings as they deserve.

Of course I haven't watched X-Play in ages as it has been diluted over the years from a games rating show to previews, hardware reviews. Recently I turned it on and saw a small portion talking about movies.

G4 to me is only good for Reviews on the Run and ElectricPlayground!


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer