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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Morgan Webb rants about Super Mario Galaxy 2, hilariously bad reasons

forest-spirit said:

I think the funny part about her complaining about lack of mature stuff, cartoonish styles and whatnot is that she's far from mature herself. She's like the 13-year old who pretends to be an adult.

That is exactly what I was thinking when I saw her complaining about Super Mario Galaxy 2. It always seems like the so called "HARDCORE GAMER" always wants everything to suit their needs. Mario games have always been colourful and cartoony looking for years, and Nintendo isn't going to change this just because some people have ego issues in their teen/adult years.

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MaxwellGT2000 said:

I know the whole reason Morgan Webb is popular in the media is because she's an attractive female gamer but man oh man did she go on a Hatfield Award Winning rant on the G4 chat about SMG2.  She stopped using the word kiddy everytime she describes Mario now its too cartoony.

Video here:

And things like that is why I stopped watching G4 and X-Play, take out the humor and the fact they used to have good taste, even with Adam Sesslers Nintendo rants, while being mean he was always funny with it... this isn't funny and she sounds like a dumb blond while doing it "so like this happened and it was so like cartoony I just like can't stand it!"

The last time I checked,people were allowed to have an opinion. If that's what she thought,then that's what she thought.

Raido said:


She makes female gamers look silly... Which is a shame, I know enough female gamers that aren't like that. It looks like she wants to sound cool xD



Yes, that was also another thing I wanted to point out as well. It is people like her who give female gamers a really negative image in gaming.

oldschoolfool said:

The last time I checked,people were allowed to have an opinion. If that's what she thought,then that's what she thought.

Is "opinion" is some kind of a new "idee fixe" of so many people I'm unaware about? Sure, she's entitled to her opinion since it seems I can't influence it, but I don't have to respect it in any way. If I find it dumb, I say it.

I haven't read the whole thread yet. but.

Ok sh's entitled to her opinion. But I can't connect with these type of gamers in anyway.  There "opinions" sicken me. Thats my "opinion". I look at them as people who have lost the idea, or maybe just have a diffrent one, of what gameing is all about. There gaming soul has died. It's sad really.

A real "harcore" , god i fucking hate that word, gamer enjoys ALL good games. And enjoys them for what they are. Or at the very least respects them. Like you would not catch me playing Uncharted 2 or say heavy rain but I can respect them. And I would never sit there bitching about what they are not and I just accept that they are what they are. Move on Webb. You have no clue what makes Mario games fun. They are not for you. Move on.

And I concede this should not make me angry, but it does.

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I stopped playing Mario for the same reasons she mentioned.

I think since Mario 64, which was a great game, the Mario-platformers (except NSMB Wii) were more or less the same.

Mario 64,
Mario Sunshine,
Mario Galaxy,
Mario Galaxy 2

all high quality games, but I think if oyu have played one, there is little reason to play the next.

Somebody mentioned Uncharted, Killzone, Halo or Gears series were always the same as well and I have to disagree. First these series push the technical possibilities for their consoles and I am happy that they do that.
Second they have a different story. Every game tells you a story and for Halo, it is really epic. There are 5 Halo-novels out there and all tell you a great story. I haven't played a Mario since Mario64 (expcet for some gaming sessions with friends), but is he still trying to rescue the princess?

The story, atmosphere and Multiplayer is very important to me and Mario can't deliver one of those three categories.


I am not hating on Mario, if you are into this kiddy (sorry) kind of game and you want to be entertained for some hours I say go for it, pick it up and have fun. It is just not my type of game anymore. Really no flaming here.

Imagine not having GamePass on your console...

DirtyP2002 said:

I stopped playing Mario for the same reasons she mentioned.

I think since Mario 64, which was a great game, the Mario-platformers (except NSMB Wii) were more or less the same.

Mario 64,
Mario Sunshine,
Mario Galaxy,
Mario Galaxy 2

all high quality games, but I think if oyu have played one, there is little reason to play the next.

I listened to this for the sake of being able to participate in this conversation.

That is not what she said. She spent over half the video complaining about the graphics. The cartooniness. She said she was "too old" for something that cartoony. This went on, and on, and on.

morgan webb is hot. lol

what did she expect?

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oldschoolfool said:

morgan webb is hot. lol

llol this is true!

I dunno but I expected you to say something like this

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