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I haven't read the whole thread yet. but.

Ok sh's entitled to her opinion. But I can't connect with these type of gamers in anyway.  There "opinions" sicken me. Thats my "opinion". I look at them as people who have lost the idea, or maybe just have a diffrent one, of what gameing is all about. There gaming soul has died. It's sad really.

A real "harcore" , god i fucking hate that word, gamer enjoys ALL good games. And enjoys them for what they are. Or at the very least respects them. Like you would not catch me playing Uncharted 2 or say heavy rain but I can respect them. And I would never sit there bitching about what they are not and I just accept that they are what they are. Move on Webb. You have no clue what makes Mario games fun. They are not for you. Move on.

And I concede this should not make me angry, but it does.