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axumblade said:
Metallicube said:
axumblade said:
Metallicube said:


@ axumblade: Sure she's entitled to her opinion, and I'm also entitled to my opinion. And my opinion is that her opinion is retarded.

Yeah Morgan, God forbid we should have a cartoony game, because we sure don't have enough realistic, gritty looking, dark games...

The thing is, you guys keep acting like she wants blood and guts. IIRC her favorite game from last year was Ratchet & Clank: A Crack In Time....And I'm entitled to think it's retarded to get offended because 1 person doesn't like a game. This is about as stupid as the "Boycott EA" bullshit that happens whenever EA do something stupid.

I didn't think the original SMG was "ZOMG BEST GAME EVER!" material like people claimed until this one came out and I highly doubt this one will change my opinion on the matter, either.

Also, what's wrong with cartoony? She's saying it's not her thing. Big fucking deal. Kirby is cartoony and I absolutely love Kirby games. Is that wrong? No. It's just not her thing. She did go a little far in the description and that's the worst I can say about what she said.

Ok, so you basically tell me to respect her opinion, while knocking me for having an opinon on her opinion? I believe it's a free country, and I can voice my opinion just like she can voice hers. It's not like I'm saying "she can't say that!!1" Nor am I hating her for having that opinion.. I'm simply saying her opinion is shallow and stupid..

Knocking Galaxy 2 based on the fact that it's too "cartoony" to me is retarded, because well.. it's a Mario game! What exactly did she expect?

I dunno, to me it seems like she's inventing reasons to hate on Galaxy 2. At least Malstrom had a couple decent arguments against the game. Hers are just shallow crap like "ZMOG kiddie!!1" 

I'm just wondering why you're wasting your time complaining about a persons opinion of a game. It's kind of dumb imo to even bother giving this the time of day, much less a thread on gamrConnect.

She stated it's "too cartoony" which means she didn't like the "style" of the game. Same reason she wasn't a huge fan the first one I believe as well. She also said she wanted more diversity in the game which was said in even worse terms. She has a valid point on why she doesn't like the game, it's just poorly articulated.

Well one, I didn't make the thread. And two, isn't that what message boards are about? Voicing your opinion?

I don't know where she gets the diversity thing. There is TONS of diversity in the game. I can however, see the argument they said about how it's in many ways very similar to the 1st Galaxy. Though that's not really a bad thing to me..