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axumblade said:
Sempuukyaku said:
axumblade said:
Sempuukyaku said:
axumblade said:

She's entitled to her own opinion. Flaming her for not liking a video game is stupid because it's her opinion, and she never said "Everybody thinks this." In fact, she said that she can see why people love the game, she's just not one of them.

Yeah, and it would even be better if she gave real, NON TROLLING reasons as to why she doesn't like the game. Not just "itz not hardcorrrrrrrez enuff!!"


At least Adam gave legitimate criticisms (camera angles sometimes, and his complaint about the analog stick on the nunchuck). She is not qualified to be working in gaming media if this is how she's going to critique games. That was an A in unprofessionalism and tackiness. 

I do agree that it was unprofessional. But that's about it. 

She's entitled to her opinion (even if as Metallicube says it's "retarded." And I don't see what the big deal is with people even caring that they were hating on a Wii game (even if they did announce it got a 5/5 at the end of the video.)

Well then I think we're in agreement.


She definitely is entitled to her opinion. I'm just saying that the way in which it was expressed makes her come across as flighty, unintelligent, and anti-critical. When Adam asked her about what she thought about the GAMEPLAY MECHANICS, she had absolutely no response.


You have to admit, that in of itself is pretty pathetic. 

I agree to an extent. As I said, she has a valid opinion of the game but as you said, she chose to state it in the "flighty, unintelligent" way instead of addressing it in a  well thought out manner. Of course, no offense to anyone in here but I'm sure that even if she said it in the most intelligent way possible, people would still flame her for disliking certain aspects that make the game appealing to them.

Agreed 100%.