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Lets look at it this way. If Tom Brokaw was reporting on a story one night. About some war the US was about to get involved in. He decides to state his opinion on how can't stand by the decision made by our president. He has a right to his opinion. Now what if you found out that years ago. He was totally behind another president who made the same decision. Yet that time he felt the decision was correct. Even though the circumstance are exactly the same. Wouldn't you want to know why the all of sudden change of heart? Wouldn't you question his opinion. Maybe he doesn't like the new president. Either way it would  make anyone question his credibilty.

That sad thing is these people are our peers. They represent  the world of gaming and gamers. When she can total enjoy games that have childish behavior as in Ratchet and Clanks fart and burp gun. Starring characters straight from a kids Saturday Morning cartoon show. A robot and Kat thing. Yet she can't get with a game that has bright colors and star babies. Ya that's some one I want to represent my hobby to the world. Some one I want to be on TV and talk about gaming issues on Oprah. If we can just finally realize that video game journalism is a joke. A made up job that video games fanboys created to make them selves look important. We be better off. Things like this is another reason why Mainstream media doesn't see video games as art.

Here is another retarded comment. I can't play games like GTA 4 and Red Dead due to their volience, but I love me some Madworld.

Ya retarded just like her opinion.


Just because someone is saying something different. Doesn't mean their point of view is right!

Member Of The Wii Squad: Warriors of Light!

One of the 4 Yonkou of Youtube aka Wii Warlords. Other Members include ThaBlackBaron, Shokio, and Cardy.