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Forums - Sony Discussion - Project Q - Destined to fail?


What do you think will happen to Project Q?

It will be a success 1 1.69%
It will do well 11 18.64%
Not sure 11 18.64%
It will fail 28 47.46%
This is the worst idea ever 8 13.56%

What do you think?

I see a lot of negativity. People are labeling Project Q as the Wii U equivalent from Sony. Will it bomb hard?

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Depends on your definition of failure. It's not going to sell like a mainline console (or even must-have peripheral) and I don't think it's trying to, either. It's a niche product and if the intent is to be just that and sell a million units or two it could still be successful.

Its gonna be a niche product like Steam Deck or PSVR (or any VR matterfact).

It'll likely sell less units due to its limitation as just a streaming device.

Think of the "Cloud streaming" versions of Switch games - they are obviously the worst versions lol.

BasilZero said:

Its gonna be a niche product like Steam Deck or PSVR (or any VR matterfact).

It'll likely sell less units due to its limitation as just a streaming device.

Think of the "Cloud streaming" versions of Switch games - they are obviously the worst versions lol.

In the case of the Q your using your WIFI to stream your installed  PS5 games to the device and its up to 1080P 60fps which should look alright considering the screen size so while you are correct in that it is a niche product, there are differences between products that target the mainstream and need large numbers to succeed and those that are  targeted at a specific segment of the audience like the Q.

It seems to be targeted at PS5 gamers who like the idea of a PS5 small screen experience and not being tethered to the TV  being able to play their PS5 games in different rooms. now if Sony was after large scale adoption for the Q and tried to push the Q as a fully portable PS5 experience I would be shaking my head along with you and everybody else.

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot

mjk45 said:

In the case of the Q your using your WIFI to stream your installed  PS5 games to the device and its up to 1080P 60fps which should look alright considering the screen size so while you are correct in that it is a niche product, there are differences between products that target the mainstream and need large numbers to succeed and those that are  targeted at a specific segment of the audience like the Q that seems to be targeted at PS5 gamers who like the idea of a PS5 small screen experience not being tethered to the TV by being able to play their PS5 games away from the TV now if Sony was after large scale adoption for the Q and tried to push the Q as a fully portable PS5 experience I would be shaking my head along with you and everybody else.

This sounds even worse considering this exist:

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BasilZero said:
mjk45 said:

In the case of the Q your using WIFI to stream your installed  PS5 games to the device and its up to 1080P 60fps which should look alright considering the screen size so while you are correct in that it is a niche product, there are differences between products that target the mainstream and need large numbers to succeed and those that are  targeted at a specific segment of the audience like the Q that seems to be targeted at PS5 gamers who like the idea of a PS5 small screen experience not being tethered to the TV by being able to play their PS5 games away from the TV now if Sony was after large scale adoption for the Q and tried to push the Q as a fully portable PS5 experience I would be shaking my head along with you and everybody else.

This sounds even worse considering this exist:

Its advantage is it is purpose built for the experience

Last edited by mjk45 - on 27 May 2023

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot

The margins better be good, I'll put it that way.

With the amazing success of Wii U and Vita why not try again.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

BasilZero said:
mjk45 said:

In the case of the Q your using your WIFI to stream your installed  PS5 games to the device and its up to 1080P 60fps which should look alright considering the screen size so while you are correct in that it is a niche product, there are differences between products that target the mainstream and need large numbers to succeed and those that are  targeted at a specific segment of the audience like the Q that seems to be targeted at PS5 gamers who like the idea of a PS5 small screen experience not being tethered to the TV by being able to play their PS5 games away from the TV now if Sony was after large scale adoption for the Q and tried to push the Q as a fully portable PS5 experience I would be shaking my head along with you and everybody else.

This sounds even worse considering this exist:

A dedicated remote play (and most likely future cloud device) is more appealing to some ppl than just using their phone. 

You're either going to need a controller that doesn't have dualsense functionality to clip your phone to, or a flimsy controller clip.

Market for this is niche, I think everyone involved in this project knows that. 

I think so.

Granted it's a niche product, but I can't figure out what that niche is. Who exactly is this for?