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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo's New Fit Game (Ring Fit Adventure™)


Interest Level?

Getting at launch! 9 24.32%
Might pick it up eventually 11 29.73%
Leaning towards no 3 8.11%
Not a chance! 13 35.14%
Other 1 2.70%
Soundwave said:

lol Sonic was a huge deal in the 90s and buoyed the Genesis into contention against what really was Nintendo's monopoly. Sonic balloon at Macy's Thanksgiving Parade was a big deal. You're out to lunch on that one. 

- Top assumes higher than Super Mario Bros 3. Never happened with Sonic and it's very insulting to put Busby and Jim in the same league. Donkey Kong Country, maybe.

Plenty of genres and once popular IP never regain peak popularity. 

Which genres have died? 2D platformers? 2D Fighters? Arcade racers? "Shoot-em ups"? RPG?

I wish more IPs were killed but the truth is, most commit suicide. Many come back once they go back to the fundamentals and the sour taste has left gamers' mouths.

Lots of people got their panties in a wad when other people said Labo wasn't going to be a run-away hit either, and they were correct. 

- LABO was a great idea, still is. I wish I could get $20 for a piece of cardboard.

The whole fad of having 50 different pieces of plastic shit all over your living room (Guitar Hero, giant wall of 300 DVDs, Rock Band, Wii accessories, etc. etc.) in general I think peaked in the late 2000s, it's not "cool" to have so much crap lying around anymore anyway. It's more about minimalism and one device (the smartphone) doing more. Even fitness things like P90X are passe these days. 

- Videogames are for kids. How many minimalist children do you know?

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Bofferbrauer2 said:
curl-6 said:

Previews were fairly positive for LABO as well, I expect similar sales at the end of the day. Not a failure, modestly profitable, but it will show, as if it's not already clear, that the mythical "Wii Fit crowd" doesn't really exist any more.

Labo was more geared for kids, this here is 100% geared to adults. LABO was hard to understand for the general public, but I doubt this here really will. I mean, what part of fitness is hard to understand this time around?

While I don't expect Wii Fit sales numbers, I do think it will do quite a bit better than Labo did. 3M+ LT is my absolute minimum prediction, but I expect quite a bit more, more like 8-10M.

Speaking of Labo, the Varieté kit is down to $40 on Amazon right now...

8-10 million seems highly unlikely to me. 

The product itself just doesn't seem all that trendy and marketable. Something like Wii Fit was elegantly simple and had very effective branding, it was almost iphone-esque in how is sold itself as a must-have lifestyle accessory.

This on the other hand just doesn't feel like it has that X factor. From the name to the look, the branding just doesn't seem catchy or desirable.

I could see it hitting 3 million at a stretch, but that'd be the upper rather than lower bounds in my estimation.

Pyro as Bill said:
Soundwave said:

lol Sonic was a huge deal in the 90s and buoyed the Genesis into contention against what really was Nintendo's monopoly. Sonic balloon at Macy's Thanksgiving Parade was a big deal. You're out to lunch on that one. 

- Top assumes higher than Super Mario Bros 3. Never happened with Sonic and it's very insulting to put Busby and Jim in the same league. Donkey Kong Country, maybe.

Plenty of genres and once popular IP never regain peak popularity. 

Which genres have died? 2D platformers? 2D Fighters? Arcade racers? "Shoot-em ups"? RPG?

I wish more IPs were killed but the truth is, most commit suicide. Many come back once they go back to the fundamentals and the sour taste has left gamers' mouths.

Lots of people got their panties in a wad when other people said Labo wasn't going to be a run-away hit either, and they were correct. 

- LABO was a great idea, still is. I wish I could get $20 for a piece of cardboard.

The whole fad of having 50 different pieces of plastic shit all over your living room (Guitar Hero, giant wall of 300 DVDs, Rock Band, Wii accessories, etc. etc.) in general I think peaked in the late 2000s, it's not "cool" to have so much crap lying around anymore anyway. It's more about minimalism and one device (the smartphone) doing more. Even fitness things like P90X are passe these days. 

- Videogames are for kids. How many minimalist children do you know?

So basically any franchise that you don't like was never popular anyway. Ok, great logic. Apparently you were in a coma from 1991-1994 as well when Sonic was clearly one of the most popular characters in gaming. I remember even reading that at one point Sonic had overtaken Mario in popularity during that period. Not to mention you couldn't freaking watch TV for more than 10 minutes before seeing a Sega Blast Processing commercial with Sonic in it. 

The point is saying everything can bounce back because Super Mario Bros. did it is just a dumb statement. It's like saying every film 40 year old film franchise can bounce back and make $2 billion dollars because The Force Awakens did it, so it means "Jaws Awakens" or "Godfather Awakens" could do similar business. Uh ... hell no. 

Labo was not a big success. Bottom line. And nothing even close to the Wii/Brain Training era of successes. Couldn't be any further away, Labo kits are sitting collecting dust in discount bins, I don't think the initial shipment in Japan even sold through, lol. 

Video games are for kids ... and adults. This is also a "fitness game" and fitness trends change too. Again how many fitness fads have come back into vogue lately? P90X the new hot thing still? How about the Thigh Master? Seeing any commercials for 8 Minute Abs these days? Ab Doer? Nope. Women still lining up to buy Jane Fonda aerobics videos? Nope. Because fitness fads are "fads" for a reason ... people move on from them and want to try something new and different. Thinking a video game can make you lose weight went out of style almost a decade ago now. 

Bubsy was btw a GOTY candidate for 1994 up there with DKC. 

Last edited by Soundwave - on 14 September 2019

Soundwave said:
Bofferbrauer2 said:

No small wonder if nobody makes them anymore out of the big companies except Nintendo. And just look how successful the indies are: Shovel Knight, Shantae (though that one has shades of Metroidvania as well) are pretty big sellers for indie titles.

Wii Fit U flopped since everybody thought the Wii U was just a tablet add-on of the Wii and way overpriced for that. Casuals continued to buy the Wii for their fitness instead. Iirc Wii Fit Plus still sold on par to Wii Fit U the year the latter got released, and the Wii was long dead already by that point.

There are plenty of 2D platformers that have been released over the years recently, like Sonic and other IP. SMB is a genre exception in sales, hardly a norm. 

Wii Fit was passe and out of style by 2012 largely anyway. Like most fitness fads, people move on after about 3-5 years. 

Anyone still doing 8 Minute Abs? About Ab-Doer? Thigh Master? Home Aerobics Tapes? Tae Bo? P90X? Shake Weight? Atkins Diet? 

Fitness fads come and go all the time, I think the whole "lose weight playing video games with some plastic shit!" craze largely had its time in the sun. 

People have moved on from that. By and large too I think most people really didn't lose much weight from Wii Fit. A few who stuck with it did, but the majority of fat people who bought it probably are still fat today ... and looking for some new fad. 

Yeah, I forgot Sonic Mania. Now, outside of Super Mario Bros (including Mario Maker), Shantae, Shovel Knight and Sonic Mania, what other 2D Jump'n run can you name?

At bolded: Well, there's your problem. See your hypocrisy? You say it comes and goes, yet state right after that that people moved on from it, with the clear implication that it never comes back, contradicting your previous sentence in the process.

Oh, and for what it's worth, my wife is still (or, dare I say, again) on an Atkins Diet...

I'll say this though, I do like that they've made it a new IP instead of just "Switch Fit" featuring the Wii Fit trainer or "Mario Ring Fitness."
Whatever else Nintendo can be accused of, between this and LABO, it certainly can't be said they don't make creative new IPs,

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Soundwave said:
Pyro as Bill said:

Pssssttt. Wii Tennis is Pong.

Edit: Sonic was never considered the top IP in the business....ever. Barely recognise the other IPs you mentioned so I'll just assume you're wrong.

Space Invaders strawman - Like I said, games 'die'/evolve when they get upgraded or sidegraded. Space Invaders was outdated before NES arrived thanks to scrolling shooters.

lol Sonic was a huge deal in the 90s and buoyed the Genesis into contention against what really was Nintendo's monopoly. Sonic balloon at Macy's Thanksgiving Parade was a big deal. You're out to lunch on that one. 

Plenty of genres and once popular IP never regain peak popularity. 

Lots of people got their panties in a wad when other people said Labo wasn't going to be a run-away hit either, and they were correct. 

The whole fad of having 50 different pieces of plastic shit all over your living room (Guitar Hero, giant wall of 300 DVDs, Rock Band, Wii accessories, etc. etc.) in general I think peaked in the late 2000s, it's not "cool" to have so much crap lying around anymore anyway. It's more about minimalism and one device (the smartphone) doing more. Even fitness things like P90X are passe these days. 

I feel like people put waaay too much emphasis on "fads," "trends," etc.. If something's a good/interesting product, it's a good/interest product. And that will shine through. Even if said product might be hitting a scene that is isn't currently in line with its sensibilities, it can transcend that or even help nudge trends towards a NEW paradigm shift if it's great enough. It's also fulfilling a human need, which will always be there - to lose weight easily and in a fun way (or at least in a means that isn't excruciating).

Hell, look at Star Wars for instance. Lucas launched that film into a scene where dark, gritty movies filmed with anti-heroes were the thing - space fantasy was almost a non-entity since Flash Gordon, and what little major sci-fi did exist was usually also of the dark, dystopian nature. Very anti-Star Wars if anything..

Now, obviously not saying this strange ring-fit-RPG game is going to be anywhere near that level of course, but my point being that I think looking at current "trends" to garner the success or failure of a product is silly and missing the bigger picture. Either something is good or it isn't, and people respond to that regardless. And I don't think Wii Fit (and especially this new game) shouldn't be compared to fitness "fads" like P90X. It's still a game at the end of the day; just a game that's centered around fitness. 8 minute Abs and P90X aren't games, and certainly aren't too fun..

If Ring Fit is a fun, well-crafted game, it'll succeed. If not, it'll fail. Simple as that. Again, I certainly don't anticipate to move even half the units Wii Fit did, but I do think it has potential to be successful, and perhaps help further spur the fitness genre in gaming, potentially leading to some more interesting and intricate fitness games.

Last edited by DarthMetalliCube - on 14 September 2019


"We hold these truths to be self-evident - all men and women created by the, go-you know.. you know the thing!" - Joe Biden

It's annoying that due to a lack of software tracking we may never know its actual sales. I miss the days where we could put a number on how much something sold; even if that number wasn't always 100% accurate it was nice to have some idea of how any given game performed. 

Last edited by curl-6 - on 14 September 2019

DarthMetalliCube said:
Soundwave said:

lol Sonic was a huge deal in the 90s and buoyed the Genesis into contention against what really was Nintendo's monopoly. Sonic balloon at Macy's Thanksgiving Parade was a big deal. You're out to lunch on that one. 

Plenty of genres and once popular IP never regain peak popularity. 

Lots of people got their panties in a wad when other people said Labo wasn't going to be a run-away hit either, and they were correct. 

The whole fad of having 50 different pieces of plastic shit all over your living room (Guitar Hero, giant wall of 300 DVDs, Rock Band, Wii accessories, etc. etc.) in general I think peaked in the late 2000s, it's not "cool" to have so much crap lying around anymore anyway. It's more about minimalism and one device (the smartphone) doing more. Even fitness things like P90X are passe these days. 

I feel like people put waaay too much emphasis on "fads," "trends," etc.. If something's a good/interesting product, it's a good/interest product. And that will shine through. Even if said product might be hitting a scene that is isn't currently in line with its sensibilities, it can transcend that or even help nudge trends towards a NEW paradigm shift if it's great enough. It's also fulfilling a human need, which will always be there - to lose weight easily and in a fun way (or at least in a means that isn't excruciating).

Hell, look at Star Wars for instance. Lucas launched that film into a scene where dark, gritty movies filmed with anti-heroes were the thing - space fantasy was almost a non-entity since Flash Gordon, and what little major sci-fi did exist was usually also of the dark, dystopian nature. Very anti-Star Wars if anything..

Now, obviously not saying this strange ring-fit-RPG game is going to be anywhere near that level of course, but my point being that I think looking at current "trends" to garner the success or failure of a product is silly and missing the bigger picture. Either something is good or it isn't, and people respond to that regardless. And I don't think Wii Fit (and especially this new game) shouldn't be compared to fitness "fads" like P90X. It's still a game at the end of the day; just a game that's centered around fitness. 8 minute Abs and P90X aren't games, and certainly aren't too fun..

If Ring Fit is a fun, well-crafted game, it'll succeed. If not, it'll fail. Simple as that. Again, I certainly don't anticipate to move even half the units Wii Fit did, but I do think it has potential to be successful, and perhaps help further spur the fitness genre in gaming, potentially leading to some more interesting and intricate fitness games.


Soundwave said:
Pyro as Bill said:

Pssssttt. Wii Tennis is Pong.

Edit: Sonic was never considered the top IP in the business....ever. Barely recognise the other IPs you mentioned so I'll just assume you're wrong.

Space Invaders strawman - Like I said, games 'die'/evolve when they get upgraded or sidegraded. Space Invaders was outdated before NES arrived thanks to scrolling shooters.

lol Sonic was a huge deal in the 90s and buoyed the Genesis into contention against what really was Nintendo's monopoly. Sonic balloon at Macy's Thanksgiving Parade was a big deal. You're out to lunch on that one. 

Plenty of genres and once popular IP never regain peak popularity. 

Lots of people got their panties in a wad when other people said Labo wasn't going to be a run-away hit either, and they were correct. 

The whole fad of having 50 different pieces of plastic shit all over your living room (Guitar Hero, giant wall of 300 DVDs, Rock Band, Wii accessories, etc. etc.) in general I think peaked in the late 2000s, it's not "cool" to have so much crap lying around anymore anyway. It's more about minimalism and one device (the smartphone) doing more. Even fitness things like P90X are passe these days. 

Sorry, if I disagree to the idea of the Wii-crowd being gone I don't speak about IPs. You are right, IPs come and go. But gameplay principles that people were interested years ago are most likely something people are interested in today. For instance, many people are interested in the gameplay principles, that the game presents you the targets, probably moving one and you take aim and shoot them. 40 years ago it was possible to implement this gameplay principle into a game named Space Invaders. And you're right, nobody wants Space Invaders anymore. But the Space Invaders crowd isn't gone, these days it plays CoD, Battlefield, Fortnite and PUBG. Just the games that are technical possible these days implementing these principles.

So if you say the WiiFit crowd is gone, I ask where. If you would say they now play all EA Fit, then I would say for Nintendo to win them back they need to innovate. But I just don't see where they might've gone.

For some more examples:

  • Guitar Hero →a shitload of different rhythm games and even combinations with other gameplays, like Roguelike in Crypt of the Necrodancer
  • Metroid+Castlevania →a lot of Metroidvanias, including but not limited to Hollow Knight, Dead Cells, Guacamelee, Steamworld Dig and Bloodstained
  • LucasArts adventures →point&click-adventures where dormant for a while, but now have many games and evolutions of the main gameplay concepts like Syberia, Oxenfree, The Telltale games, Phoenix Wright, Professor Layton, Portal, L.A. Noire
  • isometric RPGs →were also not much for a while, but came back with games like Divinity, Pillars of Eternity and now Baldur's Gate 3
  • Pacman → at it's base Pacman is a time-pressured puzzle game, it was replaced back in the day by Tetris and Puyo-Puyo, and now we have so many different of these

So it is the same story. Companies and IPs might die, but the crowd playing the games isn't going anywhere. You might have to readjust or sometimes innovate to keep the gameplay-ideas alive, but the players are still there.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

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curl-6 said:

It's annoying that due to a lack of software tracking we may never know its actual sales. I miss the days where we could put a number on how much something sold; even if that number wasn't always 100% accurate it was nice to have some idea of how any given game performed. 

As long as it sells at least a million, Nintendo will report it in the following financial report.  Although I agree that there is now a lack of long term precision, and I miss that.