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Soundwave said:

lol Sonic was a huge deal in the 90s and buoyed the Genesis into contention against what really was Nintendo's monopoly. Sonic balloon at Macy's Thanksgiving Parade was a big deal. You're out to lunch on that one. 

- Top assumes higher than Super Mario Bros 3. Never happened with Sonic and it's very insulting to put Busby and Jim in the same league. Donkey Kong Country, maybe.

Plenty of genres and once popular IP never regain peak popularity. 

Which genres have died? 2D platformers? 2D Fighters? Arcade racers? "Shoot-em ups"? RPG?

I wish more IPs were killed but the truth is, most commit suicide. Many come back once they go back to the fundamentals and the sour taste has left gamers' mouths.

Lots of people got their panties in a wad when other people said Labo wasn't going to be a run-away hit either, and they were correct. 

- LABO was a great idea, still is. I wish I could get $20 for a piece of cardboard.

The whole fad of having 50 different pieces of plastic shit all over your living room (Guitar Hero, giant wall of 300 DVDs, Rock Band, Wii accessories, etc. etc.) in general I think peaked in the late 2000s, it's not "cool" to have so much crap lying around anymore anyway. It's more about minimalism and one device (the smartphone) doing more. Even fitness things like P90X are passe these days. 

- Videogames are for kids. How many minimalist children do you know?

Nov 2016 - NES outsells PS1 (JP)

Don't Play Stationary 4 ever. Switch!