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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Your Mario Kart 9 Hopes and Dreams

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Seeing how MK8 came out well over a year ago by now, I was starting to wonder about what's in store for Mario Kart 9. If the NX is a console or something resembling one, it is likely that MK9 will be another step up from previous installments, and will likely include some big steps forward in various areas. And since the only thing people enjoy more than Mario Kart is talking/complaining about it, I'm guessing we mostly will have our two cents.

Here are a few questions that you may want to answer.

  1. What new mechanic would you like to see introduced to the series? In the past few years, these have included tricks, vehicle categories and customization, gliding and underwater segments, and antigravity.
  2. What new characters would you like to be able to race as? Are there any return appearences from older games you want? Anyone whio should be kicked off the roster?
  3. How about items? What kinds of items should be introduced, returned, or removed from the game?
  4. What new courses would you like to see? these could be based on Mario settings or a single mechanic. Is there anything these should focus on compared to the past couple of games?
  5. What about Retro tracks? By now, many of the older tracks in the series have already been remade. MK64 and MKDD in particular has seen 29 of their combined 32 courses remade by now. Should Nintendo's strategy with Retro courses change?
  6. What new modes what improve Mario Kart?

I will give my answers in a post below, but feel free to start answering these questions, or coming up with better ideas than I listed.



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Mhhh, it's difficult to think something new at this point. Maybe a level editor, but I really don't know how would that work.

You know it deserves the GOTY.

Come join The 2018 Obscure Game Monthly Review Thread.

A good battle mode and the return of the mission mode from MKDS would be pretty nice! I can't think of new mechanics I would want though.

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

i guess they will add an editor so you make your own tracks.

maybe it wont be called mk9 but mario kart maker or something.

also i can imagine tracks that changes each round and more different ways to choose.
maybe an open world where you can free roam.
maybe we wont see a new mario kart but something like super smash kart

Storymode :v

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For once I would like Nintendo to focus on polish and content rather than on new mechanincs.
I believe MK8 handling is already solid, I wish them to modify waepons though: go back to holding 2 items and once and revome item drops when you get hit - the usage of items should be in general more strategic and skill based.
Bring back a battle mode worth of its name.
Keep all the tracks form MK8 while adding new ones.

In other words, for one I would like an Ultra MK8, rather than an MK9.

How about 60fps 3/4 player for once? That's pretty much the biggest reason my brothers and I all prefer Smash over MK.

MohammadBadir said:
How about 60fps 3/4 player for once? That's pretty much the biggest reason my brothers and I all prefer Smash over MK.

This, absolutely.

AZWification said:

A good battle mode and the return of the mission mode from MKDS would be pretty nice! I can't think of new mechanics I would want though.

All you said plus:

- Decent roster. Fuck Pink Gold Peach, Metal Mario and the Koppalings and give us E Gadd, Dry Bones, ROB, King Boo and Sprixie, for example.

- Give unique stats to every vehicle part. In MK8 you have 4 or 3 sets of wheels and bodies, then different skins with those same stats. Not to mention the gliders, which only have 2 almost identical sets of stats.

- Better items and better balance. Get the fake box and the POW back and invent something new. I don't know, an ice flower that leaves an ice path behind you that makes others slide, a Launch Star from Mario Galaxy that launchs you some meters and damaging everyone that gets on your way. The can do better than a damn boomerang a coin and a Pirhana Plant.

Mario Kart 8 came out a year and a half ago. Slow down, man. XD

I guess I'd like to see a Battle Mode that doesn't suck balls like 8's, even something in line with 7 would make me happy. I would also want at least 40 tracks instead of the usual 32. But what I would want the most is a Smash 4 system of online play, where you can do it for fun or to increase your VR.