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Forums - Website Topics - Sony bias is reflected in VGChartz news articles

For a while now I have noticed that the news headlines on the first page are very much more often in red color (Sony related) than green (Microsoft related). Now you might say it's because Sony has three consoles on the market (PS3, PS2 and PSP), while MS only has one (X360). But it's not. Because even if you exclude the PSP and PS2 news, the ratio in favor of Sony is massive - from January 1 to January 21 VGC has posted 48 Sony PS3 related news articles, compared to only 20 MS X360 related articles. I'm afraid that quite a bit of "fan enthusiasm" is at play here.

As a Xbox fan I am obviously very upset by this. Now you might say, "but hey, we don't have enough contributors for the Xbox, what can we do?". Well, that would be an unprofessional reply I think. Would it cut it to say that on Gamespot or IGN? "Yeah, we have twice as much PS3 material because all our staff love the trey". No, it wouldn't.

On all other gaming sites I've visited - unless it's clearly a fansite for a specific console or brand - the proportion between news articles and overall material is split fairly evenly between the PS3 and X360.

My suggestion is that if it doesn't come naturally from the grassroots, i.e. the pool of potential contributors simply doesn't contain enough Xbox fans (which is only logical for a site dominated by Sony fans) the site leaders should make sure that both consoles get equal coverage.

Also, lately there's been an awful lot of news about such and such bundle for the PS3 or such and such new batch of screenshots for the Xth time. Even if these type of articles were split even between the HD consoles, my personal opinion is that there's a bit of an amateurish feel to see so many news about bundles and screenshots.


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I thought this was obvious when IW's announcement about lack of dedicated servers on the PC version wasn't part of the news.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

HD vs Wii, PC vs HD:

Why Regenerating Health is a crap game mechanic:

gamrReview's broken review scores:


love the trey

damn you elpresador!

You CAN submit news articles yourself
Go add X360 related news!

Problem solved!!!!

Is that 48 P3 focussed articles or 48 playstation articles?

if its just playstation articles isn't the answer damn obvious? There are 3 PS consoles out right now, 1 Microsoft console

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

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Fab_GS said:
You CAN submit news articles yourself
Go add X360 related news!

Problem solved!!!!

lol no, it's actually part of the problem on a site where Sony fans outnumber the Xbox fans by a ratio of 3:1 or something.

darthdevidem01 said:
Is that 48 P3 focussed articles or 48 playstation articles?

if its just playstation articles isn't the answer damn obvious? There are 3 PS consoles out right now, 1 Microsoft console

Read the OP thoroughly.

blame the Microsoft oriented contributors. I've seen them been brought on the team, but fail to post news, and then dropped off the team because they aren't contributing. By no means has VGChartz not given Microsoft oriented contributors a chance. However, Sony oriented contributors are actually doing their jobs.

If you want to be a news contributor, talk with elgefe.

If you drop a PS3 right on top of a Wii, it would definitely defeat it. Not so sure about the Xbox360. - mancandy
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Really now, since September, I stop bothering. At first it was annoying, but then I got used to it.

nordlead said:
blame the Microsoft oriented contributors. I've seen them been brought on the team, but fail to post news, and then dropped off the team because they aren't contributing. By no means has VGChartz not given Microsoft oriented contributors a chance. However, Sony oriented contributors are actually doing their jobs.

If you want to be a news contributor, talk with elgefe.

But Nordlead, u have missed the essence of the problem if that's the only thing u can say.

Is it right that the amount of news should reflect the ratio of fans? Because the Xbox fans have a much much smaller pool of potential recruits.