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Forums - Sales Discussion - The FASTEST-GROWING game of all time is FARMVILLE (58 Million Players!!)

My mum plays this constantly.

Congrats to the fastest "growing" game ever


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Never heard of it nor my friends

never heard about it and my mother still doesn't play it. but I won't be surprised if I find her playing one day though!

the words above were backed by NUCLEAR WEAPONS!

thats a

PC gaming dead? Ha!

It's just that simple.

Around the Network

I LOVE Farmville! Check me out some time. Level 32 with 62,000 exp. Yes, I have too much spare time. Anyone want to be my neighbor? Facebook search "Mark Bragg"

Yakuzaice said:

How hard is it to get a tractor?  Might go to show how "active" these people are when less than 1 in 100 have one.


I would guess that "active" means it is currently installed to their Facebook account, and is not a reflection of how often they play it. Most people never uninstall apps in Facebook.

So that's what it is. I see people at school playing it all the time. It was to the point where I thought it was part of a course or something.

"Man is born free but is everywhere in chains" - Rousseau

I play that once in a while.  And all my sisters play it too lol (One of them HATES videogames with a passion)

I was wondering whatthe ame of that game was. My girlfriend doesn't stop playing it sometimes....

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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