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Forums - Sales Discussion - For those claiming PSP Go didn't flop it's time to step up

MAFKKA said:
ironman said:
MAFKKA said:
Well like someone said.

Would a 120gb 360 for 350$ with no dvd drive sell?

When you're the only one on the market that have taken it to the next gen, you can hardly compare it to current gen. Otherwise this entire gen would be a flop since PS2 did it better.

I have an issue with your post, It could be interprated several ways. Please clarify.

Well a 360 with no DVD drive and big HDD = a PSP Go that has DD only and an amped up HDD. The "next gen" 360 wouldn't sell much, since its new territory (DD only). Just like the PSP Go is unexplored territory and people like UMD. Got to remember that Sony also have went public saying that they're also targeting the iPhone and iPod touch. With price (just below a 16gb ipod touch), "mini games" (apps), portability, Digital Distribution (app store) etc.

So.. as for PS2 did it better. This gen is a flop for PS3/360 since both have updated online features, community, HD, blu ray, movie stream/stores.. etc. While the much more simple PS2 sold alot better. Wii is doing good however.. kudos.


Ok, well, see, at least you are being consistant. I can't argue with that. However, I don't really think you can compair between gens because the demographics of gamers was so differant last gen.

Past Avatar picture!!!

Don't forget your helmet there, Master Chief!

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I predict at the end of this gen there won't be flops, as despite the crisis, user base grew a lot and even the third, with a small share, will get enough sales to break even and make some profit. Just think that the current third, PS3, sold in 3 years more than the third durind all last gen. And PSP already sold more than 50million.
Another two years and the third will have sold more than second and third put together during all last gen.
This is all Wii's and DS merit, I think: they greatly enlarged games user base, making all the market richer and so benefitting their competitors too.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

In relation to what Sony was hoping. It flopped. I'm not even sure if it will make reasonable market penetration. Sony is trying to hard with guessing at what the customer wants with what they want. Customers(large amount) like discless storage. Sony wants more control. Customers want to pay games for cheap. Sony wants to make more money. Sony seems to lead towards personal values than customer values.

With retailers realizing that PSPgo is a no long term money for them I can see the little interest in the PSPGo for their shops.

Squilliam: On Vgcharts its a commonly accepted practice to twist the bounds of plausibility in order to support your argument or agenda so I think its pretty cool that this gives me the precedent to say whatever I damn well please.

Maximum control and profiting more from games is a constant for every console manufacturer, not only Sony. About control, at least in the past it was Nintendo to be the most criticized and considered excessively strict.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

superchunk said:
Rath said:
It's the GBA Micro of the generation.

This is how I see it.

Removes features of same company product for a higher cost. Seriously don't understand why anyone would choose GO over the 3000.

Erm no. You are paying for the conveniance. What would you do carry around 13 games with youno matter where you go and have a psp 3000 in your bag?


Or have a PSPgo with the games installed on it and carry it around in your pocket. It looks more stylish aswell.


Thats like saying oh why get a laptop when you get soo much more for your money with a desktop pc. Well a laptop is more convenient.


Really get over yourself. It isnt like sony have done away with the standard psp and said everyone who wants a psp now must get the GO. They have given you the option. They know that everyone isnt ready for a DD only device so they kept the 3000 on the market.

Obviously the GO isnt for you and you do not have any intentions in getting so why are yu still bitching about it?

Nobody's perfect. I aint nobody!!!

Killzone 2. its not a fps. it a FIRST PERSON WAR SIMULATOR!!!! ..The true PLAYSTATION 3 launch date and market dominations is SEP 1st

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I dont get the "experiment" thing...people tend to forget that the fallback excuse that they all make when debuting a new product...remember Reggie and the "ds" is not a replacement for the GBA but a side project comments? The Go's launch is by far the worst launch of a portable system by a major player in history. Even the virtual boy managed to sell over 100,000 in its first week, and no one disputed that as a failure (well I guess now some will defend it as an "experiment" too). I dont understand the "it makes money" argument either, do people think that it just popped out of a workbench somewhere for free, at the rate its going it will take months simply to recoup the development costs. Sony's spin is to save face, nothing more. The one thing it did seem to do in my area at least is seriously boost the sales of the slim...I think some falsely believe the slim is on its way out.

The only way I see a device like the go succeeding is to start a generation that way and to tie the device to features you cant get anywhere else.  One thing I see alot of people clamoring for is a psp phone...that I can see taking off, but as it is the go just falls far short and looks like a downgrade to many rather than an upgrade.  A psp2 next time around with a collection of unique games and phone features will do much better.

grapeape said:
I dont get the "experiment" thing...people tend to forget that the fallback excuse that they all make when debuting a new product...remember Reggie and the "ds" is not a replacement for the GBA but a side project comments? The Go's launch is by far the worst launch of a portable system by a major player in history. Even the virtual boy managed to sell over 100,000 in its first week, and no one disputed that as a failure (well I guess now some will defend it as an "experiment" too). I dont understand the "it makes money" argument either, do people think that it just popped out of a workbench somewhere for free, at the rate its going it will take months simply to recoup the development costs. Sony's spin is to save face, nothing more. The one thing it did seem to do in my area at least is seriously boost the sales of the slim...I think some falsely believe the slim is on its way out.

....the DS played completely different games than the GB the Go doesnt... your example is flawed. lost a lot of money the first few years. They needed to get people used to buying items from an online dealer. Now it's huge.

SONY is pushing for people to buy games through digital download. This means that they need to start getting people used to the idea, similar to what amazon did.

That's the 'experiment'.

letsdance said:
grapeape said:
I dont get the "experiment" thing...people tend to forget that the fallback excuse that they all make when debuting a new product...remember Reggie and the "ds" is not a replacement for the GBA but a side project comments? The Go's launch is by far the worst launch of a portable system by a major player in history. Even the virtual boy managed to sell over 100,000 in its first week, and no one disputed that as a failure (well I guess now some will defend it as an "experiment" too). I dont understand the "it makes money" argument either, do people think that it just popped out of a workbench somewhere for free, at the rate its going it will take months simply to recoup the development costs. Sony's spin is to save face, nothing more. The one thing it did seem to do in my area at least is seriously boost the sales of the slim...I think some falsely believe the slim is on its way out.

....the DS played completely different games than the GB the Go doesnt... your example is flawed.

No actually thats my point, when Reggies comments were made it was when they were still thinking of it as an "experiment", it was able to differentiate itself in the market enough that it was no longer an experiment and became the replacement that they said it would not be.  The Go has no real ability to differentiate itself unless they decide to ditch the fanbase they already have and release go only games on psn.  The DS was still able to play GBA carts and didnt loose that ability until the DSi.  Sony would have been smarter to transition towards the go rather than just drop in a handheld that appears to be nothing but a more expensive but less capable version of the handheld they had.

grapeape said:
letsdance said:
grapeape said:
I dont get the "experiment" thing...people tend to forget that the fallback excuse that they all make when debuting a new product...remember Reggie and the "ds" is not a replacement for the GBA but a side project comments? The Go's launch is by far the worst launch of a portable system by a major player in history. Even the virtual boy managed to sell over 100,000 in its first week, and no one disputed that as a failure (well I guess now some will defend it as an "experiment" too). I dont understand the "it makes money" argument either, do people think that it just popped out of a workbench somewhere for free, at the rate its going it will take months simply to recoup the development costs. Sony's spin is to save face, nothing more. The one thing it did seem to do in my area at least is seriously boost the sales of the slim...I think some falsely believe the slim is on its way out.

....the DS played completely different games than the GB the Go doesnt... your example is flawed.

No actually thats my point, when Reggies comments were made it was when they were still thinking of it as an "experiment", it was able to differentiate itself in the market enough that it was no longer an experiment and became the replacement that they said it would not be.  The Go has no real ability to differentiate itself unless they decide to ditch the fanbase they already have and release go only games on psn.  The DS was still able to play GBA carts and didnt loose that ability until the DSi.  Sony would have been smarter to transition towards the go rather than just drop in a handheld that appears to be nothing but a more expensive but less capable version of the handheld they had.

It cant differentiate because its the same console... why cant people grasp this? The Go isn't to get people interested in the PSP. The PSP games are what does that. The Go is to get people who are interested in the games for the PSP who are going to buy one to upgrade to the premium sku...

And how the fuck did sony just drop a console and not transition when the PSP 3000 is still availble? DO you understand what you are saying? You talking as if Sony only supports the Go now and droped the PSP and is now moving onto a next gen for handhelds... this is not the case. Its the same gen with the same support.