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Forums - Sales Discussion - For those claiming PSP Go didn't flop it's time to step up

no company spends millions in R&D on a fun experiment....according to you logic then the Virtual Boy was an experiment and therefore not a flop...when even Nintendo admits it was a flop.

PSPGo was an evolution of the PSP to stop piracy....and it's gone badly wrong!

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Reasonable said:
FastFord58 said:
A lot of apologists in here. A company doesn't R&D a product and release on the assumption that it is going to be a flop or an experiment. That's just insane; especially given Sony's sketchy finances at this time.

I think they should have encased it in red plastic and called it the Virtual Boy 2.

Actually electronic companies (and others) regularly test the market with more experimental features - how else do you think new developments arrive?  Sure, they have research that indicates there is some market, but most new stuff starts small.  Sometimes, if the timing is right, it explodes (like the ipod).

Why do you think there are 360 skus with HDD and some without, why do model features change?  Trying to both follow the market and anticipate future trends.

The Go is an experiment, the first gaming device to fully get behind digital channel at the exclusion of physical media.

Well, actually, you would like to THINK thats the reason, Back in the real world, it was to offer consumers a choice.

Past Avatar picture!!!

Don't forget your helmet there, Master Chief!

I doubt anyone was expecting high numbers. It only flops if people have high expectations.

Orca_Azure said:
I doubt anyone was expecting high numbers. It only flops if people have high expectations.

And vice-versa.

Past Avatar picture!!!

Don't forget your helmet there, Master Chief!

CGI-Quality said:
Orca_Azure said:
I doubt anyone was expecting high numbers. It only flops if people have high expectations.

And from the looks of a few of the posts in here, some people apparently did.

And the funny thing is these same people are the ones posting for weeks on how it wont sell...

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it was sold on pure profits.
so not likely.
sony probably drop the price after christmas.
and it's not replacing any model

360 went on HDD only and the arcade sold 100k and the 360 with no DISC 30k.
it would been expected sales especially in a non holiday season.

illiteratewhino said:
The only standard available at the time of this writing that one could compare the first week of sales for the PSP go! would be to compare it to the first week of sales for other hand held gaming devices.
For example:

The original PSP
The Nintendo DS
The Nintendo Gameboy Advance
The Nintendo Gameboy Color
Etc, etc.

Some may claim that, as a new product which lacks the traditional retail channel it would be unfair to compare it to said consoles, but it is the only standard we have to go by for at the moment.
But; it could also be argued that comparing it to the original PSP would be fair as when it debuted it was opening with a new media standard (UMD) to play games/videos.

Also, when more information becomes available we could judge from our POV how bad/well it did according to the expectations of SONY, since we don't have hard numbers to go by at the moment, things to take into account, like : costs of development, costs of manufacture, and profit/loss in sales.

Just saying...

The only way to compare the launch of the PSP Go is to compare it to it's closest product.... which would be.... DRUM ROLL PLEASE! THE PSP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why compare it to a monopoly which before the psp the closest competitor got like 5% of the market share? Seriously... Gameboy sold more than the SNES, NES, PS1, and every other game console except for the PS2. Comparing it to that is just stupid.

letsdance said:
CGI-Quality said:
Orca_Azure said:
I doubt anyone was expecting high numbers. It only flops if people have high expectations.

And from the looks of a few of the posts in here, some people apparently did.

And the funny thing is these same people are the ones posting for weeks on how it wont sell...

And Vice-Versa. The door swings both ways my friend, As you laugh at them for saying it flopped, they are laughing at you for thinking it didn't.

Past Avatar picture!!!

Don't forget your helmet there, Master Chief!

ironman said:
letsdance said:
CGI-Quality said:
Orca_Azure said:
I doubt anyone was expecting high numbers. It only flops if people have high expectations.

And from the looks of a few of the posts in here, some people apparently did.

And the funny thing is these same people are the ones posting for weeks on how it wont sell...

And Vice-Versa. The door swings both ways my friend, As you laugh at them for saying it flopped, they are laughing at you for thinking it didn't.

You're just being ridiculous now. The general concensus of the PSP Go would be it wouldn't sell... but so far it sold on par with the normal PSP... I'd say that's good. Why would anyone believe the Go would sell more? There is no evidence it would. Why would someone suggest it would increase PSP sales? There is no evidence of that since it's targetting the same people but trying to get people who are already interested in buying a PSP to buy the higher end model.

so you guys putting zune at a major flops.
it doesn't sell what ipods or even half walkmans do.
yet microsoft keeps on market, same for the 360.
but it managed to improve numbers from last weeks, i don't it a flop especially since only release a week ago.

wait abit to spit such no sense.