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Forums - Sony Discussion - Valve has no plans working on the PS3.

Another reason to go with PS3 and PC combo.

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Shadowblind said:

This is too bad. Valve is one of those developers that goes beyond AAA status. They are gods of gaming, the reception, both critically and by the consumer supports this.

They are! You can tell especially because whenever you read their GDC presentations their perpspective is so refreshing. That they can make accessible, innovative and fun all at the same time means a great deal to me. Who else could have made a game about Portals and puzzles which anyone could play? The greatness is not that they made the game, the greatness was that they made the game compelling and playable for everyone. People should seriously check out their developer commentry within their games!

Btw I only came back here because quoting green posts is so awesome, I was going to quote you no matter what you wrote!


Squilliam said:
Shadowblind said:

This is too bad. Valve is one of those developers that goes beyond AAA status. They are gods of gaming, the reception, both critically and by the consumer supports this.

They are! You can tell especially because whenever you read their GDC presentations their perpspective is so refreshing. That they can make accessible, innovative and fun all at the same time means a great deal to me. Who else could have made a game about Portals and puzzles which anyone could play? The greatness is not that they made the game, the greatness was that they made the game compelling and playable for everyone. People should seriously check out their developer commentry within their games!

Btw I only came back here because quoting green posts is so awesome, I was going to quote you no matter what you wrote!

Hell yeah they are awesome! Valve's innovation in their games is always so phenominal. Portal, a first person shooter with no actual guns. Team Fortress 2, a bloody, hilarious cartoony multiplayer game with maps probably half the size of most of Halos maps.

But Half-Life and Half-Life 2, even with purposefully created rather average guns, the story, level design, enemies, strategic possibilities in each battle, technology, the execution of the game is all so fantastic. Its reflected, too. The top three highest rated PC games, I believe, go in the order of Half-Life 2, Half-Life, and The Orange Box. F*** YEAH.

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

Shadowblind said:
Squilliam said:
Shadowblind said:

This is too bad. Valve is one of those developers that goes beyond AAA status. They are gods of gaming, the reception, both critically and by the consumer supports this.

They are! You can tell especially because whenever you read their GDC presentations their perpspective is so refreshing. That they can make accessible, innovative and fun all at the same time means a great deal to me. Who else could have made a game about Portals and puzzles which anyone could play? The greatness is not that they made the game, the greatness was that they made the game compelling and playable for everyone. People should seriously check out their developer commentry within their games!

Btw I only came back here because quoting green posts is so awesome, I was going to quote you no matter what you wrote!

Hell yeah they are awesome! Valve's innovation in their games is always so phenominal. Portal, a first person shooter with no actual guns. Team Fortress 2, a bloody, hilarious cartoony multiplayer game with maps probably half the size of most of Halos maps.

But Half-Life and Half-Life 2, even with purposefully created rather average guns, the story, level design, enemies, strategic possibilities in each battle, technology, the execution of the game is all so fantastic. Its reflected, too. The top three highest rated PC games, I believe, go in the order of Half-Life 2, Half-Life, and The Orange Box. F*** YEAH.

If we go by Metacritic, then second place (behind Half Life 2) is Out of the Park Baseball 2007. Another reason why Metacritic sucks. They take a game with a limited audience with 5 reviews and give it PC Game of 2007.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Shadowblind said:

Hell yeah they are awesome! Valve's innovation in their games is always so phenominal. Portal, a first person shooter with no actual guns. Team Fortress 2, a bloody, hilarious cartoony multiplayer game with maps probably half the size of most of Halos maps.

But Half-Life and Half-Life 2, even with purposefully created rather average guns, the story, level design, enemies, strategic possibilities in each battle, technology, the execution of the game is all so fantastic. Its reflected, too. The top three highest rated PC games, I believe, go in the order of Half-Life 2, Half-Life, and The Orange Box. F*** YEAH.

Yeah they have been. Actually their weapons have always been satisfying in many ways. I remember in the start of HL 2 having to use just the pistol and the simple joy of that gameplay mechanic. Infact because I just had the pistol the start always seemed that much more epic and awesome, I go back and I replay that section because of the feeling it gives me. Its hard to explain why, but the limitation with the pistol and the way the game was made around that is probably one of the best examples of craft I have ever seen in any game.


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Nizut76 said:
Kantor said:
Nizut76 said:
I didnt research i was hoping the box would say this game sucks if you dont have high speed internet.

I would have thought somebody informed enough to be posting on a video game forum is informed enough to not buy a game without any kind of research. It's not like this is some no-name game, either. It's a pretty well known fact that it's a co-operative FPS.

Yeah maybe i should have been more informed. but the other 95% of people who play games that dont go on video game forums what about them. Screw them they should have got on VG charts. I'll start spreading the word to every adult with kids that play games to become a member of VG charts before they buy any more games. Most people expect a decent single player mode. Unless it specifically says multiplayer only. like warhawk. I like blasting zombies. but i also like a story mode when a game doesnt specifically say its meant to be a co-operative game. I was just on the left 4 dead website and no where does it say this is meant to be a co-operative game, but i guess the games website would be a terrible place to research a game. It says it has single player, multiplayer, and co-op but never mentions it was meant to be played as co-operative.

If you buy a game without knowing about it first, then you have no right to complain about a feature of the game that is common knowledge. If somebody buys Left 4 Dead expecting a story-based single player experience, too bad for them. They should have bought Half Life or BioShock. Valve has no obligation to state "best with co-operative play" on the box. Just looking at the back of the box, can't you tell that it's a co-op game?

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Nizut76 said:
Kantor said:
IllegalPaladin said:
ameratsu said:
Nizut76 said:
Valve is an ok developer. I like the half life series. But i will never in a million years see why people like left 4 dead so much. there is no story whatsoever and it has WII like graphics on the 360.


So your main two reasons for not liking an online cooperative/competitive game are lack of story and poor graphics? Way to miss the point entirely.

I don't know about you, but I thought Counter-Strike's lack of story made it into a complete failure. Don't even get me started on Team Fortress 2.

And Super Mario Bros. The lack of story completely killed the sales of that game.

At least we know that Mario saved a princess. Who knows what happened to the zombies or the characters after they escaped them on their (insert random mode of travel here) oh nm they ended up escaping them again on (insert random mode of travel here)

Why do you care what happened to them? What happened to the counter terrorists after killing all of the terrorists? What happened to Pac-Man after he'd eaten all of the pellets? What happens to the soldiers in Metal Gear Online after the events of MGS4? It doesn't matter. Really.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

peelz here! Bill? I hate malls, ssssst a witch, tannnnk etc.

That's the story of left 4 dead

Distant Star said:
peelz here! Bill? I hate malls, ssssst a witch, tannnnk etc.

That's the story of left 4 dead

Don't forget the Smoker..That bastard....I agree with everyone that feels Valve is at a Loss by not developing for PS3...I mean really..Does the 360 need more Console Exclusives?...


How about there be a new more ASKING Gabe Newell about PS3...this is getting to be riddiculous...why don't we get them asking PS3 3rd developers about their multi-plat plans...why...nobody wants to play their games?

"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder