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Valve is an ok developer. I like the half life series. But i will never in a million years see why people like left 4 dead so much. there is no story whatsoever and it has WII like graphics on the 360.

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Nizut76 said:
Valve is an ok developer. I like the half life series. But i will never in a million years see why people like left 4 dead so much. there is no story whatsoever and it has WII like graphics on the 360.

Of course it has some story, it's just not the kind that ties you down and force feeds it down your throat.

I'll give you that the fact that it's a Source engine game and isn't visually the best looking (The Source is made to scale very well for PC's). But Wii like graphics?


Nizut76 said:
Valve is an ok developer. I like the half life series. But i will never in a million years see why people like left 4 dead so much. there is no story whatsoever and it has WII like graphics on the 360.


So your main two reasons for not liking an online cooperative/competitive game are lack of story and poor graphics? Way to miss the point entirely.

Demon's Souls Official Thread  | Currently playing: Left 4 Dead 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, Magicka

ameratsu said:
Nizut76 said:
Valve is an ok developer. I like the half life series. But i will never in a million years see why people like left 4 dead so much. there is no story whatsoever and it has WII like graphics on the 360.


So your main two reasons for not liking an online cooperative/competitive game are lack of story and poor graphics? Way to miss the point entirely.

I don't know about you, but I thought Counter-Strike's lack of story made it into a complete failure. Don't even get me started on Team Fortress 2.

Zlejedi said:
Seihyouken said:
Why would I want to play a Valve game on anything other than a PC?

Yeah that's a good question. I still laught at the proud x360 owners who are so happy they can play they dumbed down, low visual quality, bad controls version of proper Valve pc games :D

You know that's why PC gamers say about all console games?

Sounds to me like you're a bit defensive. :P

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


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Garamond said:

I don't really care since I don't play any type of shooter.

Or Portal.

You should play Portal. It's already on the PS3.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


BMaker11 said:
Onyxmeth said:
BMaker11 said:
Jereel Hunter said:
Zlejedi said:
Seihyouken said:
Why would I want to play a Valve game on anything other than a PC?

Yeah that's a good question. I still laught at the proud x360 owners who are so happy they can play they dumbed down, low visual quality, bad controls version of proper Valve pc games :D

Do you also laugh at PS3 owners who play multiplat FPSs for playing the "bad controls version"?

Funny thing about people mocking the PS3 controller. #1 if it ain't broke, don't fix it (for the general design) and #2 I'm sure you're talking about the analog stick. What's wrong with the analog sticks being placed perfectly where your thumbs will lie when you pick up the controller? Why does the 360 have a better controller because you actually have to move a finger from where it sits normall in order to make the controller function? Unless you're talking about the triggers? In that case....the L2 and R2 buttons do make the multiplat versions of FPS games the "bad controls" version



You're getting it wrong. All he said was that the PS3 should share in the "bad controls version" because it too uses a controller and not mouse and keyboard.

I thought he was talking about just multiplatform FPS games on the 360 and PS3, with the PS3 being the "bad version" all the time because of the controls. Believe it or not, I was going to say "and anyway, he should laugh at the PS3 by default because it too uses a controller, as opposed to PC" and then a "/shrugs again" had he been talking about the PC.

But I deleted it because I just assumed that since he went straight for "FPS" and "PS3 controller", he was talking about comparing the 360 and PS3 controllers. Because everytime those two items are mentioned in the same sentence, the 360 controller always comes out on top.

Actually I was referring to the 360 controllers vs the PS3 controller. As for what's wrong with the PS3's analog sticks, it's not so much what's wrong, as what's so right. The majority of people that pick up a 360 controllers just like it better, especially for shooters.

But I'm saying that based purely on popular opinion. That said, there are plenty of people who prefer to play shooters on either console over the PC (including myself)

IllegalPaladin said:
ameratsu said:
Nizut76 said:
Valve is an ok developer. I like the half life series. But i will never in a million years see why people like left 4 dead so much. there is no story whatsoever and it has WII like graphics on the 360.


So your main two reasons for not liking an online cooperative/competitive game are lack of story and poor graphics? Way to miss the point entirely.

I don't know about you, but I thought Counter-Strike's lack of story made it into a complete failure. Don't even get me started on Team Fortress 2.

I mean come on there isn't a single sentence worth of story to this game. Not everyone can play online. I have the ability but i like games to have at least 2 minutes worth of story for someone who might want to play alone. At least tell me why there are zombies running around. A movie poster doesnt make a story. not everyone plays online. i had no idea when i played this game there was no story. thank god for gamefly. or I would have played warhawk. At least I knew Warhawk didnt have a story because it tells me its for online multiplayer only. To me an "online cooperative/competitive game" states on the box it is for online only. 

IllegalPaladin said:
Nizut76 said:
Valve is an ok developer. I like the half life series. But i will never in a million years see why people like left 4 dead so much. there is no story whatsoever and it has WII like graphics on the 360.

Of course it has some story, it's just not the kind that ties you down and force feeds it down your throat.

I'll give you that the fact that it's a Source engine game and isn't visually the best looking (The Source is made to scale very well for PC's). But Wii like graphics?


Yes WII graphics. And a story you must be crazy it doesnt have 1 shred of a story.

Nizut76 said:
IllegalPaladin said:
ameratsu said:
Nizut76 said:
Valve is an ok developer. I like the half life series. But i will never in a million years see why people like left 4 dead so much. there is no story whatsoever and it has WII like graphics on the 360.


So your main two reasons for not liking an online cooperative/competitive game are lack of story and poor graphics? Way to miss the point entirely.

I don't know about you, but I thought Counter-Strike's lack of story made it into a complete failure. Don't even get me started on Team Fortress 2.

 Not everyone can play online. I have the ability but i like games to have at least 2 minutes worth of story for someone who might want to play alone.

Left 4 Dead isn't the sort of game that's designed to be played alone.  As a single player game, Left 4 Dead is quite bad.

I mean come on there isn't a single sentence worth of story to this game. At least tell me why there are zombies running around. A movie poster doesnt make a story.

There are numerous dialog exchanges between the survivors. This reveals bits of their background but doesn't really build a cohesive story. There are many online type games that are the same as this in terms of having a minimal story.  It's an online co-op game, any sort of reading about L4D on your part would have releaved this.

not everyone plays online.

Then I'm not sure why even you even played L4D in the first place or what gave you an idea that it's a good SP game.

i had no idea when i played this game there was no story. thank god for gamefly. or I would have played warhawk. At least I knew Warhawk didnt have a story because it tells me its for online multiplayer only. To me an "online cooperative/competitive game" states on the box it is for online only. 

Don't blame the game for your inability to research and select games that suit your preferences.


My replies in bold. Did you actually play online for more than a single campaign? If all you played was SP, you have no idea what Left 4 Dead is even like.

Demon's Souls Official Thread  | Currently playing: Left 4 Dead 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, Magicka