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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - I figured out why The Conduit sucks.

Snesboy said:


Back to The Conduit. Sega decides they are going to publish this aliens invade D.C. mashup of a shooter. High Voltage Software thought they would tout their graphics technology which looks about as good as late Xbox games such as the beautiful Jade Empire and Forza Motorsport. Yeah, they made a fancy graphics engine but what other games have they made? Dora the Explorer? Go Diego Go? Ben 10? Really? They made that horse fodder? Yes, there is a market for them (They sold around 1.5 million copies all together), but really? Yeah, you have to start somewhere, but at least Bungie started with Marathon. Technically, Bungie started with Gnop! but I won't get into that here.

Once again, focusing on The Conduit, E3 2009, HVS is showing off their shiny flagship title. At this point, Nintendo Power has given it an 8. Hopes are high. The fanboys are praying for their Halo Wii. June 23rd, the reviews start coming in. Oh man, a bomb has been set. The fanboys are rampant. There were like 30 Conduit threads on the front page of VGChartz. Well, maybe not that many.

June 24th. I go to GameStop and pick up my copy and am pretty excited. Even the GS employees were excited. About what? I didn't care. I had my copy of The Conduit. It was going to be awesome.

I go home, insert it into the Wii disc drive, set up my own custom controls and start playing. The intro level is amazing! Or so I thought. By the time the third mission rolled around, I was bored. This game didn't blow me away like Halo: Combat Evolved did back in January 2005 (I was late to the Halo party). But I kept playing. It was when I got to the eighth mission that I realized this was just a cookie-cutter shooter made by some amateur developer. It's not the like creators of TimeSplitters made this game (they made the equally bad Haze for PS3 zing!) or like Bungie made this game or even whoever the hell developed KillZone 2. But I wish any of them did. Maybe The Conduit would be better.

The multiplayer is pretty good. It's like HVS ripped it straight from Halo 2. Whose multiplayer was ORGASMIC. Just wish it had splitscreen. This is the Wii after all.

Actually, now that I think about it, The Conduit would have been better if Rare had made it, even after the so-so Perfect Dark Zero.


Edit 2: The Conduit also sucks because it doesn't have a good story. It's like they got George Lucas to write the story. If only Valve had made this game!


It makes perfect sense.




Edit 3: Don't get it?

Wait a second am I supposed to believe that a sci-fi story written by the likes of Goerge Lucas, is crap? Comparing the Conduit to something made by Goerge Lucas is way more of an honour then an insult. As a Goerge Lucas fan I am absolutly stunned at your.... Well I won't go into words to describe it.

As for Conduit not being the new Halo. I'm sorry if you had really dilluded yourself to believe that was even possible. The reason you think the Conduit blows is because you over hyped yourself , setting yourself up for failure. That being said The Conduit isn't a horrible game and to be honest the FPS industry is pretty cookie cutter to begin with.

As for KillZone, I rented the first one thought it was alright , rented the second one and didn't really like it either. Both experiances were in my opinion worse then the Conduit. And yes TImeSplitters online and offline gameplay was heavenly and Halo3 rules. But that doesn't mean the Conduit sucked.

In the end I liked the Conduit, its no Halo killer, never thought it would be. But as a stand alone shooter it was just as good if not better then most third party offerings. Your comparing a third party game to likes of First Party titles. Thats just wrong as we all know a game developed by Microsoft or even Sony in house is going to be better then something a studio that made Dora games!

You set yourself up. Thats no bodies fault but your own.

That being said The Conduit is still a great game and the Grinder is looking pretty good as well. I think HVS is headed toward AAA+ developer status! Maybe Nintendo will pick them up and give them some more experianced staff! But in the end for a studio that developed cheaply liscensed childrens games they made a hell of a first person shooter!


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer


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The fact is, all of you guys are pathetic. See "Edit 3"

SNES boy your a little loose in the head huh. HVS used their own money to make the conduit before sega even backed them which probably limited them in a sense as companies like bungie had publishers from the start of thei fps cycles to help out with development costs.

The Conduit was only hailed because it is an above average shooter on the Wii, that just so happens to have an extremely generic style and offers nothing new to the table. If the conduit was on the PS3 or 360 it wouldn't sell to any serious shooter fan. At least the serious shooter fans who own the Wii have something to play now.

Snesboy said:
The fact is, all of you guys are pathetic. See "Edit 3"


"All you need in life is ignorance and confidence; then success is sure." - Mark Twain

"..." - Gordon Freeman

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Oh my lord the number of people falling for the Rol tactic here is amazing...

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

As much as I love the whole FPS thing. I think it is a fad and a fad that everyone will soon forget. Personally, I think Nintendo should have made this game and made it a platformer like Mario Galaxy, but without Mario, not set in the Mushroom Kingdom (or space or where ever the hell Galaxy was set), and more bloody bloody violence! Sadly, Nintendo doesn't really put effort into their games, like they should.

Can you imagine how full of win an online multiplayer platformer with voice acting, voicechat, competent online, a ranking system, no friend codes, fully integrated motion controls (i.e. not tacked on), and HD graphix would be?   Maybe Insomniac or Media Molecule should have made Galaxy 2?  It would be sooo awesome to shoot aliens and curse at my friends through a headset in a Mario game!  That would be truly epic!



Before you Nintendo fanboys get your panties in a wad, the above was all in good fun and meant in jest...

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^ This is you!

what if all these replies are genuine despite the joke thread?

It was written very poorly and was confusing.
But people really do think the story is generic. The fact is that no one bothers to really dig deep. If you do, you will understand how great the story actually is.

Go here to be blown away (hyperbole)

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Add me for Pokemon, New Leaf, and Fire Emblem, Mario Kart 8.

Destroyer_of_knights said:
what if all these replies are genuine despite the joke thread?

This is a joke thread?  Um, let me go back and edit my post then.  I should have put something more ridiculous in it.  Like Galaxy should have been deducted 2 points off of its metascore instantly because it had a generic story!

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^ This is you!