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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Top 3 Assassins in Gaming

When you think of an assassin you think bad guy.  They have a target their told to eliminate and do it as stealthy as they can be using the tools given.  Their meant to give the target a peaceful death while feeling no remorse, as an assassin you can’t let any emotions get to you and you must do your job as you were told.  Some assassins are bad sure, but there are some that do the job for a good cause, such as Agent 47 from the Hitman series.  You have those that take advantage of their skill and use it to eliminate the good in the world such as Vamp.  Here is our choice for the Top 3 Assassins in gaming.

3. VAMP (Metal Gear Solid)

Vamp from Metal Gear Solid series may not be known as an assassin, but he does posses some great qualities of one.  A man with or should I say women with many skills Vamp is unstoppable.  Vamp was originally designed as a woman, but when the character of Fortune was introduced, the design was changed to that of a man, although the long black hair was retained, he’s a man by all means.  If still a women, she would have been one of the most bad ass lady assassins around.  Vamp is a knife-throwing specialist, he’s endowed with multiple vamp. like abilities such as superhuman strength, speed and agility.  When fighting this assassin like character it feels as if you’re going against a unstoppable machine.  His ability to take a bullet through the head, run across and even stand on water makes him a god like character that’s impossible to defeat.

Vamp is a member of the Liquid Ocelot’s private army which was designed to rival Raiden, which is one of the elite ninjas in the Metal Gear Solid universe.  Clearly Vamp was made to assassinate all Snakes friends and make Liquid victorious.  What makes Vamp special is his abilities and whats required to kill him once and for all.  His immortality has been shown to be caused by nano-machines in his body that heal all of his wounds at an extraordinarily rate. You must use a syringe designed by Naomi Hunter to destabilize the functionality of nanos.

2. Agent 47 (Hitman)

Agent 47 and the number one spot on our list was hard to decide which one should be on top, but we are confident with our number one pick and couldn’t help it but have Agent 47 on list.  Agent 47 is a bad ass Assassin that makes it feel like assassinating people is a good thing.  With a variety of tools to help him do his jobs and a professional look that will make you think this is a ordinary business man.  Another thing many don’t know about the creation of Agent 47 is that his creation was funded by a cabal of criminal masterminds who donated their own DNA to the project.  Agent 47 is a anti-hero to the video game world, assassinating only those who did bad deeds made him a lovable assassin amongst all hated assassins such as Vampire from Metal Gear Solid 4.

Agent 47’s tools make him a slick assassin, that couldn’t even be matched by Sam Fishers sneakiness.  With the use of fiber wire, knives and injection, this assassin is up close when eliminating his targets.  The fiber wire gives you the ability to kill a target without leaving any trail such as blood, and makes it a silent assassination in mere seconds.  Knives like in Assassins Creed can be thrown at your targets, but will leave clues such as a possible blood spot.  One of the most favorite silent weapons in the game is the injection.  You can use the injector while using the knife or fiber wire, another way of going about it is that you can inject a drink or food with poison, by simply approaching the food and injecting it to take care of your target when they have a bite.  This is what makes Agent 47 a great assassin and adds a form of realism to his job.

1. Altair (Assassin's Creed)

If you haven’t played Assassins Creed yet, I’m not sure what you’ve been waiting for.  It is one of the best Assassins based game developed in a long time and it has you going through different cities such as Jerusalem and Masyef, assassinating targets that you were believed to be of the wrong doing.  What makes this game so special is it’s story and style of play along with the execution of each target.  Unlike Hitman, you are stripped of guns and modern weaponry and given only Ninja style tools to eliminate your target.  If it sounds like it’s fun to assassinate it sure is.  Altairs has some Ninja style weapons and techniques to help him assassinate his targets such as the hidden blade; Tucked right up his sleeve, you’ll be using the hidden blade for just about all your assassinations. Whenever you are tasked to perform a stealth kill, this is the weapon of choice for the gamer.

Using the blade with low profile kills will make sure you don’t alert others around you, this will give you some time to make your escape before someone sees the corpse. The same blade will also be useful when given a task of a high profile target fleeing for their lives. Using the blade in a common street fight is not so useful and should be avoided.  After all you are an assassin.  Among other weapons at Altairs disposal are long sword, short blade and my favorite throwing knifes.  Throwing Knife is your only long range attack, it is a powerful tool that almost always delivers you an instant kill when it hits the target.  So now you see why Altair was our first choice for Top 10 Assassin’s, he’s not a ninja, but he does posses some amazing combat and weapon skills.

Link to article --->

Tell me what you guys think. Dont like the list? Then post your top 3.



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Travis Touchdown.

hello how are you.

Well, in a fight......Vamp would destroy all of them.
Vamp wins


cause if his job is done right your not sure anything he did anything at all

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

I hate that bald guy.


It is better to die on one's feet

then live on one's knees

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Gray Fox?
Yuri Hyuga?

well i can go on, but Altair seriously isnt that good of an assassin, he never made a "Silent" kill at all. and his personality is just an assassin.

wheres Travis Touchdown?

Come on, Travis deserves a spot there.

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

I think Sam Fisher belongs on there. He may not 'technically' be called an assassin, but he sure gets sent on enough assassination missions.

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

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