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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - So then... Seraphic has a Wii now...

Well, in a manner of speaking...


My Uncle just got one, and so did my big brother, AND my big sister...

And now my mom and dad want one... O RLY?! is what i said!

The reasons my folks wanted the Wii was for guess what?! every LAST one of them said, now say it with me gents "FOR FAMILY TIME!!!" ...........................................................................................................................................



So then this leaves me to believe why 3rd parties sell like SHAT on the Wii when most people who buy it give me THAT answer.

And now it seems the damn console may end up in MY house!?


So then all in all... My Uncle and bro AND MOM asks if "Wii should play" im like... "Wtf... O_O" They all "lol" im like... "Get...that SD SHAT away from me!!!1111onehundredthousandmillion"

There like "Come on boy lets play sum golf! *winks*" ....

I then ask my uncle... "Hey Uncle i thought you're not into games anymore?" he says "Yeah, im not! *smiles with a stupid grin* im into family games!" then my aunty goes... "Yeah the wii is like a buncha of really cool board games all in one! *Another stupid grin*"

And don't even get me started with my MOM!! shes a Wii-Fangirl And i didn't even KNOW it till yesterday!

I ask... "Hey mum would you play Super Rub a Dub on PS3? its family friendly to AND it doesn't look like SHAT on an HDTV! (yes i say SHAT in real life rofl)...


*Uncle Stares @ me...*Aunty Stares Aswell* *Mom lol's @ me*

Im now like... what..?

They go "Wii-fit Helps you lose weight, can PS3 or the Xbox do that?"

I say.. "First of all its Xbox "360!!!!" xbox is last gen *rolls eyes* and i brought up, for that matter the Original Xbox is on-par if NOT stronger then the wii i say" ... "And the PS3 has Innovative games like singstar, and Eye of Judgement, and the 360 has Lips!"

And my Uncles a fairly weathy man, so i ask... "Uncle, why NOT get a PS3 and 360 now? since you haz a wii!"

He goes "Nah, boy, if i got it i'd have TO MUCH FUN because i've seen what they can do, but then i wouldn't be able to spend time with my familyzzzz"

Im now like ... "Wha.... O_O ... You refuse to buy one or both of the HD's due to the fact you'd have MORE fun with them?!?!?!?!"

He then... *Nods with that stupud grin still intact*


Then out of the fucking blue RIGHT before i go HD fanboy on his ass...

My uncles daughter randomly comes out of her room with a DSLite in her right hand and DSi in her left SCREAMING like a banshee "WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I then *sigh* look at them and softly and speak these words... "You casual gamers"


So with that said i now blame Wii-fit for absorbing my family, thank you nintendo for pwning them i hope you burn in the flames of divine holy gamers hellfire for this utter blasphemy!!!!!

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Mildly funny. I loved "HD fanboy on his ass" lol

hang there >_o


"wii helps u lose weight".

ROFL so does exercise and its free and more fun and twice as fast.

how dare they have fun on the inferior Wii? dont they know it doesn't even display HD, i would break their wii if i was you and replace it with a PS2.

Wii/Mario Kart Wii Code:2793-0686-5434

Gratz man! I got a Wii as Well! You have a fun month ahead of you.

*Disclaimer: The preceding statement was a joke. Wii is great. If you took offence, there is a 78% chance that you have sand in your vagina.

Around the Network
Cougarman said:
how dare they have fun on the inferior Wii? dont they know it doesn't even display HD, i would break their wii if i was you and replace it with a PS2.


If i did that my uncle would shove his phat PS2 up my arse, which he now leaves in the guest room.

Thats like saying Wii > PS2... Which is nothing but lies.

Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
Cougarman said:
how dare they have fun on the inferior Wii? dont they know it doesn't even display HD, i would break their wii if i was you and replace it with a PS2.


If i did that my uncle would shove his phat PS2 up my arse, which he now leaves in the guest room.

Thats like saying Wii > PS2... Which is nothing but lies.


that whole post was wack, i mean i asked you to replace a SD console with another SD console :P

Wii/Mario Kart Wii Code:2793-0686-5434

At least now you can play MH3

Some kind of joke?

If so it was kinda funny.

If not a joke, then you are an ass, and this is the worst thread I have seen in a good week at least.

Like, O-M-G Clara, like my mom is TOTALLY LAME... she plays video games... can you believe that... *twists hair around finger* *chews bubble gum* Like o mai gahd... they play that stupid Wii I just don't understand... Clara do you think I'm stupid?

(lol really what I thought in my head when I read the story sorry :P)

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000