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Forums - Sony Discussion - Kaz definitely turning things around

I too am curious as to exactly why people are hopeful based on what was said at the keynote. I read a number of very vague statements, and to be honest you cannot draw concrete conclusions on statements like back to basics. That means something different to everyone, and triggers a nostalgia response. However what if their idea of basics is cloning every game Nintendo makes. What if their idea of basic is to do everything that Nintendo does a few months later.

I have to say I was not impressed by the rumble announcement. I am not impressed by the perceived need to have rumble in controllers in the first place. When rumble came on the market it was fun. You take a hit shake. However it is over ten years later and its still take a hit and shake. Most developers do not use the technology for anything remotely useful other then to shake your hands numb. This was not a PS3 problem it was a gaff at the system by players who did not own it. Did people really care this much.

Why are people happy about the Non HD gaming comments. Thats not a good thing. Thats a really bad thing. You spent over $350 more in North America for the most part to get those great visuals and now they are going to abandon them in favor of gameplay. Thats not good thats bad they are talking about reducing the quality in favor of volume. You the owner is going to get worse games. So that Sony can sell more consoles. How is that remotely fair.

I am very confused by all this up beat attitude. Perhaps I am missing something could someone enlighten me. I also have to say this if you want this forum to be a private forum perhaps you should poll the PS3 community, and ask for this forum not to allocate hot topics to the main page. Not sure why that would be a good idea the forum would stagnate, and you would be hiding positive PS3 posts like the system were a leper, but I suppose if are anti social on a multi system site your anti social.

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I am figuring I won't get a PS3 until at least Xmas 2008 now. By then the price will drop (twice hopefully), there will be some great games out, and Sony will have got their act together. All the good games that are coming out this Xmas through spring 2008 will be bargain priced, and therefore I will have saved a ton of cash...

I want the rumored 40 Gb console with network connectivity. I have no care for the other features as they are covered in my existing setup (except for blu-ray)... To be frank, blu-ray and hd dvd stink. Not worth the price vs. return on investment of either right now.

Fanboyism aside, the value isn't there for the cost yet, and if I wait hopefully it will be... If PS3 becomes a killer console with KZ2 and MGS4, I can go get one, it's not like the PS3 overstock will evaporate given the current state of affairs. No sense of urgency has been created to get a PS3 but I still want one eventually...

That's my story and I think that it would be the story from a lot of people that try to objectively look at the PS3 console right now.

Common people , TGS is great allready , for me KH for the PSP made my day , and it seams that the PS3 got lots of love to ... why are many trying to ruin this ... seriously , just go away as kber81 asked you :?

Vote the Mayor for Mayor!

Hus said:
Magera said:
Yikes kber81. What's up with you today? -Are you seriously that insulted by comments that you gotta throw insults around?

Seriously dude, it's not like your life is going to be effected by what is said in a forum. Just ignore other peoples comments if they are not appropriate. Just don't go and get yourself banned because of one of them.

Nothing is wrong with him.

Its the same thing i bitch about, you cant make a sony does something good thread witout wii60 fanboys fucking it up and Thats in the damn sony forum.

fishjoy only own the wii, posts Nintendo ass kissing threads/negative sony threads.



 Yeah do you think you can make a thread about how good nintendo is without some sony trolls coming round to say the graphics stink???

Seriously guys don't insult people just because they got a different opinion. Ignore them or contradict them but don't insult them. That's just childish. 

It's part of the reason that I try and stick to 360 and Wii threads. Sony fans are well...let me put this nicely "very sensitive." Which is bit ironic given the venom they have been known to spew.

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I seriously don't understand what the great turn around is... maybe Kaz is starting to make things turn around but it really seems to me at the moment every decision Sony makes is a band-aid slap this here, do that... gosh we have to try and do something!

Rumble is another thing like that... it should have been there from the start, existing owners feel gymped without it now that the new one is announced.

Its the same as the PS3 price drop... happened at a time with no really pivotal games and nothing else to help further the value. Microsoft on the other hand have done a great job of introducing and increasing volume and momentum moving towards christmas in all territories...

If Kaz is starting to turn the boat, then how long does that take until anything actually happens?

I'm not trolling this thread - I would like to have some discussion about this but I personally can't see what has been so great about Sony's GDC show? They are kicking arse with all the news because they seem to be pretty much the only ones with a large presence at the show.

Hus said:
Magera said:
Yikes kber81. What's up with you today? -Are you seriously that insulted by comments that you gotta throw insults around?

Seriously dude, it's not like your life is going to be effected by what is said in a forum. Just ignore other peoples comments if they are not appropriate. Just don't go and get yourself banned because of one of them.

Nothing is wrong with him.

Its the same thing i bitch about, you cant make a sony does something good thread witout wii60 fanboys fucking it up and Thats in the damn sony forum.

fishjoy only own the wii, posts Nintendo ass kissing threads/negative sony threads.



Also, keep in mind the last like 20 threads someone posts in show up on the main page.  That's where I get to these threads, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.  So while it may seem like people coming into the sony forum, it's not as straightforward as that.

Also, again.  Why aren't you banned?  I've yet to see you make one worthwhile post, and dozens of insulting ones.

I'm glad that Sony released a *last-gen* rumble controller but I'm still irritated that they didn't have one ready at launch. They really botched the entire PS3 controller situation (boomerang, then reworked DualShock with no shock) and it kinda pisses me off that I have to buy another controller and that no one will want to use my current SixAxis anymore.

Or check out my new webcomic:

Have we moved to a point where the Sony fanatics have mutated into blatant trolls. I am afraid so they behave more like cornered animals than hardware loyalists at this point. Not all of them mind you, but some are crossing the lines of good taste. Tossing out insults, flame baits, and even vulgarities. I have always felt if you wouldn't dare say something to someone in real life. Why would you do it online. Your own sense of shame should keep you in check if nothing else. I think the mods need to start clamping down before it gets out of hand before F bombs begin to get hurled at eleven year old posters.

What I find interesting is after every single one of these events we get the same old tired reply. Sony is turning the ship around. They have not been right yet, and they are probably not right now. When you ask why these conferences were so good you get nary a reply. They avoid the question like its a black cloud of death. They just say it was fantastic and Sony won. This time around it seems to be vague promises that only highlight the problems the machine has.

I find it interesting also that Sony has not developed a strong energetic direction. During the Microsoft E3 showing they focused with an almost singular devotion on their games lineup. So much so they drilled the notion into gamers that Microsoft not Sony or Nintendo would have the best games for the rest of the year. This goes unquestioned by everyone. Nintendo screams we are doing well and look at our gimmicks that you will get to play with. They were not all that impressive, but guess what we all know the names. Sony didn't really create a positive buzz they seemed desperate in effect. Finally most people here probably cannot remember even half of what Sony said. We were too caught up in the price reduction banter, and misrepresentations.

There is a fundamental difference between plowing forward and trying to keep the ship from sinking. They made a couple decent announcements, and then highlight their own problems with a net gain of zero. Everyone knows their problems what they need to do is highlight all the bright points. They are spinning in circles rather then spinning our attention. There were better strategies.

Dodece said:
Have we moved to a point where the Sony fanatics have mutated into blatant trolls. I am afraid so they behave more like cornered animals than hardware loyalists at this point. Not all of them mind you, but some are crossing the lines of good taste. Tossing out insults, flame baits, and even vulgarities. I have always felt if you wouldn't dare say something to someone in real life. Why would you do it online. Your own sense of shame should keep you in check if nothing else. I think the mods need to start clamping down before it gets out of hand before F bombs begin to get hurled at eleven year old posters.

What I find interesting is after every single one of these events we get the same old tired reply. Sony is turning the ship around. They have not been right yet, and they are probably not right now. When you ask why these conferences were so good you get nary a reply. They avoid the question like its a black cloud of death. They just say it was fantastic and Sony won. This time around it seems to be vague promises that only highlight the problems the machine has.

I find it interesting also that Sony has not developed a strong energetic direction. During the Microsoft E3 showing they focused with an almost singular devotion on their games lineup. So much so they drilled the notion into gamers that Microsoft not Sony or Nintendo would have the best games for the rest of the year. This goes unquestioned by everyone. Nintendo screams we are doing well and look at our gimmicks that you will get to play with. They were not all that impressive, but guess what we all know the names. Sony didn't really create a positive buzz they seemed desperate in effect. Finally most people here probably cannot remember even half of what Sony said. We were too caught up in the price reduction banter, and misrepresentations.

There is a fundamental difference between plowing forward and trying to keep the ship from sinking. They made a couple decent announcements, and then highlight their own problems with a net gain of zero. Everyone knows their problems what they need to do is highlight all the bright points. They are spinning in circles rather then spinning our attention. There were better strategies.

 I think you miss the key point, Sony has started listening to their fan base. Hence their blog site where developers and executives speech directly to the fans. The fans asked for Sony to show games, well they did, at E3 they showed tons of games, GC tons of games, and now TGS they have begun showing tons of massive beautiful titles. So spinning in circles they are not, they are listening directly to their fan base now adding requested features to the PS3, announcing new games, etc etc. 


@rocketpig - actually the final controller will be using Immersion's touch-sense technology.  

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