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Forums - Gaming Discussion - If no PS3 price cut, then Wii60 will steam roll over PS3 in holiday 2009

gameman said:
Well Microsoft is having YOY increases and Sony is having YOY decreases. Like I said, I thought this was a sales discussion web site. How can we avoid that fact and have an actual conversation? People are so jumpy.


360 sales isn't that better than PS3 sales.  I think people will buy the PS3 for the games.  Look how it is doing in Japan and the PS3 cost way more than the 360 and Wii in Japan.

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You just wanna see all hell break loose in a single thread, don't you OP????

4 ≈ One

C_Hollomon said:
gameman said:
Well Microsoft is having YOY increases and Sony is having YOY decreases. Like I said, I thought this was a sales discussion web site. How can we avoid that fact and have an actual conversation? People are so jumpy.


360 sales isn't that better than PS3 sales.  I think people will buy the PS3 for the games.  Look how it is doing in Japan and the PS3 cost way more than the 360 and Wii in Japan.


The Ps3 cost way more everywhere else too


How come it says "posts: 4" under gameman but when u click on his profile you can see he has actually made 7 posts?

Zizzla_Rachet said: 

The Ps3 cost way more everywhere else too


Yes I know but the PS3 sales is doing better than 360 and Wii in Japan because of FF13.  That just prove people will buy a PS3 for the games no matter how much it cost.  I don't care how much the PS3 is I will still buy it for the games it have.

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I agree. They don't stand a chance against a $250 wii or a $200 360 arcade (which totals about $350 or more after Xbox live and a hard drive...just saying)

PS3 needs a price cut if they're going for sales. If they are going for profit then they should use the 45nm chip for a while without a price drop to make some profit, then later drop the price. The least they could do is make a slim PS3 to go along with Gran Turismo 5 then they might stand a chance.

gameman said:

It doesnt matter what games Sony might have, momentum is on Xbox 360 and Wii's side. If Sony doesnt slash the prices, it could be worse than holiday 2008. The sales data for the first half of this year provide plenty of proof the substantiate the facts. Even the amazing and breath taking AAA heavely hyped Killzone 2 couldnt make a dent in sales. What will Sony do? They dont want the shed another $billion dollars and they dont want to lose market share. (A $100 price cut would reduce income by a $billion dollars for every 10 million units sold. )


Even with a price cut, they will still be the most expensive console.

there's nothing wrong with the thread.

It remains to be seen If sony will chase market share at the expence of profits If they do this it could be sending a very bad message to share holders.

They have layed workers off to stablize the company then to cut the price and lose more money this on the face of it don't make sense.

The PS3 is viable at the moment so why would they want to lose more money.

There's no price cut now and 360 is only 20k ahead this week. You call that steamrolling?

FFXIII will push sales in Japan. If GT5 makes it out this year the Sony have nothing to worry about.

Well, duh...

Did it really take you this long to figure that out?

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