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Forums - Gaming Discussion - If no PS3 price cut, then Wii60 will steam roll over PS3 in holiday 2009

One thing people don't seem to get is that the 360 isn't really doing all that much better than the PS3. It's still being destroyed by the Wii, and it's only managed to increase its lead over the PS3 by about 3 million units since launch.


Consoles owned: Saturn, Dreamcast, PS1, PS2, PSP, DS, PS3

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I wonder what a price cut, if announced, would do for the PS3.

A price cut would increase PS3 sales by between 50%and 250% depending on how big it was but for how long and at what cost to sony.

If it comes I think it be mid to late october in time for holiday sales.

mjdans said:
A price cut would increase PS3 sales by between 50%and 250% depending on how big it was but for how long and at what cost to sony.

If it comes I think it be mid to late october in time for holiday sales.


Someone has high expectations. I don't think it will spike that much, and if it does it will be short lived unless that price cut is about $200.


That was pretty much my point I believe that keeping the company strong will be there main aim makes price drop small or not at all.

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mjdans said:

That was pretty much my point I believe that keeping the company strong will be there main aim makes price drop small or not at all.


At this point i don't think Sony can make a price cut. They would be taking a hit in their weak point for massive damage.

It's pointless for the PS3 to cut its price. REASON: cheapassgamers will always complain (it's $300 after the price cut, they should cut its price again). All of you complained with a $600 machine, then $500, then $400, and then will complain about $300, and then $200.  STHL.  With its current list of games, if you don't want to get it at $400, then too bad. You won't get to play those games. I will get my PS3 once the 45nm comes out.  I am a full time UCSD undergrad with a part time job.  People who don't have a job shouldn't be playing video games, people who don't want to get a job, too bad.  People who can't get a job...I've been there, but things will get better.  The fact is, everyone would pretty much want a PS3 for free.  It ain't going to happen unless you won it or something.

For all the bashing going on in this thread, and accusations of trolling. Remember this nobody forced anyone to respond. The original poster may be looking for trouble, but so are the responders. Actually it is truly idiotic. A lot of you bitch about the same redundant threads, but you respond every damn time they are posted. Which bumps them up the page. While novel threads slip right off the bottom. You control the content. There is such a thing as beneath comment.

To put it in layman's terms if you keep feeding them they are never going to leave. The truth though is that a lot of you get off on this sadomasochism, or self abuse for the uninformed. You enjoy the normalcy, or enjoy having a target to vent against. So you really should thank the original poster for giving you exactly what you want. Most of you would have ignored a unbiased, intelligent, original post had that been the one provided after all.

this has been beaten o death and it is more or less the truth. THe economy is Closing peoples wallets and for the most part games are not going to be as big of a concern as price is and the 360/wii have (at this point in time) a much more compelling price

Long Live SHIO!

I really dont understand why this is so hard to believe. i said IF THERE IS NO PRICE CUT!!! If they cut the price, they can turn things around. Xbox 360 has out sold the PS3 every single week since last August except for one. Its probably not gonna change unless Sony cuts the price. Like I said, If Sony cuts the price, they CAN smoke the Xbox 360, but not with out one.