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It's pointless for the PS3 to cut its price. REASON: cheapassgamers will always complain (it's $300 after the price cut, they should cut its price again). All of you complained with a $600 machine, then $500, then $400, and then will complain about $300, and then $200.  STHL.  With its current list of games, if you don't want to get it at $400, then too bad. You won't get to play those games. I will get my PS3 once the 45nm comes out.  I am a full time UCSD undergrad with a part time job.  People who don't have a job shouldn't be playing video games, people who don't want to get a job, too bad.  People who can't get a job...I've been there, but things will get better.  The fact is, everyone would pretty much want a PS3 for free.  It ain't going to happen unless you won it or something.